Title: My Mirror, My Koi
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13 (for slight lemon, Bakura and Merik's swearing…ya get the drift?)
Summary: I suppose this would be an AU? Cause Yami and Yugi (our main stars) aren't yami and hikari, but Yugi does have the Millennium puzzle, fits his image, (Yami don't have one…)Yami has his group of friends and the last year of high school is going by pretty smoothly, until he meets his look-a-like in the park. Yugi catches the attention and affection of his twin, but what happens when Yugi starts to return Yami's affection?

Warnings: I hate giving these…if ya hate yaoi, why'd ya click on the story???? Yes there will be boy/boy relationship, and to all Anzu fans, LEAVE, she ain't here…(I hate her friendship speeches…-)Also, some swearing(see rating, yes Merik and Bakura are in this one, couples below)

Couples (note: all yaoi, get the hint you haters)

Malik/Merik (maybe Seto/Joey, only if my reviewers request it, same for lemons)

My Notes:(ramblings, skip 'em if hate 'em)

Hikaris-DS: First I would like to thank all those WONDERFUL people who read my story, Shooting Stars, and those who put me on their favs/alert lists…you guys made me tear up…sniff…I feel like I won an Academy Award…

Muraii: snort

Hikaris-DS: I added some people to my faves list, cause they either wrote beautiful fics, reviewed my story. Those people ROCK!!! Please enjoy this fic, cause I'm going to enjoy writing it!

Muraii: Just shut up and start typing!!!

Hikaris-DS: One last thing!ahem
I'm dedicating this to PetPetAngel, cause she was so kind as to send me an e-mail
(peace sign)…..ahem(deep breath)YYYYYYAAAAAMMMMMMIIIIIII!!!!!!!

Yami: Yeah??

Hikaris-DS: Will you do the disclaimer, (puppy eyes)??

Yami:sigh…Hikaris-DS does not own Yugioh, or any of its characters, if she did, she wouldn't have to write novels to make a living in the near future.

Hikaris-DS: Yes, I AM going to an author, and I'll let you guys know its me somewhere in the book…BUT..stay away stalkers, I won't tell anyone its me…or where I live for that matter…This fic might be rushed and long, but I want these two to GET a MOVE on(winkwink) so some feelings will surface around the hmm…2nd page?

Muraii: ON WITH THE FIC!!!


A small boy made his way along the streets of Domino City, making his way towards the park, where he could get away from the noise and bustle of the city. His Violet eyes widened in delight when he caught sight of the park, and sped up as fast as his legs could carry him. Gravity-defying hair waved in the wind, flashing red and black tresses, along with blond bangs that flowed against his pale skin. (A/N: okay, ya know who it is by now?)

Yugi Mouto, as long as he could remember, loved going to this play-park, even when he turned 17, he still loved to visit. As he reached the park limits, he slowed down, knowing he was in one of his favorite places. He relaxed instantly, but tensed when he heard familiar voices. They sounded like his classmates from the 12th grade, Merik, Malik, Bakura, Ryou, and Yugi's crush, Yami. As he sat under one of the older oak trees, he decided to watch the group. Like he had anything better to do. The first voice to speak was Merik,

"Hey Yami, you want to head over to the arcade with us?"
"Nah, I'd rather head home, thanks for the offer."

The group didn't notice Yugi, nobody ever did. But as Yugi heard them say their goodbyes, he felt like someone was watching him. His heart thumped painfully on his throat, and he looked up. There, standing next to where he was sitting, was none other than Yami Atemir. His hair was in the same tri-colored spikes as Yugi's, but his were fabricated by blond streaks, that seemed to frame his head like a crown. This rare hair style was what first caught Yugi's attention when he had walked into his classroom on the first day, but what had captured his heart were Yami's eyes.

They were a glistening crimson that reminded Yugi of rubies. They seemed to pool in Yami's sockets, a never-ending mirror of red. Yugi couldn't count the times he had been caught up in Yami's penetrating gaze. But as a blush crept over Yugi's features, Yami cleared his throat.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"N-no…free country, isn't it?"

Yugi laughed nervously, but Yami smiled. A genuine smile. A nice, comfortable silence fell over the two. Yugi felt like he was in a dream, sitting next to his long-time crush, in his favorite park, it just couldn't get any better. A small smile crept across his features but faded at Yami's next question,
"How come you're not with anybody?"
"Huh? Oh, I don't have...many friends…the name's Yugi, by the way…"
"Yes, you're in my…let's see…which class was it again?

Yami gave Yugi a look that just screamed 'help me out!'
"I...think it's Latin, Gym, Pre-Calculus, and…Geology you're looking for…,
(A/N: My fic, therefore, the group takes Latin, Pre-calc, and Geo IF I say so!!!)
And I know you're name already, so don't bother, I knew you were going to say that…"

Yami's eyebrow cocked up, and an amused expression appeared on his face,
"Oh, did you?"
"Yami! Quick question…?"
"Shoot, I've got all day."
"How come you're talking to me?"

