Amber Romance

- - - - -

- The Conclusion -

Chapter 8

"Tonight's the night, Daisuke!" Dark smirked.

"Y-Yeah..." Daisuke frowned.

"What's wrong, Daisuke?" Dark chuckled lightly.

"N-No mess-ups?" Daisuke stammered worriedly.

Dark closed his eyes and drew his eyebrows tightly. He inhaled deeply and thrust the air back out, opening his violet eyes to glare back at the red-haired boy.

"No, Daisuke! We won't mess this up!" He paused when he saw some hurt in the younger boy's eyes. "No, it's too easy." He smiled at Daisuke.

Daisuke smiled back.

- - - - -

Daisuke stepped out of his house and into the street. He inhaled the crisp clean air and took in the surreal silence. Tonight will be Dark's grand perfomance, the most extraordinary since his forty year disappearance...and the last...

"Dark?" Daisuke's voice softly echoed in the streets.

"Yes, Daisuke?" Dark answered softly.

"Will you stay?" Daisuke whispered.

"Stay?" Dark repeated the red-eyed boy's words.

"Stay with me...please don't leave me!" Daisuke looked up into the starry sky, expecting to see Dark.

Dark smiled in the boy's thoughts and came forth, gaining a solid form, his angelic human body forming in front of Daisuke's eyes. He smiled at his host sweetly and took the smaller boy into his arms. He smoothed his hands over his hair, buring his fingers in the scarlet inferno. He began to press soft kisses to his temple and cheek.

"I don't know if I'll be able too." He whispered sadly.

Daisuke cried out and wrapped his arms tightly around the older boy. Dark let out a soft chuckle and hugged the boy back.

"Daisuke...whatever happens tonight...just forget about it, alright? You have Satoshi...and that's all you need. Even if I'm not there to share the happiness with you." Dark soothed Daisuke, brushing his bangs out of his face.

Daisuke's face distorted to a pained expression.

Dark turned his face to look at the moon instead of the boy's face. It held so much pain, he couldn't bare to gaze upon it any longer.

"The looks beautiful tonight." Dark replied, hoping to change the subject.

" reminds me of you."

"Hm?" Dark looked back at the younger boy. "How so?"

"The darkness around protects the moon and incases it in a beautiful form. It's a precious treasure...waiting to be stolen. I swear I see the moon in your eyes when you smile." Daisuke smiled sadly. "I'm going to miss that."

"...Daisuke...remember this, for me. It has been something that I have failed to realize for a long time."

"What?" Daisuke blinked away small tears that threatened to appear.

"The world...this world is not perfect...but that is what makes it so beautiful." Daisuke smiled and cuddled up to Dark once again, buring his face in his chest.

"And remember, forget about whatever happens tonight, you got me?" Dark gave his trademark grin.

"Y-Yes...for you I will." Daisuke forced a smile to his face.

"Oh, and Daisuke?"


"I love you." Daisuke smiled warmly.

- - - - -


"Huh?" Daisuke turned to see his lover. "Oh, Satoshi." He smiled.

"I missed you." He immediately tipped Daisuke's chin up and kissed him passionately.

"Mmm, Satoshi." Daisuke smiled and peered deep into his eyes. He lightly gasped when he saw a golden glare flash somewhere in the cerulean depths.

"Something wrong, Daisuke?" Satoshi tipped his head to the side in confusion.

"Umm, no." He smiled and wrapped his arms around the young commander's arm, resting his head on his shoulder. "It's nothing."

"Well, let's go." He smirked, wrapping an arm around Daisuke's shoulders.

As they began to walk away, two transparent forms departed from Satoshi and Daisuke without their knowing. Krad turned into a solid form, glaring at the opposite being.

"Dark...we will settle this...once...and for all."

" will not end well...will it?"

"No it will not." Krad glared maliciously. "Not since you-"

"Krad..." Dark closed his eyes in slight annoyance and drew in a deep breath.

"No! Don't you dare start that again!" Krad screamed. "You left me! You lied to me!"

"For the thousandth time I did not!" Dark's glare could have easily matched the blonde's. Krad barely cringed as he placed his arms at his side.

"You said you'd be back for said-"

"I wasn't planning on Kaitoh's crush to return his love, Krad!"

- - - - -

"Daisuke, isn't the food any good?" Satoshi gave Daisuke a puzzled expression. "You haven't touched it since you ordered it."

