Disclaimer: I do not own the X-men or any telemarketing company

Logan stalked to the phone. "It's a Saturday. Who's calling now?!"

"Hello. I'm calling with Progressive Business. Can I talk to your human resources manager?"



Xavier rolled in as the phone went flying past his ear minus its cord.


Logan spoke without thinking. "Just a telemarketer."

Xavier grinned. Logan started beating his head against the wall.

- - - - - - - - -

Logan looked at Forge. "What'd you create now? A giant flying fish?"

Forge looked up. "No, but that's a good idea."

Logan groaned.

"I do however have a giant flying monkey. With an easily accessible beer supply of course. And here's your costume."

Logan took one look at the koala bear costume. (snikt)

Next thing he knew, Logan was flying once more at a high rate of speed. "CHUCK!"

- - - - -

Joey had just gotten finished making his number 19 call. He'd already forgotten the conversation with Xavier's.

"I've got to remember not to call that Senator, what's his nameā€¦ Kelly? Again. How'd he learn such colorful words anyway?"

Joey started back to the calling floor, and paused when he heard a CRASH followed by screams. His manager ran by.

When he looked in, he saw a giant monkey hopping from desk to desk and flinging computers and bananas everywhere. On it's back was a slightly drunk short man in a strange costume.

"Hi-Ho Mischievous, Away!"

Xavier rolled around cackling while in his chair on the front lawn, and waving a martini in the air. His students looked on in shock.