Warning – NOT A DEATH FIC!

Pairings: TalaxKai

I have problem with the word choke and shock – I CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN THEM!!! ARGH!! I'm looking fore the word when someone surprise another, you know, he was choked or shocked (???) please help me!

Warnings... Don't really know... YAOI, angst... yeah I think that's all.

Disclaimer- I do not own beyblade!

Ages :

Kai - 15

Tala – 18 ( soon turning 19)

Bryan – 17 (few months older then Spencer)

Rei - 17

Ian – 16

Spencer – 17

Take it to your hearth

Chapter 1

The decision


"Kai, I'm sorry... I... I don't love you any more, sorry..."

"Rei? Rei please! Don't leave me!"

The door closed.

He was gone, the only person who ever cared for him was gone... Just like that. The only sound that answered him was the silence.... The cold silence...


Kai was never the same after that day.

He was afraid of loving actions, even if it was only a friendly hug.

But Max nor Tyson or Kenny could do anything to help him.

Max had went back to America with his mother and Tyson went back to Japan with Kenny.

And Kai was left alone in Russia.

With his grandfather in prison, the Abbey was shut down and the Demolition boys had disappeared out of the picture...

He was left alone, with no family nor friends, he broke down after one year.

But it was never written in the papers, the Media couldn't write that the Great Kai Hiwatari had lost his mind because of loneliness, it was to hearth-breaking...

He was put into a mental institution after two weeks where he was surrounded by loving persons who cared for him, at least that was what they told him, but he lost his 'older' self. He was acting like a shy smaller kid who had been hit to many times.

The Doctors said it was the lack of love from his grandfather that made Kai act like a child. But in truth, they didn't really know the cause...


"Tala! Damnit! Get your lazy ass down here and see what's on the news!"

A muffled 'Gnnh, Br'n, 'M on ma' way' could be heard. It was eleven o'clock in the morning and Tala was still in bed. How could he sleep now?

After a couple of minutes later a tall man with flaming red, tousled hair was walking down the stairs in the house the Demolition boys had manage to afford.

He rubbed his eyes in a very child-like manner and then went for the kitchen.

"Hey come back here!" Bryan shouted a bit angry. "It's 'bout Kai...well, he's on TV... "

That made Tala wake up from whatever state he was in. After the finals he and his team had decided to get their own house. But they had done the biggest mistake by leaving Kai out.

"Kai? Kai is on the news?"

Bryan didn't want to make Tala to angsty and guilty feeling but he tought that Tala at least should see how Kai had it.

The reportage was about Voltaire Hiwatari. That all of his money would go to his only heir, Kai Alexander Hiwatari. It was just that Kai was in a Mental institute and wasn't capable of handling all the money. So the next thing that came to Talas mind was; "I'm gonna adopt him!"

That made Bryan choke on his own tongue. "What!?"

"Don't play dumb, I know you heard me!" So Tala went to the hall and took his coat and then prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Bryan called out "The will probably only believe you if you say that you are after his money, y'know..."

"Yeah, but this is something we hafta do, if they don't believe me, the we just have to convince them, right?"

Tala made once again a move to the door when Bryan called out once again. "Don't you think that we should talk to Spencer and Ian first?"

A look of pain spred over Talas face. "But-"

"I know you still love him, Tal, but lets talk with Spencer and Ian fist, okay?"


"He will manage a day or two in the institute, he has been living there for the last couple of weeks."


"Tala, he will be fine!"

His fists were shaking. Why couldn't Bryan understand? He-he had to help Kai! God damnit!

"Hey Tala, you okay?"

Tala looked up and shocked Bryan with showing tear-filled eyes. "It's just that when w-we moved out from the abbey, we... we didn't even acknowledge Kai. We just... left him... alone! Fuck! God damnit! I hate myself for what we did!" Tala fell down on his knees and Bryan roused from his seat and went over to him.

"Take it easy-"

"Bryan I can't! I fucking love him, and see what I did to him! He's a lost child! I want him back, I need to do this! Please!"

They stayed like that for a time, Bryan just hugging Tala while saying that it would be all right, that they should talk to the rest of the gang when they got home.

¤...Later that day...¤

Spencer got home around 5 and Ian found his way home at 5.30.

It was when they were eating dinner that Tala decided to tell them the 'good news'.

"I'm adopting Kai." He blurted out.

Spencer looked first choked then understanding.

Bryan only nodded.

Ian dropped his fork and just stared. But he was the first to break the silence. "Finally!" he cried out.

Spencer went back to his choking pose and Bryan and Tala looked at eachother in a way that said; 'Wha?'

"What do you mean?" Asked Tala carefully. Was Ian really saying that it was okay?

"What I mean is that I think you should adopt Kai! He has been feeling a bit down. The Doctors told me when I went to see him tod...a...y... oops."

"Ian?" Tala asked with a bit disappointment in his voice.

"Yes my understanding friend?"

"What have you been up to?"

"weeeeellll, IhavebeenvisitingKaiafewtimes'cuzIfeeltsorryforhim!!!"

"I see..." Tala roused from the table and then went out to the hall. Guilt were pouring from him and he didn't feel better now when Ian had been visiting Kai.

"I-I'm going out for a bit..." He called softly before he took of into the cold night.

"Now see what you did to him!" Bryan scowled at him before whacking him on the head with a fork. "He's already feeling guilty!"



Well wadda ya think????

Kai is the youngest of them, I know and he is the uke!!!