Sexual Frustration

Jonouchi walked the hallways of Kaiba Corp alone. It was late, most of the employees had already left, and Kaiba had already told him numerous times that he was busy. It was getting to the point where Jonouchi was actually considering doing his homework. This could not be right!

It was then that he heard the call.

The blonde turned his bright eyes upward hopefully and heard the gentle humming from the other room. It spoke to him, promising to fulfill his deepest desires.

He was drawn to his feet, already feeling himself awakening in anticipation of what lay in the next room.

Jonouchi opened the door and gasped. It was everything he expected for it to be, and the gentle purring noises only enticed him more.

The copy machine.

Immediately, he threw himself atop the wonderful machine, still warm from being used during the day. And it was still going. It was going just for him.

Mischievously, Jonouchi opened the top, loving how the light underneath hid playfully when he did so. He could still feel it calling to him, telling him to finish it already!

"Oh.. oh darling I will!" Jonouchi panted. He ran his hands up and down the copy machine, feeling the warmth. Gently, the machine hummed back to him, invigorating him and encouraging him even more.

"Ahh! Ahhhn!!" Jonouchi cried loudly. Deep down inside, he had always suspected it. But now he knew that the machine was his dearest and truest love.

Kaiba walked into the room with a stack of papers he needed to copy, and dropped them to the floor when he saw what was happening. "Jonouchi! No!" He ran forward to pull him away from the device.

But it was too late, for Jonouchi had already made love to the machine, leaving his mark for the disgruntled brunette to see.

"Jonouchi, I don't ever want to see you do that again!" Kaiba said angrily.

The light haired boy grinned devilishly up at him. He could make no promises.


Believe it or not (and I'm sure those of you who know me do) there is a dirtier version of this fic. Unfortunately, I cannot post it here. If you would like to see the complete and original version of this chapter (and all the rest of the chapters I have so far) feel free to click on the link listed in my profile. But I didn't tell you that. ::winks::