"Umm, yeah, it's good. I'm just...just thinking..." Daisuke looked back at his food. 'What should I say D-...Dark? Dark?' Daisuke's eyes widened. He dropped his fork. Then he began to fidget in his seat uncomfortably. He was beginning to feel like an idiot. Satoshi took him to a nice restaurant to have a romantic dinner and here he was thinking about Dark.

"Daisuke." Satoshi reached out and held the crimson-haired boy's hand in his own. "Please, tell me what's wrong." He gave the boy a worried look.

"I-Is Krad with you?" Daisuke repiled in a hushed whisper.

"Yes, he i-..." He was cut off. 'Krad? Krad!' Satoshi glanced down at his plate as well. "...No...he isn't."

"Dark...Dark's going to steal the Sapphire Despair."

Satoshi let out a sigh. "Krad knows he's stealing something...he just doesn't know what. But he's planning to stop him."

"W-What do we do?" Daisuke shuddered, dropping his fork.

The young commander peered at Daisuke over the top of his frames. "...We stay out of their way."

"B-But-!" Satoshi leaned forward and placed his fingertips over Daisuke's lips.

"Let them settle this forty year feud. Maybe we'll find out if either one of them have a heart." Satoshi pulled his fingers away and replaced them with his lips. Daisuke smiled into the kiss and closed his eyes. Satoshi whispered against his lips. "They'll be fine, Daisuke."

- - - - -

"He-wha?" Krad took a step back.

Dark kept his ground, looking solemn as he had never been.

"That's right. S-She returned his love." Sadness flashed over Dark's face.

"I...I don't believe you!" Krad screamed.

"It's true."

"Stop lying!" Krad slapped his hands over his own ears.

"It's the truth, Krad."

"SHUT UP!" Krad lunged at Dark and tackled him to the ground. He raised his arms high, preparing to attack. He extended his nails, glaring maliciously at the violet-eyed boy beneath him. He tried to bring his arms down, but he couldn't. He couldn't find the strength.


"Shut up or I'll kill you!"

"You can't do-"

"I said shut up!"

"You can't do it!" Dark reared his legs back and kicked Krad off of him. (A.N. Like in Kingdom Hearts. When you knock Riku down and you don't pay any attention and he rebounds with a fierce kick.)

"Wiz!" Dark extended his arm, calling the rabbit-like creature to him. At that moment Wiz created a smokescreen, and he was gone.

"Dark..." Krad seethed, staring thorugh the smoke at the Phantom Thief.

"Let's go!" Dark dashed at Krad, throwing a punch.

At that moment, Krad parried by crossing his arms, but Dark came back with a powerful kick to his gut. Krad fell to the ground in pain holding his stomach. Dark gave him a conceited grin.

- - - - -

'I hope Wiz doesn't give me away.' Dark jumped from building to building. 'There it is, the musuem.'

He leaped stealthily to the large building, making sure he wasn't seen. It was at most times that Dark loved the publicity of his escapades. Who wouldn't?But tonight he couldn't afford to let the police or anyone else to mess this up for him. Even Krad got Satoshi to stay out of the way.

Dark slipped into the musuem, not tripping any of the alarms. He lightly gasped.

'There it is.' He made his way to the glass box that encased the cold ice pendant. 'The Sapphire Despair.'

He pressed his fingers against the cool surface, testing its thickness. He then pressed his hand through the glass as if it was water grabbing the Sapphire Despair, pulling it out. He smiled and slipped it on around his neck. He felt a small pain stab at his heart. Ignoring it, he pressed his palm against his chest and turned on his heel to leave.

- - - - -

Krad was now getting the upper hand, shoving 'Dark' around. He grabbed his arm and slung him into a stone wall, causing it to crash into pieces.

"Dark! I know you could've taken that! Now come out and face me!" He walkedon the debris and found...a small rabbit creature that had fainted from the crushing blow.

"WHAT! DAAAARK!" Krad screamed, the ground rumbling as his rage was unleashed. His wings lashed out in anger and he took flight, scanning the land below for the violet-eyed boy.

- - - - -

"A-Awh!" Dark clamped his hand over his chest. "" He struggled to walk down alley ways, hoping that he didn't run into any boy crazy girls. He stepped out into the open as a certain golden-eyed blonde spotted him.

"DARK!" Krad come down on top of the unsuspecting purple-haired boy.

"H-Huh!" Dark looked up to see the homicidal blonde, but was too weak to move. Krad ended up tackling him to the ground, straddling his waist.

"How dare you trick me!" Krad leaned forward to get a better look at the thief. "Huh? That...necklace..."

