Disclaimer: I don't own it, and all that other junk… The writers are geniuses and the casting directors even more so…

A/N: I am writing as fast as I can… So that I don't lose interest with this (I have a habit of doing that with my fics – the only one I've finished is a One-Shot :P) I will finish this… and if I don't send me harassing e-mails/reviews about how you'll murder me if I don't. Enjoy!

Summary: ROGAN. Everyone can see they're perfect for each other. Well everyone except for the two of them. So it's time we gave them a little push. What happens when the family starts to play matchmaker? Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Have a Seat

Rory walked into her English Lit class wanting nothing more than to turn around and head back to her dorm. She had woken up that morning, with 20 minutes until class; hung over and ready to attack anyone that got in her way. There was a line up for coffee, so long that she was late for her first class. She had tripped down the stairs and also managed to walk in on Paris helping Doyle back into his pants. Her day was not going well, and what more to top it off, she had her Friday night dinner with her Grandparents that night.

Walking to her usual seat, she got lost in thought about how horrible the night was sure to be. She most certainly wasn't looking forward to her grandmother talking about her boyfriend, or lack there of, and her mother adding in her trademark sarcastic comments. Taking a seat she jumped up in mild surprise.

"Oh, sorry…" She mumbled, sliding into a seat one over. Drowning the last of her coffee, she slid the cup forward, and let her head fall onto her books.

"Hey, Ace." Logan chirped, poking her in the shoulder. "Little hung over?" He asked, holding a straight face; though it took him a lot of will power not to break out in laughter, she looked so cute moping around all day, and it was finally his turn to pry into her misery. Forcing herself to sit up she managed to focus on him and mumble something, before collapsing once again onto her books.

"What was that, Ace?" He asked, obviously taking amusement in her state of misery.

"No, not hung over why do you ask?" She asked trying for force some life into her voice, though again it came out muffled due to the books.

"Oh, no reason… I mean, you can sit on me any time you like Ace." He said giving her a wink.

It took her a second to register what he said, and another few after that to make the connection with her actually sitting on him, only a few moments before. "oh, sorry about that." She mumbled into her books.

Logan looked down at her. They'd both been at the party last night. Finn for some reason had this strange idea in his head that Logan needed to be set up with her, and therefore invited Rory to every party they had. Of course Logan didn't mind; Rory was always great to talk with, she just wasn't his type. Of course he kept telling Finn that, but Finn never listened to anyone when it came to girls.

"You sure were tossing them back last night," he said, forcing all possible innocence in his voice. "Something on your mind?" The only reply was her mumble into the face of her books. "Come on," he heard himself saying "Let's go get some coffee."

"Can't" she said into her books "Class."

"Yes, but do you really expect to learn anything in the state your in." When she didn't reply he added coyly "I'll buy." Slowly she sat up, collecting her books, just as he knew she would, and followed him outside.

They walked in silence towards the coffee stand. A silence she knew would have been awkward, were it not for the pounding headache which stole all her attention. Logan however didn't have a headache. Actually, he had a grand total of one beer the preceding night, and without a headache for distraction, he actually felt discomfort with the silence between them.

He wasn't friends with Rory Gilmore, he was more of a… acquaintance he thought scraping his mind for the right adjective. They didn't have normal conversations. They would argue and debate, and if that wasn't the case than there were only two other options, one of them was drunk, usually him, he admitted to himself, or he was convincing her to do something adventurous; like the life an death brigade event he thought to himself. She wanted to jump, and he knew it. He also knew that she knew it, but wasn't letting herself think about it.

They arrived at the stand, and Logan ordered two coffees. Carrying both he started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Rory asked, obviously confused at not getting the promised coffee.

"Oh, I was heading back to my room, to make something to eat. Wana come?" He asked, smirk playing across his face.

"No, but I'd like the coffee you're holding." She replied instantly, he voice coming out a little more irritated than she intended. She winced as her headache suddenly got worse, as if punishing her for being rude, before returning to its steady pounding.

"Ah," Logan replied, enjoying very much the torn look that Rory expressed. He knew Rory got very self-conscious when she was in his room. He liked how she looked when she was distressed, and knew that for coffee, she might actually put up with it. "Well you see, the coffee comes back to my room with me."

"What kind of food?" Rory asked, knowing that she had already decided what she was doing, but not wanting to let Logan know he had won. The thing was, even though she knew there wasn't anything between them. She always got self-conscious when she was with Logan. It was like she was always trying to keep up, and impress him. She felt very small when she was near him and his extravagant lifestyle. She liked it, Logan made her feel alive, but she wasn't his type, and she was constantly worrying who he was comparing her to.

"Does it really matter?" Logan asked with a smirk.

"I guess not," Rory replied reaching for the coffee, which Logan only gave up once they made it to his room.

"All right, Ms. Gilmore," he said, stressing the s in Ms. "sit down and prepare to be amazed, by my exemplary culinary skills." Opening the fridge Logan realized that the only thing he had in there was beer, and a carton of orange juice. Turning to Rory, who was seated on one of his bar stools, and had her face resting against her hand and – God she had finished her coffee already! Sliding his coffee over, he walked to the bathroom and came back with some Advil. "For the headache," he supplied, as she mumbled her thanks. "What do you say we go out?"

Sitting down at the local pub and grill, Rory felt her headache begin to clear. After the food arrived, she actually felt as good as new.

Logan watched her as he finished off the remains of his meal. She was cute. Not his type, but cute. Their bantering and debates were a perfect reason to start a friendship, the only problem was Rory seemed to really have a thing for labels, and any label not suiting to her liking might give her the wrong idea… Were they friends? He certainly hoped so… but with Rory it was always hard to tell.

"So," Rory broke the silence as she finished off the last of her fries. A sudden thought broke into her head. "Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Wow Ace, really forward aren't you?" Logan asked, knowing the blush it would provoke. And he was rights, as the second the words were out of his mouth she turned a light shade of pink.

"Well…" Rory said, a grin spreading across her face. "I felt that I should treat you to dinner, after my rude behavior at the beginning of class today."

"Ace," Logan replied sarcastically, knowing that there would be some catch, yet not wanting to decline at the same time. "That is very considerate of you."

Grinning Rory replied "Meet me at my room at six thirty, and the occasion is simi-formal, so no jeans."

"All right, I'll come, but on one condition."

"Hey, I'm treating here, I don't know if you're allowed to negotiate terms."

"Ah, well maybe not, but you did sit on me, and so in addition to dinner, I want a coffee date." Logan relied knowing that if they ended up getting coffee, that again he would pay, and again he would most likely end up letting her finish his coffee for him.

Grinning Rory replied, "Sure. See you at six thirty."

A/N: Okay… Well please review. I am already writing the next chapter. I tell you – I will not allow myself to get bored. I must not get bored… Logan is too hot to get bored with…  Please review – it makes me happy and reminds me that I'm not boring…. New chapter will be up, if I get some reviews… tomorrow? Maybe…