by crystal tiara

"You saw it, didn't you?" The Priestess's question is short and simple. Soi knows there is no point in denying it, and so what if she'd seen the kiss between Nakago and the Priestess? In the first place, she has every right to be jealous of this girl, now Nakago's newest fancy---and all because she came from another world.

"Yes," she admits truthfully, without any hint of regret in her voice. The Priestess is silent, and has her hand on her chin. She is pensive, but what she is thinking of, Soi cannot figure out.

"So you love him, don't you?" Soi is taken aback at these words. So she knows, after all. She wonders if the girl (she will be never Lady Yui to her, only a girl) can kiss Nakago with a clear conscience, without thinking of her, who has loved Nakago longer than Yui ever did. She nods in response to the question, but the girl doesn't seem satisfied. She continues to prod her with questions.

She asks the reason why, and Soi smiles.

"Simply because," is all she has to say. "Do you really have to know the reason why?"

"I think I love him too," Yui says, almost smugly. "Because he was there for me at a time when no one else was. Do you think that he loves you?"

Yui doesn't mean to rub it in her Seishi's face, but for now she doesn't know what else to do. She doesn't want Nakago to love anyone else; she wants to be his center of attention. In this world, things are confusing and she doesn't know who to trust, and so she wants to cling on him. And for now, she doesn't want to let go. After all, Yui is a jealous person. She doesn't like sharing her men with others.

But Soi is unfazed. Although Yui has struck a nerve, she doesn't show any signs of annoyance. She doesn't want Yui to win this little game; she will not show the hurt. "I like to believe that he does. It doesn't hurt to believe, does it?" She gives a slight smile, one of self-assurance. "What about you?"

"Perhaps," she answers, though she is unsure. "I'd also like to think so, but he's an enigma. I don't understand his feelings." Yui seems to be losing at this game. "In fact, sometimes, I'm scared of him."

"That's because you don't understand him," Soi tells her coolly, as if admonishing the girl. "I've known him much longer than you have."

Yui arches an eyebrow, interested and curious at the same time. "Oh? And what do you know about him?"

"Deep inside, he's a good man, who just happened to lose his way."

Silence fills the room. Yui is speechless.

"And I'm going to help him find it," Soi says proudly. She grins to herself, for she has won this game.

And at this, Soi wakes up from her slumber. She has been dreaming again of a little game called love. But reality snaps back at her, and she knows that things aren't that simple.

Author's Note: How was it? I hope it wasn't too confusing. I just thought of this story all of a sudden, while watching people play chess. Please review and tell me what you think. I know that it's short, but I intended it to be that way---straight to the point. I still hope that you readers do appreciate it, though.