Dark lashed his hand out, slipping it into Krad's robes. He pulled out a familar golden pendant, it sparkling as it twisted from the string it hung on.

"T-That." Krad leaned back slightly as Dark wrapped it around the angel's neck. He began to growl at the dark haired boy, but stopped as he felt a tug at his heart, and his eyes began to water. "D-Dark...the-"

- Forty years ago -

"Take it." He smiled warmly at his new love.

"Wha-what is it?" Krad turned the pendant over in his palms. His eyes widened when he saw its rich and lustery golden color.

Dark kissed Krad on the side of his head and softly chucked. "That's the Amber Romance."

"Amber...Romance?" Krad blushed.

"Yes. There's a legend behind it. It amplifies the love of the wearer's heart tenfold. Making you feel what is in your heart when you are deceiving your self, and denying your love for the person you feel it for. When wearing this, you can tell your love how you feel. Its color represents the light of a clear and pure heart." Dark paused when he saw Krad examining it carefully. "It has a lover."

"A lover?"

"The Sapphire also has a legend. It will hurt your heart. It brings harm upon the one who wears it. Whenver you try to tell of your true emotions, it will seize your heart, spearing the love from it...until you die." Dark paused for another second, watching Krad's expression change. "Its color represents the darkness of a lonely heart. It's a reminder that its wearer will never find true love."

"That's awful." Krad grimaced.

"It is. When the two are together, a trial between the two will start. If the love is true between the two lovers, they will live forever in happiness. If not...the one who beared the Sapphire Despair will die from a weak heart. And the Amber Romance will keep its bearer alive for eternity to mourn the loss of their love. But to survive the test, both bearers must have a clear mind and a clear heart. They must think of no one but each other."

"I-I see... don't have the Sapphire Despair, do you?" Krad trembled.

"No, it has remained unfound. All I have is the Amber Romance...and it's yours."

"It' beautiful..." Krad blushed brightly, stroking the golden surface.

"You'd look lovely wearing it." Dark smiled. He nuzzled the side of the angel's cheek lovingly.

"Such a beautiful name...I love it..."

- - - - -

"Oh God, the legend is true." Krad's eyes overflowed with tears as he collapsed on top of the dark haired boy.

Dark gasped for breath as he stroked his angel's hair. Krad then raised up, making a grab for the Sapphire Despair.

"Krad?" Dark covered the pendant.

"Take it off! Take it off NOW!"

Dark shook his head. "No...I-I love you-Awhh!" He cried out, gripping his chest.

"You idiot! Take it off! Take it off!" Krad begged, tears lacing his cheeks. "You said it wasn't found!"

"A lot can happen in forty years." Dark gasped out.

Krad expression saddened.

Dark reached out and grabbed the hair in the back of Krad's head, pulling him close to kiss him. Krad whimpered into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the Phantom Thief, pulling their chests together.

Darkpulled back, slightly smiling. He pointed down at the pendants. Krad looked down and gasped. The Amber Romance and the Sapphire Despair were touching.

He pulled Krad's head down once again to whisper into his ear.

"Let the trial begin."

- - - - -

"'re shaking. Are you cold?" Satoshi took his coat off and wrapped it around his lover's shoulders. Daisuke took the coat gratefully. He then pressed the side of his face into the pale-haired boy's shoulder, gently nuzzling him in appreciation.

"Thank you, Satoshi." He smiled.

"Are you okay?" He smiled back stroking his lover's cheek with the backside of his hand.

"Yeah...I'm just worried." Daisuke looked down at the ground, his eyes not betraying anything different.

Satoshi let out a small sigh. "Then I guess it can't be helped."


"Let's see if we can find them."

"Ah! O-Oh Satoshi! Thank you!" The crimson-haired boy held the young commander in a death grip.

" breathing..."

- - - - -

Two strong powers erupted from the pendants, encasing the two angels in an oblivion. The blonde's ears ringed with a loud rummbling. He looked around at his surroundings. 'W-What is this?' A golden light surrounded himself while a dark and horrid night surrounded the other.


" love me?" Dark managed to gasp out.

"Yes! Yes I do!"

Dark let out a scream, gripping his chest in terrible pain.

"D-Dark!" Krad placed his hands over Dark's.


"N-No I'm not! I'm wearing the Amber Romance! I'm not lying! I love you!"

Dark let out another blood chilling scream as tears blurred his vision.

'W-What do I do! The Sapphire Despair is killing his heart! B-But I'm not lying! The Amber Romance...'

Dark screamed even louder, tossing his head back.

"Please help me!" Krad screamed out.

