Alright, last official chapter except for sequels so please enjoy it. I have procrastinated posting this chapter for days so the end wouldn't come. But on a happier note I can guarantee a sequel story about a vacation… This chapter is just tying up loose ends and being a bit random. Oh yeah, and I save the party lalalalalala. Before I give away too much, however, here is the final chapter of Gaara's Therapy.

Gaara's Therapy

Chapter 8: The Grand Finale

Gaara, Temari, and Kankurou ran into Shikamaru's yard and froze in shock. There in the yard were all the genins, chuunins, and jonins standing there and when they saw the sand-nins, they shouted "SURPRISE" at the top of their lungs.

Gaara was so shocked and startled that he let out a piercing shriek followed by a "Holy s! You people never do that again!" This only caused everyone to burst out laughing while Gaara tried to hide his embarrassment while his face turned bright red.

Shikamaru stepped forward with a smug 'I'm so pleased with myself' grin on his face that would make even Kakashi (Mr. Cool Ninja) want to smack him.

"I was wondering when you would come back to say the treatment worked like I knew it would. You kept them waiting for an hour, so they kind of ate your 'congratulations on successfully completing your therapy' cake that Hinata made. Oh well, who needs cake at a party anyway?" Shikamaru did one of his famous 'say-it-all-in-one-breath' talks. "Here, let me explain briefly. I knew the whole time that music would solve your Shukaku problem; I just wanted you to go through the other treatments so you would grow as a person and partly for my own amusement…"

Gaara was exercising all of his self control not to squish Shikamaru who had used him for his own sick amusement. He only succeeded, because he was grateful to Shikamaru for helping him control Shukaku.

Suddenly, Naruto yelled out "Let's get this party started instead of standing around and talking like boring old guys! No offense Kakashi…" And with Naruto's words of encouragement, the party began.

Kankurou was talking to Shino like they were old friends, though he was secretly plotting with the lizards. Gaara walked by them just in time to hear Kankurou asking if Shino had problems with lizards eating his bugs. Temari was talking with Shikamaru, but they hushed when Gaara came near them. Gaara figured they had been talking about him. Kiba was still shunning Gaara over the Akamaru incident. Apparently Akamaru still hadn't returned home. Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee were all talking among each other. Gaara knew he wouldn't be welcome with them. Gaara also saw three Goth girls he didn't know talking to everyone and one was even glomping Shikamaru and rambling about sexy pineapples (Yes these people are me and my sisters Hurricane-rider and sand-nin-gurl who felt the need to go to Gaara's party, and I'm the psycho Shikamaru glomper). He hated parties. He always felt so out of place with all the people. Gaara saw Sakura standing by herself and walked over to her.

"Hi," Gaara said shyly.

"Hello," said Sakura equally shy.

"Will you go out with me?" they both blurted at the same time. They both blushed.

"Sure, I'd love to," they both said again.

There was a long awkward pause.

"…..Well, I'd better get back to the party," Gaara said making an excuse to get away from the girl who made him unable to speak an intelligent sentence.

"Oh, ok, meet me when you're about to leave," Sakura said as she watched Gaara walk away.

Suddenly, two larger shapes followed by three smaller shapes ran out of the forest. Naruto pulled out his shuriken to throw at them, but Kiba knocked them out of his hand.

"Akamaru?" he said running at the figures.

Sure enough, coming out of the forest were Akamaru, Spike, and their new puppies. Kiba and Gaara made up and worked together to give the puppies away to good homes like Kankurou, Neji, and Kakashi; all of whom began talking baby talk as soon as they thought no one was listening.

Gaara was pleased with the party, but getting bored, so he decided to leave, when suddenly a band was introduced to be playing for the party. The band's name made Gaara shiver deep down inside. This scary-beyond-belief band was: The Backstreet Boys (a piercing horror movie shriek will now sound whenever The Backstreet Boys are mentioned). They were the only band the Leaf Nins could hire for less than twenty bucks. They began with a song we all know and fear. They sang "Backstreet's back ALRIGHT!" Finally Gaara couldn't take the ear torture any more. He got onstage and squished them all with his sand to a loud cheer from everyone at the party (Buahahahaha cough cough! No more annoying pretty-boys singing in unison!). But now they all had another problem… there was no music at the party and who ever heard of a party without music? Just as everyone was about to go home 'cuz they thought the party was over, the psycho Shikamaru-glomper said something about being able to perform with her imaginary head-gerbils. Everyone thought she was crazy until three gerbils (the girl had a Mohawk) popped out of her ear and onto the stage. The female gerbil said something about needing her band and equipment and out of the girl's ear popped some strange looking creatures with instruments.

There was a bear-lion mix on drums, a hedgehog-monkey-boy mix on bass guitar, and what looked like a mix between a spider and a lollipop on keyboard while the demon gerbils sang. "Oh no," said the female gerbil who seemed to be the leader. "We need an electric guitarist or we can't perform!" Then she looked at Gaara. "Hey you play don't you?" she asked. Gaara didn't want to play in front of everyone so he made an excuse that he didn't have his guitar with him. "Oh, that doesn't matter," said the gerbil. "Hey, human imagine him his guitar please." Gaara's guitar popped out of the girl's ear while Gaara watched. "Hey how did she…?" Gaara asked the gerbils. The gerbils looked at him and replied, "Oh, she's an author she can do anything. Now let's perform!" They climbed onto the stage and picked up their instruments while the psycho-glomper-of-psychiatrists-with-author-powers introduced them as the awesome band "A Bad Case of the Sniffles". With that brief intro, they all began to play. They were actually pretty good…understatement…they were actually the bestest band that ever picked up a guitar. They were so good, because they were imaginary and could play as well as their creator imagined.

After the concert the lead gerbil, Grandma Sniffles went over to Gaara and asked if he wanted to join the band. Gaara quickly agreed since he could see the band was definitely going to make it big soon. The band loaded up their equipment and popped back into the girl's head through their door, the ear. The party was now over. Gaara watched everyone leave. The girl with gerbils left dragging a confused Shikamaru behind her. Kankurou left with Shino and his puppy still taking about lizards. The Leaf Nins all left together and Kiba waved goodbye to Gaara with a smile. Finally it was just Gaara and Sakura left standing there. They both looked embarrassed for a moment. Then, Gaara walked over to her and they walked away holding hands into the night. Life was definitely looking up for Gaara.

Ok, that's the end… End of the story. Ok goodbye. Ummmm, see ya. Adiós. Hasta luego. Hasta la vista, baby. C'yaz. McBye-Bye. Until next story. STOP READING NOW! (I walk away still dragging Shikamaru behind me and talking about our future together while he just keeps looking confused.)