Disclaimer: I don't own anything, sad really. I wish I did, then I could have my way with Tony! (Grins like a Cheshire Cat!)

"That's it. Right there Kate. Oh Kate! Come on, almost there Kate."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow, he overheard Tony as he was walking to his desk.

Sure DiNozzo and Kate were dating, but they could at least keep it out of the office.


He thought they knew better than to screw in the office, the nearly empty office.

They're not a couple of teenagers, well at least Kate isn't.

"Kate! DiNozzo! What do you think you two are doing?" He said rounding the corner.

Kate and Tony froze, wide eyed, at Tony's desk.

Kate was sitting at the computer and Tony was leaning over the back of the chair.

"Uh, playing computer games?" Tony said as the sound of something blowing up was heard.

"Oh damn it!" Kate sighed, glaring at Gibbs, "You made me crash! And I was almost finished."

"What'd ya think we were doin' boss?" Tony raised an eyebrow and grinned, looking at him.

Gibbs blushed not enough for Tony to notice, but enough for Gibbs to notice his face and neck get warm,


He turned and quickly walked to his desk.

Tony and Kate looked at each other and ginned, clearly knowing what it sounded like and what Gibbs's assumption was.

"Y'know Gibbs, you really should get your mind out of the gutter." Tony said.

And he ducked the flying piece of paper aimed at his head.

A/N: You sick, dirty minded people, you were clearly thinking the same thing as Gibbs, weren't you?? Lol! Tricked ya! Please R&R I wanna know what you guys thought of it and how many were thinking the same thing as Gibbs!

And dont ask me what i was on, coz i dont know either.