Random images danced across Krad's memory. Images of the past...images of the present. Sweet memories...forbidden memories...happy memories...sad memories...memories of hatred and anger. Pent up anger for a dark angel for 4 decades...The happiness. Happy moments with the dark angel. Memories with the angel were enchanting, wonderful, and magical. image of Satoshi flashed in Krad's memory.

"Dark! I love you, Dark!" Krad screamed into the roaring energy clash. ' mind isn't clear!'

Dark's work went black...

"Dark! Can you hear me! Dark!" Krad tried reaching out for the Phantom Thief...but something was holding him back.

- - - - -

The two boys walked along the sidewalk, looking for two certain angels.

"Hey...look at that wall! Satoshi look!" Daisuke dashed up to the crumbled wall. "Wiz!" He picked up the rabbit and lightly shook him to wake him.


"He's been knocked out pretty badly." Daisuke sat Wiz on his shoulders, letting him rest.

"They've been here." Satoshi stared at the wall.

"Krad too?" Daisuke looked up at the young commander.

"Mm hmm...him too." The pale-haired boy gave a sigh of exasperation. "Nothing else could've made him that angry."

"Where could they be now?" Daisuke's expression turned to a look of pain.

"I don't know." Satoshi gazed sadly upon the boy's face. Then he perked up and looked at the sky.

"W-What's wrong, Satoshi?" Daisuke looked up as well.

"Over there at the city square...let's go!" He grabbed the crimson-eyed boy's arm and led him through the city's mazes and alley ways. Every mind bending turn made Daisuke more and more anxious. He tried keeping up with the young commander, but most of the time ended up tripping over his own feet. He secured Wiz, making sure that he was safe and comfortable.

When the two boys reached the city square, they could do nothing but stare.

"W-What is that? What is it doing to Dark!" Daisuke screamed.

"I-I don't it...Death?" Satoshi leaned forward, trying to get a better look.

In place of the dark night Krad saw, Daisuke and Satoshi saw a mysterious, but especially handsome man with long straight black hair that fell to his feet. He also held beautiful deep sapphire blue eyes. He was wrapped in black and sapphire blue robes. He held Dark up with one arm around his back and with the other hand, he pressed an enormous black scythe deep into his chest.

In place of the golden light Krad saw, they saw a beautiful angel with sun golden hair as long as his own body and gorgeous white and golden robes to match. His soft golden eyes had nothing but sadness as tears streamed down his cheeks. He held his arms under Krad's, holding him back, preventing the blonde from reaching the violet-haired boy.

"DARK!" Daisuke ran towards the apparitions, running for Dark. Anything to get that terrible creature away from Dark before he kills him! The mysterious man looked up at Daisuke just in time. His eyes glimmered, and Daisuke ran into an invisible barrier.

"What the-! No! DARK!" Daisuke screamed, pounding against the invisible force.

Krad looked up wearily...and defeated. There was nothing he could do. He was going to live forever in guilt and sorrow...and Dark was going to die. He tipped his head back, looking towards the heavens, letting his tears, sobs, and everything else he was ashamed of over come him.

'Krad...' Satoshi watched painfully as his other half suffered slowly.

As if hearing his counterpart's voice, Krad slowly tipped his head to look at the pale-haired boy. His golden eyes, mirroring all the pain in his heart. Satoshi's eyes saddened.

'This isn't right...' He watched the angel with a heavy heart.

'It's not right at all!'

Daisuke threw his weight against the barrier with all of his will. But to no avail, the barrier showed no signs of giving in.

"Noooooo!" He wailed.

Satoshi walked to Daisuke's side, pulling him up straight. He knew what he was going to say next hurt his love's feelings...but it had to be done.

"...Say goodbye, Daisuke." The scarlet-haired boy jerked his head up at the young commander, tears overflowing in his crimson depths.

"Never! I'll never say goodbye!" Daisuke scratched against the unseen wall madly.

"Now's the time, Daisuke! You'll never see Dark again!" But Daisuke protested loudly.

Satoshi's loud voice attracted Krad's attention. 'He's the one...he's the one keeping me from...' The sounds of the rummbling energy grew louder in the blonde's ears. He winced as he opened his mouth to speak.


"Krad?" Satoshi jumped at the sound of the blonde's hoarse voice.

"I love Dark!" He cried out. "I love Dark!"

The angel slowly turned his head to look at Satoshi as if he were waiting for him to say something. The pale-haired boy looked back, terribly confused. Daisuke trembled against Satoshi's body. He looked down and saw his world. Everything he ever wanted was in his arms. That's when he finally understood! Dark was Krad's and Daisuke was his, and it was no other way.

