Okay, hi, Everyone. I am writing this story from a little help of the plot from the book called KAVIK THE WOLF DOG. I do not have all the same plot, but tad-bits here and there. But for those tad-bits, I think Walt Morey (The writer of KAVIK THE WOLF DOG.) Hope you enjoy.

A Gift from God?

Now Nathan had found this dog out of nowhere, one day he was going around and it was just there. Like God himself landed him there on the exact time for an exact reason. Now Nathan was a God-believing man, but he just didn't think God would do that, so he scratched that thought out for now. It all depended on what the dog will do for this young man when he gets bigger, then if it's great, he might consider the dog a gift from God. And Nathan did pick him up and bring him home and it was all well for his parents, so maybe that was another sign, whatever the reason, he hoped it was good.

"Do you have a name, Little One?" Nathan asked patting the dogs' head and finding a spot behind his thick ears.

The little dog cocked his head and whined a little. He was big, and Nathan was going to take him in to see what his breed was tomorrow, along with his shots and everything. He was hoping it wasn't a very huge breed, because like his mother said: "If the breed is too big we send him to the pound." Nathan did not want that; the dog was adorable and easy to get attached to. But by the look of him now, he was a big one.

The dog leaned over and scratched behind his large ears, going around in circles on Nathan's desk. Once he learned he couldn't reach it he was so dizzy he fell to his side. Nathan laughed and helped him back up and started scratching the itchy spot.

"You sure are a cutie!" Nathan said looking into the dogs' eyes, still scratching the spot where he tried to reach, the dog closed his eyes and sometimes dipped his head back from the enjoyment of Nathan rubbing the back of his ears.

Nathan chuckled.

The dog started to make his way at the edge of the brown desk, ready to jump, but Nathan wouldn't allow it. That's all he needed a few extra bills for the vet.

So he carefully picked him up and set him on his bed, his bed was low enough he needn't worry about the dog hurting himself if he jumped down.

And the dog did jump, this dog didn't care one but for his safety. Without any second thoughts he was out the door and trotting down the hall. Nathan raced out of his room, following him, knowing that their cat – Felix – would pounce with no mercy.

The little dog met up with Nathan's parents sitting in the living room, watching their favorite show – CSI – his mother – Geraldine – looked down at him for a moment and showed a light smile.

The dog prepared to jump his way up on the couch and, he achieved his task. Sensing this lady beside him was very nice; he lay up against her, with his back pressed against her legs. She smiled more and placed an arm over the beautiful puppy.

"Adorable, isn't it?" Nathan asked taking a seat on the other end of the blue couch, looking over at his smiling mother.

"It is," she answered still looking at the dog. "Beautiful markings," she added.

And she was right. The dog had light-copper-brown fur, and dark brown around his snout, and his tail, and the end of his legs and his paws.

Nathan nodded in agreement.

"It's 10:30, Son," said Nathan's father, Andy.

"Oh, right, sorry, Dad. I was just all caught up in the dog action, you know," Nathan said standing up, preparing to get ready for bed.

"That's alright." Andy answered, picking up the remote starting to flicker through different channels.

Nathan walked back to his room and opened his dresser door. He picked out his favorite pajamas, and headed for the bathroom.

He was brushing his teeth when he saw the little dog come in, Nathan saw him through the mirror. He smiled and spit in the sink, and got the water running harder. He lathered up his hand with soap, then covered his face in it and also rubbed his hands together; he then washed all the soap off his hands, then cupped some water in his hands and splashed it over his face.

Once he was done he looked down at the curious pup. Smiling that the dog actually liked him enough to follow, he walked out of the bathroom. And to Nathan's expectations, the dog followed. He made his way out to the living room and gave his mother and father a goodnight kiss and hug and made his way back to his room, with a tag along trotting behind him.

"You want to sleep with me?" Nathan asked. The dog moved his head up and down while planting a paw on the edge of the bed. This looked like a nod; so, Nathan took it as a nod. "Alright then," Nathan said. "Come on up." He said while patting a spot beside him.

The little puppy jumped up and lay beside him. Looking up at him, he brought his little pink tongue out and licked his cheek. Nathan giggled and moved his head back. "Gross," he said with a laugh. He rubbed the dogs' belly causing him to roll over.

"Nathan!" he heard his father's yell from the living room. "Lights out! You need lots of rest for your big day tomorrow! No more playing with the dog, or reading!"

"Alright, Dad!" Nathan yelled back, rolling his eyes. His dad needed him to be perfect. "Better fresh than moldy, or better fresh than crusty," his father would always say about him getting rest for these big days.

The puppy looked up at Nathan as if asking what was going on, and Nathan took it that way.

"What?" Nathan asked. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Tomorrow I go for a big race, the North American. Well, actually they have shortened it for us youth, but it still his quite a distance. There is one every winter. But I'd hate to leave you for 3 days like that." Nathan said, propping his head up on his hand. The dog cocked his head and whined. "Yeah, Mom and Dad'll take good care of you."

"Nathan!" Andy called out from the living room again.

"Sorry, Dad, I'm going to sleep now!" Nathan said, once again rolling his eyes.

Nathan grabbed the switch dangling from the lamp that was lighting up the small room, and took one last look at the puppy before the lights went out. "Goodnight," he said quietly. Pulling the switch down, creating all darkness. The dog whined for a moment, obviously not used to total darkness, but then again he trusted Nathan, so he lay down by him and fell into a deep sleep.