Disclaimer: I do not own sailor moon or any other of the characters in this story, they all belong to Naoko Takeuchi and others.

This is a Rei/Usagi fic…so if you don't like them I don't suggest you read this. If you can be bothered, I would like to know wat ppl think, thanks, hope you like and cya!

Chapter 1
A Familiar Face


"Errrrr…I'm up mum..." Scratching her head, Usagi sat up in bed and yawned, 'it doesn't look too late, what's mum talking about?' Rubbing her eyes, she checked her clock. 'It's only 8:42…what?!?!?! 8.42! oh no, I am late!' Getting up as fast as she could she jumped in the shower and got dressed, and within 10 minutes was running down the steps, she passed the kitchen where her mum already had her hand out with her lunch, as she passed she grabbed her lunch and yelled back "Thanks mom, see you after school"

Running as fast as she could, she managed to get a block away from her school by 8:55. 'Yes, just around the corner and I'll be on…' "Woah!"

"Oof!" next thing Usagi knew, she was on the floor with another girl and both their books scattered around them.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry" Getting on her knees she started helping with picking up the girls book.

"It's ok, but maybe next time you should check before you run around corners like that" Both girls started laughing at this.

"hehehe, I'm sorry, my names Tsukino Usagi" Usagi bowed.

"I'm Hino Rei" Rei bowed in return.

As she got up, Usagi looked at Rei for the first time, and she saw something 'Those eyes…so familiar'

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to be late for school, that's why I was in a hurry"

"It's ok, you go to Juuban high?"

"Yes" Looking at Rei's uniform, she knew she went to a different school. "Where do you go?"

"I go to the TA Private Girls' School"

"Oh…you must be pretty smart to go there"

Rei just shrugged "My marks aren't that bad"

Usagi still couldn't place were she had seen Rei before, she just seemed so familiar... She was just about to ask if they had met before when she heard her school bell. "oh no, I'm late!" with that she started running for her school and yelled back to Rei. "I have to go, nice to meet you!"

Rei just stood watching, and when she saw Usagi turn into the school a grin crossed her face. "Goodbye my princess"

Her attention so focused on Usagi she never noticed someone walk up beside her "That's an interesting name for her"

Rei turned her attention to the owner of the new voice, and her grin grew. "Well I guess you could say I'm an interesting person Mizuno-san" Laughing a little at the puzzled look on Ami's face, she introduced herself again "Hino Rei" and bowed.

Hesitating for just a second "Mizuno Ami, as you seem to already know"

"Aren't you going to be late?"

Looking up towards her school she replied "I suppose I will be"

"Well I don't want to hold you up any further, it was a pleasure meeting you"

Raising her brow just a bit, Ami gave Rei a skeptical look "Likewise, maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime"

"Oh, I'm sure we will" Bowing Rei turned around and walked away leaving a slightly bemused Ami behind.

Class was about to begin, the teacher Miss Haruna was preparing sheets to hand out to the class so the students continued talking about there everyday lives for the moment.

Near the middle of the class sat Makoto and Minako andUsagi on seats to themselves in that respective order.

"Where do you think she is?" Makoto was beginning to get worried, Ami was almost never away unless it was something serious, and it was even less likely that she would be late, yet still she wasn't there.

"At home?"

"Is she sick?"

"She looked fine at our meeting yesterday, maybe she's just late"

For a second Makoto just stared at her "Ami-chan? Late? She's never late you know that"

"Maybe she just ate something that didn't go down well"

"I hope she..." But Makoto never finished her sentence because just at that moment Ami walked through the door, both Makoto and Minako watched Ami as she apologised to the teacher and took her seat beside them.

"Ami-chan, are you ok?" But it was as if Ami was in her own world because she didn't even react to Makoto's words.

"Yoo hoo! Ami-chan" Makoto clicked her finger in front of Ami's face.

A slightly startled Ami just blinked at first then she turned towards Makoto. "I'm sorry Mako-chan"

"Are you ok?"

"Me? Yes I'm fine"

"How come you were late?"

For a reason she wasn't quite sure of herself she felt a smile appear on her face "Oh, I just got a little caught up"

Minako had just opened her mouth to start asking question herself when Miss Haruna begun to address the class.

As the teacher turned her back to begin writing on the board, Minako turned to Makoto and begun talking in a quiet voice in hope that Miss Haruna wouldn't catch her.

"Do you think she's ok?"

"She looks ok, but she was acting a bit weird"

"Talking about weird, did you notice that Usagi-chan didn't turn around even once to ask about Ami-chan?"

"Yeah, that's true, they're both acting a bit weird"

"Wonder what happened?"

"Ahem, Miss Kino and Miss Aino, you're not here to gossip all day, you're here to learn!"

With blushes spreading across both their cheeks they apologised and almost forgot completely about what they had being talking about.

I thought maybe people might have questions about what happened to the prologue, considering it took me ages to get it up in the first place? Well I changed the title to it to untitled because I noticed as I started writing the final chapter that I would be giving away the whole story if I did, I don't want to do that now do i? so it's going to stay there, and maybe after I finish Altered Destinies I may go back and see if I can give it another ending, sorry to anyone who was reading that.