AN: Woo, ok. First chapter in a billion years. This one goes out to Uke for motivating me to get off my ass and write something. Also for letting me know that there are still people out there that care about this story, no matter how few of them there might be.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, and thanks for the reviews. Now, onto the chapter!

The next afternoon Sheik was woken up by the sound of people arguing loudly. He recognized the voices, but he couldn't quite remember who it was at the moment. He pulled the soft sheets off himself and sat up, ignoring the pain from his wounds. The first thing he saw was Link huddled by the small window, looking down from the corner of his eyes, at whoever was below, without being seen.

Sheik got off the small bed and tiptoed over to Link. "Who is shouting down there?" he whispered.

Link looked at him for a second. Surprised the Sheikah was awake with him noticing, he whispered back, "You should be still resting in bed." He pulled the younger boy down so the people who the angry voices belonged, to wouldn't see him.

"I'm fine for the moment," Sheik glared. "Who is down there?"

"Malon and someone else." Link said after a moment. "They're fighting about you."

"About me?" Sheik asked puzzled, "why?"

"I don't know." Link replied. "The man came a few minutes earlier on that black horse and demanded to know your location."

"I wonder who it is," Sheik said out loud and practically climbed onto Link to get better look. He saw the horse Link spoke of and he looked around some more until he found the pair fighting.

Malon stood in front of her house with her hands on her hips, as she glared up to the man whom she was arguing with. Sheik recognized the man immediately; it was his stepfather's son, and henchman, Ganondorf.

Sheik suppressed a shudder and sunk down with his back against the wall. He knew exactly why Ganondorf was here, and why they were arguing about him. Ganon must be angry since he sent out Ganondorf for me, Sheik thought. Oh that's right. He had extra work for me, but I didn't make it. I didn't even get home last night. He suppressed another shudder as he remembered the attack from the night before.

Ganondorf's deep and angry voice pulled Sheik from his thoughts. "For the last time, Malon, tell me where he is!"

"I already told you I don't know," Malon yelled back. "Maybe if you actually tried looking, instead of shouting at me, then you'd find him."

"I know he's here, Malon. And I will find him," Ganondorf glared.

"I can assure you that he is not. Now, will you kindly remove yourself from my ranch, you are scaring my animals," Malon said.

After a moment of silence, Sheik heard footsteps and the sound of Ganondorf mounting his horse. There was a brief pause and then Ganondorf and his horse galloped away.

Immediately Sheik got up and headed to the trap door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Link asked, getting up as well.

"None of your business," the Sheikah replied opening the trap door and starting to climb down. Link said nothing and walked over to the ladder as well. He shifted his weight and leaned against the wall and watched Sheik wince in pain trying to climb down.

"The gash on your shoulder opened up," Link said looking down at the other blond's shoulder where the white cloth turned red. "You really shouldn't be moving like that. Get back in the bed so I can change your bandages."

Sheik glared up at Link. "I need to speak to Malon."

"You need to give yourself time to heal."

Sheik finally reached the bottom of the ladder and sighed in relief. That was painful, he thought, I didn't realize that they did so much damage to me. The boy turned around and was about to head into the main part of the stable, when he bumped in Link and fell back onto the ladder, causing more pain to his poor, abused body.

Sheik only glared more at Link as he picked the smaller boy up and lifted him onto his shoulders. He climbed the ladder with the same ease as he did the night before.

"How did you get down there?" Sheik finally asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Link smiled at him and placed his small body gently on the bed. "I jumped," he replied.

Link had just finished removing all of the old bandages when Malon appeared at the trap door. She had a small bottle and a clean rag in her hand. "Mornin' boys," she said rather cheerfully considering the screaming match she had earlier. She walked over to the boys and sat down on the small bed beside Sheik. "How are you feeling, Hun?" She asked placing her free hand gently on his shoulder, avoiding any cuts.

"Malon why was Ganondorf here? What did he want?" Sheik asked.

"He was here for you, of course. He said something about you missing a very important meeting last night. Care to explain?"

Sheik sighed. I don't want to say it in front of Link. But he already knows that I'm a whore, so I guess it really doesn't matter …

"Oh, before I forget," Malon pulled Sheik from his thoughts, "I got these for your cuts." She held up the bottle and rag and handed the items to Link.

Link held the small black bottle up to examine it. Removing the cap, he brought it to his nose and took in its distinctive smell. Turning to Sheik, Link smiled, "with this ointment, you will heal in no time at all." He continued tending to the Sheikah's wounds.

Sheik gave a small smile in return, momentarily distracted by the amount of kindness in Link's eyes to remember that he was supposed to tell Malon why Ganondorf was frantically looking for him.

"Sheik," Malon said softly, getting the wounded boy's attention again. "You were about to explain about Ganondorf."

"Right," Sheik agreed, letting his thoughts wander back to the events that happened the night before. He tried to think of better words to explain it without making him seem like a worthless and dirty whore, not really understanding why he didn't want Link to think so low of him. "When my shift was over, I was summoned to Ganon's office," he explained, leaving as much details out as possible. "He told me of a special job that I was to complete a few hours later, but on my way home, I was attacked."

"By who," the girl asked, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"I don't know," he lied. "There was a few of them, I was ambushed from behind. They knocked me out." Sheik looked down and watched what Link was doing, concentrating on the stinging feeling of the ointment. The truth was there was only one attacker, he knew exactly who it was, and he was fully conscious during the entire thing.

"I see," Malon nodded in understanding. "What about the job?"

"It was," he paused trying to come up with a good way to word it, "only some extra work for a client who was one of Ganon's close friends," he trailed off.

Malon's pretty blue eyes grew wide with shock. "Another night with him," she practically screeched. "I thought you talked to Ganon about not doing that again!"

Link paused for a moment, curious as to what was going on, but quickly caught himself and continued applying the ointment to Sheik's chest.

"I talked to him," Sheik said calmly, "He assured me that this was the last time. I don't know what punishment is in store for me if I return to Ganon."

"You can't," Malon said, she was standing now, looking angrily down at Sheik with her fists shaking at her sides. "I won't let you go back."

"But Malon, what about Hyrule?"

"I don't care about Hyrule anymore," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "I'll take you away if I have to." She could tell that Sheik was going to protest, but she stopped him quickly with a glare. "And that's final," She finished and rushed out of the room while wiping the tears from her face.