Hiagain: Hello this is my first posted fanfic but not my first fanfic. I wanted my first one to kick ass but then I thought to myself how am I going to know if they kick ass if I don't let my family or friends review it to see if it sucks so I'm just giving it straight to the people and not the people who know my face. By giving my work to strangers I can get an honest answer and not get pointed out in a line-up. This is a fresh idea right out of my head so its new and I need the truth... am I messed in the head. Warning this fic contains lemon. Read and review. Also I don't own the Teen Titans and if I did I would have them rub out that snitch who pointed me out at the line up.

"BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP," one of our favorite heroes popped out of bed ready for battle in his monkey and banana boxers.

"Alright, I'm ready... to... Fight?" Beast boy rose from his bed ready for the heat of combat only to find that his alarm clock to be the buzzing and not the Teen Titan signal. The city has been an untroubled town for two weeks now and BB was on end. In fact, the reason Beast Boy's alarm clock went off was because he 'improved' it yesterday and apparently the alarm cant be set at noon now like his old time for waking up. It read the right time and it was five in the morning.

"Foul Machine you must pay!" Beast Boy growl with a look that could scare Raven. 0.,"Might as well go downstairs and fix up some tofu and soy eats..." slumping out the door.

Starfire's room earlier

"BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM" an explosion tossed the red head from her bed and from the rubble she rose to speak."OH GLORIOUS BEAST BOY'S IMPROVEMENTS ARE JUST LIKE MY HOME'S TAMARAZ"(creepy I know thank goodness for soundproof rooms for that and her choice in music), her hair was blown back and her face covered in filth. "Time for a shower!" she said with a grin on her face. She turned the showerhead on and slowly took of her dirty clothes. Under the door appeared one of Raven's cyber spiders (Raven got these as a gift from Cyborg because she wanted them to spy on the HIVE. She didn't lie to him when she asked for them because she was using it to spy on Jinx... plus others... including the Teen Titans. She loved peoples private business but Star and Beast boy knew about them they just didn't mind the cameras watching. Cyborg and Robin are morons. Anyways back to the story.). The camera focused in on Starfire as she removed her clothing almost seductively.

Starfire stood there with only her bra and pink panties left then she turned her back to the spider to unsnap her bra. When the bra fell to the ground, her bosom released and bounced into place still noticeable from the back. A second spider came into the room. This spider placed itself in the shower for a better view later on. Star was almost completely unveiled when she reached for her panties to pull them she turned toward the first camera showing off her gloriously large top. The camera in the shower almost slipped in getting a shot off her ass when it noticed she was ready to enter the water. The cameras continued to watch as she turned to a camera and gave a piece sign (anime style).

Soon the red head's mind began to wander as the beads of water streamed down her curves. She soon found her thoughts surrounded around Beast boy and how he was so nice to her by making such a great improvement to her clock. And also that one time Raven and her walked in on him 'accidentally' in the shower. Unknown to Star, her thoughts began to affect her in the lower region. Without her knowing she started to relieve this tension with her hands using every finger available at her disposal. Rubbing her thighs and lips gave little relief but soon she found a soap bar on a rope lying by the tub's end. She forced the object into her slits holding onto the rope for safety reasons. She continued passing the object in and out of her slit pretending to herself it was Beast Boy's monster cock. The object pushes on her walls and her walls pushed back causing it to pull in. Trying desperately to pull it out but to only have a stalemate at tug-o-war she finally unloads on the soap washing it out. The strong tamaranian girl is now tired but she now notices that soap stings on gentle flesh. She must clean out her tire pussy but must not over stimulate herself for fear of her knees giving out. This was a hard task with the showerhead but she managed.

Beast Boy's bathroom

"AAuuuggghhh, sweet relief," Beast boy was now in the john relieving his bladder," be free my twelve inch friend. Be free and relieve yourself". "Hey, man it must have a while since I last relieved myself now that I think about it. Wow I mean that is a lot of self-control because there is Raven and Starfire in the house and the fight with HIVE. Man, Jinx must where the tightest clothing." soon BB was done relieving himself then started 'relieving' himself again. He closed his eyes and started thinking of all the girls ,no wait,women in his life. How he would love to milk Starfire's breast, lick Raven's every inch, rip off all Jinx's cloths and pump into her, without a doubt, tight, sweet ass and who could forget cumming gallons of his sperm in Terra's hair, face and mouth.

He was close to exploding when he opened his eyes to see it shoot and as it did he realized several of Raven's cameras but most of all Raven at his tip in the buff on her knees. To late to stop its fire, BB started to apologize but then saw her smile. He smiled at this as she cleaned off her face and him without missing a spot. Raven loved to play sex games so she started to climb over him. Using the folds of her pussy she rubbed his penis the long way making both of them very wet. She reached the top of his manhood where the head was and playfully dipped it in then out. Not stopping this little game, Beast boy became very erected and did his best to make her lose her balance. She soon did an as she was being entered she collapsed on him stunned by the pleasure. He to was motionless but because he found out how tight she was and very quickly. The green changelings almost released his seed again but restrained he himself wanting to please the beauty on top of him. The sexy teenager girl regained her posture as soon as she could and began to saddle ride the well-hung boy as she traced her finger along his furry happy trail.

"Oh Beast boy, oh beast boy, oh beast, Oh Beast, OH BEAST, OH, oh oh oh oh" the pale skinned heroine chanted over and over while the bathroom tiles echoed back her voice. Each tile glowed black as each shattered in sequence as the pleasure grew in her. Beast boy's excitement only grew as he tamed Raven through her womanhood with his member, gaining control. The same thing the Goth sorceress was losing of her body, mind, and powers but striving on knowing her demonic powers would not hurt her boy toy. All her cameras that were watching glowed but didn't break (Hurray American engineering) and did not even miss a bit of the action. Breaching her back, Raven almost kicked when her juices of her first big orgasm that early morning. She loved this feeling and let he emotions fly. Beast boy continuously penetrated her and held firm on her lower back to quicken their pace. They went on as Beast boy notice Raven's top half being ignored so he leaned in to suckle her tender nipples till they hardened like diamonds on his tongue. He knew she loved this because how she grasped onto his head and back pulling him closer. The cameras zoomed onto the sex couple to record more of Beast boy's face in Raven's cleavage. Beast boy's hands roamed and the cameras followed. Clinching onto her ignore tit and squeezing the girl's butt with the other, beast boy's hands soon found themselves very busy. Raven couldn't take much more of this and Beast Boy was likewise. Beast Boy held out hoping she would go first. In and out, pushing and pulling, his balls felt like they were going to burst from the hardcore fucking he was relieved when he heard Raven say, "I'm cumming". She soon did and beast boy unleashed himself with gallon after gallon filling and squirting out of her pussy there was so much.

The boy's eyes were heavy as his plaything soon cleaned him and him for her. She started to crawl away and opened her shadow portal to her room and left him to go eat breakfast.

Read and review I dont care what you say or type as long as you type it here now.

Hiagain- D