Chapter 1. "Something's Definitely Wrong"

Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew, and don't you dare laugh at me because you probably don't own it either!!! (I dedicate this to my friend who loves Tokyo Mew Mew and probably is the re-incarnation of a wild cat.)

(Author's note: This does not have the original TMM characters in it. So why am I putting it up under TMM? Because I do use the character descriptions from TMM, partial story lines/quotes and the characters refer to themselves as Tokyo Mew Mew, so I couldn't put it on fictionpress. This was a project I wrote for a friend who is OBSESSED with TMM. And as with any other fanfic if you don't like it, don't torture yourself with reading it.)

My name is Mayko. I am a crazy-anime obsessed 15 year old in highschool. My favorite anime is Tokyo Mew Mew. I am SO obsessed over it that my friends think I belong in either Japan, the anime captial of the world, or a nuthouse. Yeah, you'd probably think that I'm just another "somewhat" normal teenager, right? Well, what if I told you that I can converse with demons from another world? Now I have your attention. I've has this ability since I was five and I've met a lot of strange demons since then. I can talk to them via telepathy or I can travel to their world when I fall asleep, but they can never come to the Human World. . . .At least, I didn't think they could. Now my life has somehow become my favorite anime series, but I don't think that TokyoPop would rate it Y for youth 10 and over.

Mayko laid in her bed and watched as the sun filtered in through her window blinds. She rolled over in her bed so her back was facing the window and closed her eyes.

School had ended a week ago and now that it was summer she could finally sleep in. Of course, going to sleep would have meant traveling to Demon World and having to deal with those fruitcakes, but for some reason the pass couple of nights when she traveled there she could find no one. Normally some perverted demon (which they all were) would try to sexually harass her or she would be greeted by some of the ones she had befriended over the years, but none of that had happened for sometime and she actually felt worried. Of course, they could be playing a joke on her like they sometimes did.

Suddenly, Mayko could feel something move in her bed. She slowly opened her eyes to see who or what was in bed with her. A young boy about her age looked back into her brown eyes. For a moment they were lost in each other's gaze.

Finally the boy spoke. "Hiya Mayko! What's up?"

Mayko's eyes widened and she rolled off her bed, hitting the floor with a loud thump. "Fern!" she yelled.

Fern leaned over the side of the bed. "What?" he asked.

Mayko got up. "Don't do that ever again!" she scolded. "You scared the hell out of me! I was worried about you! I haven't been able to find you in Demon World for days!"

Fern shrugged. "Sorry," he said.

Mayko shook her head. "Gosh! I didn't think that I could fall asleep that fast."

"Uh," Fern said, "but Mayko. You're not asleep."

Mayko's eyes widened. "WHAT!!!"


'How could this have happened?' Mayko asked herself as she watched Fern pour out cornflakes into his bowl. 'He's a demon. He's suppose to be in Demon World not the Human World!'


"Damn Mayko! Calm down!" Fern said watching Mayko pace back and forth across her bedroom floor madly.

"How can you be here?" Mayko asked. "It's impossible! I mean, I think it is."

"I was sent here," Fern said. He paused for a moment. "Well, actually it was more like thrown here."

"Thrown here?" Mayko asked trying to calm herself down. "By who?"

Fern stood up. "There's a little problem in Demon World right now and I was sort of drawn into it."

"A little problem?" Mayko asked. "More like a big problem if you got thrown here."

"There was a rebellion," Fern continued. "Everyone had to chose sides sooner or later. There was no way that I could stay neutral."

Mayko went over to the window and pulled up the blinds letting the sunlight blind them both. "It's a little obvious that you picked the wrong side to be on," she remarked staring out the window.

"F.Y.I Mayko. I was on the side that didn't want to crash into your human world and conquer it for the 'Higher Ups'. Thank you very much." Fern stopped and waited for Mayko to respond.

Mayko turned around to face him. "Who are the 'Higher Ups'?" she asked.

Fern shrugged. "Honestly I don't know. All that I know is that they claim to be a higher breed of demon and that they started all the commotion that started the rebellion."

Mayko sighed then a thought struck her. "Where's Leo?" Leo was Fern's brother, a seductive demon.

Fern shrugged. "Don't know. I didn't see him." He paused. "Oh, but don't worry. Even if he is here he couldn't do anything along the lines of 'sex'-ductive." Mayko gave him a confused look so Fern explained. "I have a soul in this world," he said. If a being has a soul then they have a conscience and if I have one then he does too if he's even in this world."

"How do you know you have a soul?" Mayko asked.

"Because I didn't have the urge to screw you when I was in bed with you," Fern said grinning devilishly.

"Fern! You jerk!" Mayko yelled half laughing. She grabbed a pillow off her bed and threw it at him.

(-End Flashback-)

"Earth to Mayko," Fern said waving his spoon in front of her face.

"Huh!" Mayko said startled.

"You zoned out there for a moment," Fern said and to Mayko's surprised, he looked concerned. "Is my presence here bothering you?"

"No," Mayko mumbled stirring her glass of chocolate milk with a spoon.

Fern frowned. "Are you sure it's alright that I stay here? If your parents ever found out . . . . ." Fern trailed off when Mayko held up her hand to silence him.

"I'm sure it's alright," Mayko said. "Anyway, this is the only place you can stay at. I mean, where else can you go?"

Fern thought for a moment then shrugged. "Don't know," he answered plainly. "Try to get back to my world." He stared down at his bowl of cereal that was starting to become soggy. "If there is even a way to get back."

"Don't worry. I'm sure there's a way to get back," Mayko said. "Do you think there's a way?"

Fern shrugged. "I don't know. I've never been out of the Demon Realm before." He slapped his forehead. "Damn this sucks!" he cursed. "Not having my sexuality is like being castrated."

"WHAT!!!" Mayko said in shock as Fern dunked his face into his bowl of mushy cereal.

"OH GOD! I'M SO DEPRESSED!" Fern said as he lifted his head out of his bowl of cereal and began to pound it against the edge of the table. "Damn it! Damn it!! DAMN IT!!!"

"Fern! Stop it please!" Mayko begged. "You're going to hurt yourself.

Fern stopped suddenly. "I'm bored," he complained with a sudden change of attitude.

Mayko barely fell out of her chair. "What! Wha'd you mean you're bored!"

Fer cocked his head to the side. "I'm bored, plain and simple." He grinned. "What do you humans do for fun?"

"Oh god! You're going to be so hard to deal with," Mayko said laying her head on the table as Fern laughed.

BlueDragonGirl1: I wrote this story about six months before I registered for an account on fanfiction but since it really didn't have the TMM characters in it I decided not to put it up. Now (about a year later) I was digging through my closet and found it in a pile of papers and decided to put it up. It'll get a more like TMM I promise so stick with me. R&R!!!