"Krad!" Satoshi screamed to the blonde.

He wearily looked at his host and trembled from weakness.

"I-I love Daisuke!"

The angel recoiled his arms, dropping Krad's body onto the ground. He smiled and his tears stopped at once. Dark however was still unconscious. The black-haired man looked at Daisuke.

"Daisuke." Satoshi shook the younger boy, gaining his attention.

"I-I...I..." Daisuke's eyes teared.

"You have to tell him the truth...that you love me."

"I-I do love you, Satoshi!"

" can't love Dark like that. This is a trial. You must tell the truth Daisuke."

Daisuke's mind flooded over. He loved Dark dearly! But...would he have to renounce his emotions he harbored for the Phantom Thief? He looked into the eyes of the dark apparition. His blue eyes darkened sadly and he pressed the blade further into Dark's chest.

"No! Don't you dare hurt him! I love him!"

"Daisuke..." Satoshi stared at the red-haired boy. The black-haired apparition gazed at Daisuke with a puzzled expression.

"Yes I love him! But that doesn't mean that I don't love Satoshi! Satoshi is my lover! And Dark is my friend! If you kill him, I'll never forgive you!"

The dark, mysterious man smiled and pulled the blade from Dark's chest. At that moment Dark took in a deep gasp of air, filling his lungs with sweet oxygen. He willed his eyes to open. He wanted to see him...he wanted to see hislovely angel in all his beautiful glory. Instead he saw his angel with a pained, and hurting face filled with tears.

"Krad..." He whispered.

"Dark...Oh Dark!" Krad achingly forced his body up and he jumped into Dark's arms. The violet-haired boy cried out and held his angel tightly in his arms. "Dark I thought I lost you!" Krad sobbed, gripping his love for dear life.

"I'm sorry." Dark muttered with sorrowful regret. "I'm so sorry." He pressed his lips against the angel's passionately. Krad leaned into the kiss, deepening it.

Daisuke smiled and nuzzled Satoshi, buring his face in his chest. Satoshi smiled down at the younger boy and kissed his forehead. The two apparitions joined hands, the black-haired man took the golden angel in his arms, embracing him and nuzzling him. The angel returned the favor by gently kissing him on the cheek and nuzzling back. The two boys looked up, saw them and smiled.

"What are you two looking at?" Dark cocked an eyebrow.

Daisuke pointed in the air at the two spirits, and Dark and his lover turned to see.

"The spirits of the pendants." Dark murmured. He smiled as he saw them cuddling each other. "They finally found each other."

Krad smiled. 'I know how they feel.' He found his love too.

"Satoshi! Look! The sun is rising!" Daisuke smiled, looking into the now lighter sky.

"It's so beautiful...just like you." The young commander kissed the boy on his cheek affectionately. As the sun rose, the two forlorn lovers disappeared from sight. Leaving the sun's rays in their wake.

As they disappeared, a sound of glass shattering filled the two angel's ears. Sounding off, lettingthem know that the curse on the Amber Romance and the Sapphire Despair was broken. Dark looked down to see that the pendants still held their luster...only their shine was more radiant than ever.

"They're free...just like us." Dark smiled warmly, holding Krad in his arms.

The four of them looked to the sky as both the vanishing moon and the rising sun were on opposite ends of of the sky...they were one...

"I guess they're gone." Daisuke noted, acknowledging their abscence.

"They finally found happiness Daisuke...they found the love they waited centuries for." The dark haired boy whispered in his host's ear.

And they were happy. All four of these young souls found their lovers...their one and only true loves. They were together at they should have been...

...long ago...


A.N: Well...Amber Romance is completed...I'm all sad now. At least it gives me a chance to work on my other stories, right? And I remember one of my readers e-mailed me wanting the Dark and Daisuke picture. I'm sorry to say, but I lost your e-mail and I lost the picture as a matter of fact I lose just about everything. I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind yet. But I have another picture I drew. It's high quality and well drawn according to the people that complimented it. I'll give you the link if you e-mail me! And sorry if it looked as though I was ignoring you! Although this has come to an end, it will continue to live on. Thank you for reading and reviewing everyone! And special thanks to xenial shadow for helping me complete my goal of reaching 100 reviews! And another special thanks to my friend Ari, who helped me plan out important parts of the story! And bunches and bunches of hugs, kisses, candy, and good stuff to all who read and reviewed! I'll see you soon.

"With every end is a new beginning."