Yami got this odd look on his face, and the amused expression slid off like (A/N: STINKSAP…hee…hee…HP moment there...sorry:)oil. He frowned, and answered,
"You mean…you don't want a friend to talk to? I saw you getting picked on by Ushio, and I just thought you'd like someone to…well you know…"

Yugi almost dropped his jaw in surprise, but his eyes teared up slightly. A thought ran through his head, what if this was some cruel joke played on him by Fate? His head ducked and blond bangs fell forward as some tears fell down onto the ground and his shirt. He wanted a friend very badly, but was unwilling to let his heart break down.
"Yugi? Was it something I said?
"No, I'm just…so sad, just tired of being teased, that's all…"

Yami's red eyes widened, when he had heard these words, he wondered why he had never stood up for this guy, he was so…so…innocent. He had developed quite a fascination for the quiet teen. He usually didn't make contacts with anyone besides his close friends, but it had seemed Yugi had successfully broken through his rough exterior. And he didn't even do anything, surprising.
His face fell and he pulled Yugi into his lap, wrapping his arms around the small boy. He rubbed circles in Yugi's back, feeling shudders go through Yugi's body (or was that his own?).Instinctively, Yugi put his arms around Yami's waist, and Yami felt a blush creep over his face, but hugged the small one closer to comfort him.
"Thank you Yami…will you...stay here with me, just for awhile?"
"I'd be glad to, but it seems our time is cut though."

Yami gestured towards the sky and as he did, it began to sprinkle slightly, but then it began to pour. He picked Yugi up, by slipping his arms under his knees and supporting his back with the other. Yugi protested at first, but relaxed in Yami's firm grip. He proceeded in the direction of his house, but Yugi tugged on his collar to grasp his attention. Yugi pointed in the other direction, and said
"My house is the other way, and Yami? I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own."
"I know, but I prefer carrying you, you're keeping me warm in the rain."

Yami began to walk in the other direction, and said this embarrassing comment as though it weren't a touchy subject. Yugi blushed crimson, but couldn't help but snuggle deeper into Yami's warm embrace. He didn't know why, but he trusted Yami as though they were the closest of friends who had known each other for the longest time. As Yugi dozed lightly, he didn't notice the teen carrying him was also reddening slowly as the warmth of little Yugi coaxed him to bring them closer together.


As Yami stood later in front of the Kame Game Shop, he wondered vaguely what to do next. Leave Yugi standing on his home's doorstep and leave? Or go inside with the little one in his arms and confront an angry parent(s)? His answer was given when the older man inside glimpsed the young man outside, carrying his grandson. He came to the door immediately and opened it to a very wet Yami holding a sleeping Yugi.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name son?"

Yami bowed respectively, but gestured to the boy in his arms, signaling he needed to get Yugi into dryer conditions. Solomon complied, allowed Yami past and led the older, but burdened teen to Yugi's room upstairs. When Yami had laid Yugi on his bed, he turned to Solomon and said,
"My name is Yami, I'm from Yugi's school. He and I met at the park, and started talking. When it started to rain, I brought your s-grandson home. But, sir, may I take care of him, I owe him a favor…"
"What sort of favor, Yami?"

Yami paused, but shook his head, a sad smile evident on his face. Yugi's grandpa wouldn't understand, even Yami didn't know for himself. Solomon nodded, knowing all too well the longing gaze Yami graced his grandson with. But he sensed that the older teen could be trusted, and left the room, leaving Yami to deal with his emotions.

Yami lifted Yugi's small form, and laid a hand on the smaller's forehead, feeling it burn with a high fever. He carried Yugi to the bathroom, next to Yugi's room and set the little one down gently. He began to peel Yugi's clothing, stripping him down to boxers. Yami couldn't fight down the urge to blush, but he shook Yugi gently to awake him.
Yugi's amethyst eyes fluttered open, and he was surprised to find Yami's own crimson caressing gaze upon his. Then he realized he was half naked with Yami almost holding, no cut that, actually holding him in a VERY suggestive position. The result in Yugi's features was at first surprise, then anger, then confused, and finally comfortable.

His cheeks were ,yes dusted with a light blush, but he smiled gratefully at Yami for bringing him home.
"Yami, another quick question."
"Shoot little one…"
"Why am I more than half-naked on my bathroom floor, with you right above me, holding onto me like a lifeline?"
"I was about to give you a bath, because you are sick. I wanted to wake you up, before I…uh, well you know…I...I'll go run the water!"

