Stained Souls

Chapter 1: Found but Still Lost

Vincent found his way through the woods just fine without the guidance of the moon or his eyes. His life has etched history long enough to memorized these woods; these woods that would take Vincent to him.

The rustling of his feet lead him to a clearing that bore a large puddle in its center that must have been made by the passing storms just now. The stars reflected its innocence upon the stilled surface of the pond bouncing into his icy eyes. Vincent stayed close to the edge of the cramped clearing to not startle him but as he stood he wondered why. By now he would have probably known his coming from a mile's distance.

Cloud lifted himself up by the puddle's edge and turned toward Vincent with eyes of threat. From there Vincent could feel those eyes.

"Why do you loath me?" Vincent pondered. It was a rhetorical question, one that didn't need an answer to. Only logic could explain Cloud's hatred towards everything, even to Vincent. He walked boldly to Cloud without fear but caution as you would to a crazed lion. Cloud transformed through those two months into a distant stranger.

Every aspect of what use to make him up was now replaced by vacancy. It all reminded Vincent of her. He took the fold of Cloud's collar by his two fingers, noticing the black.

"Colors of mourning?" He asked, but Cloud stayed silent. "The rain-''

"I don't give a damn about the rain!" Cloud hissed coldly. "Why have you found me?" he pronounced powerfully. Vincent knew pretty words wouldn't sway him.

"She's been missing you…All have been since you last ran off. Much has changed since, for good and bad." Vincent turned to the trees hoping they might give a better response then back at Cloud. "Come back with me." Vincent didn't come to question Cloud but bring him home. This Cloud didn't expect Vincent would do so out of all people.

"There's nothing there that can benefit me any more." Cloud said.

"Then don't come for that reason!" Vincent snapped. "Come for Tifa, she has felt the loss as strongly as you do and as do I." Cloud's icy eyes melted to their green state as they followed to the dirt.

"If its purpose that you ask, then that will be there waiting for you also. I have a job for you to do." This brought back Cloud's eyes to Vincent's own. "But you must come to get it." Vincent walked away and towards to where he came. Cloud counted those steps then peered into the water. It was just him. Alone. But could it change?

It was hard to tear his eyes away from the water but once he was far enough he turned his back on the past for once and for all.

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