And with that, he picked himself up and rushed over to the taps, and began to pour hot and cold water into the tub. He wouldn't allow Yugi to see his blush, it would lead to awkward questions. But Yugi had already seen Yami's warm, read face, and truth be told, he wasn't that surprised. If Yami didn't like him, why would he talk to him out of nowhere, and carry him home? Then again, how did he know where he lived? Yugi got up, walked over to Yami, and wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging the teen from behind,
"Thank you Yami…"
"For what, little one?"
"Just for talking to me, noticing me when I was invisible, and just being there for me…"

Yami pulled this cute, confused look, but shook it off, and turned and returned the hug offered from his little one. He wondered vaguely if Yugi would think him a pervert for this 'incident,' but Yugi seemed to accept it as a gesture of kindness, than of lust. So he released his grip, and began to strip down as well, until he was in his boxers.

Yugi started, and his 'innocent' eyes traveled up and down Yami's slender muscled figure. A couple words could've been used to describe the godly form before his unworthy gaze, but only one spilled from Yugi's small mouth, in the smallest breath,

Yami had turned, giving the smaller a very nice view of his arched back, but glanced over his shoulder, and seeing Yugi's admiring look, smiled in appreciation,
"I'm fully aware that you are Yugi, but would you like that bath?"

Yugi nodded and blushing very deeply, slipped off his boxers and quickly got into the tub to avoid exposing any more body parts. He averted his eyes when Yami followed suit, and he felt Yami slide closer to him and put his long, lightly tanned arms around Yugi's slender shoulders, and spoke softly,
"Are you scared of me, little one? You're acting as though…I might attack you at any moment…"

There was hurt in his voice, and it pulled and Yugi's heart strings to feel such emotions.
"I'm sorry…but I just met you, and now I'm sharing a bath with you, its as if we were together…in that way. I'm just embarrassed…I'm not as f-forward as you, I'm too s-shy."

Yami nodded with understanding, his eyes twinkling with the new information.
"Then you would be less uncomfortable if we were together? You would like being with me?"
"H-hai…if you don't mind…"

Yami began to scrub Yugi's back with a sponge, letting the oils and fragrances soak into Yugi's skin. The new scents combined with Yugi's present allure were slowly arousing the teen. He had a sudden urge to…kiss his soft, tasty skin…something was clouding Yami's mind and eyes, but it certainly wasn't lust, more along the lines of want and…love.

His arousal was interrupted by the object of his affections caressing his cheeks to catch his attention. Yami's eyes cleared and he smiled at Yugi, hugging his little one closer to him. Yugi's scent was threatening to overpower him, so he decided to drain the water, and climbed out to fetch two towels. Yugi's eyes averted yet again, as Yami dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist and tossed the other one to his little one. Yugi wrapped this around his waist as well, and went to get pajamas.
"Yami? Follow me, we need to get you some warm dry clothes, you might catch cold…"
"Thank you little one…"
"…Why do you keep calling me that? Yugi will suffice…but if you prefer, whatever floats your boat…"
"I don't know, the name just seems to fit you…"

As Yugi handed Yami some large blue PJs, he pulled on some light purple ones that matched his eyes, with small stars on them. They dressed in silence, not unlike the one at the park, veiling, but comfortable. Yami broke the silence by saying,
"Yugi? Would you mind…if I s-stayed over, just for tonight?"

Yami's cheeks colored at his own daring, but little Yugi didn't seem to notice as he nodded and went to ask his grandfather's approval. While Yugi was downstairs, Yami crawled under the comforter and multiple sheets on the double bed, but was soon fast asleep, wrapped in the scent of his little one. Yugi crept back into his room, and found Yami on his bed, with a content look caressing his usually sharp features.
'He must've been really tired to fall asleep that fast.'

But Yugi crawled in next to Yami, and cuddled up next to the warm mass. He blushed when Yami sleepily wrapped one arm around Yugi's neck and the other around his thin waist, but smiled nonetheless. He put his arms around Yami as well, and settled his head in the crook of Yami's neck, where it surprisingly fit perfectly. And Yugi's last thought, before he fell into deep dreams after Yami,
'I hope Yami stays overnight more often…'

And with that warm thought, Yugi drifted off, into a pleasant sleep, the aroma of his Yami surrounding him like a warm breeze.


Hikaris-DS: I liked writing that, I hope you reviewers liked it as much I do!!!

Muraii: I even liked it…whoah…that's alarming…scary…

Hikaris-DS: yes, I KNOW I rushed it a bit, probably broke some rules, or laws(gay stuff), but who da fk cares?? Rules were made to be broken!!! Should I have something similar for my other couples? Or just more fluff for Yami/Yugi?? Or both???(God himself help me, my poor fingers…) You the reader/reviewer must decide, your vote/ consideration counts!!!!

Muraii: And she promises responses to reviews IF there is more than 7 or 8 SEPARATE reviewers per chapter…

Hikaris-DS: O.o...5 would be nice too…check out my other stories, will post more soon!

Hope you had a nice holiday! Jaa!