Sorry it's taking me so long to updatethe story,but I just want this to be right before I post anything.
Here's the next chapter. I hope you all like it.
Leo, Paige and Phoebe worked out a plan to get Piper back while Sam took Wyatt into the kitchen to make him some supper. Once they had everything worked out Paige and Phoebe left to get there older sister back.
"Have you seen Chris?" Leo asked giving Sam a look.
"Not since you attacked him." She continued to feed Wyatt. She knew she had no right talking to Leo like that, but she couldn't help it.
"Look I'm really sorry about that, it's just I don't trust Chris. . .yet." Leo looked at his son and smiled.
"Well you should. He did come back from the future to save your son after all."
"But for what reason?" Leo reached over and touched Wyatt on the top of the head before orbing out of the manor. Sam knew he was off looking for Chris and let out a long sigh.
"If Chris would just tell your mommy and daddy the truth there would be no problems in this house at all."
Wyatt smiled up at her.
"Now what fun would that be?" A male voice said from behind her making her turn around hands up ready to attack.
"What are you doing here?" Sam slowly turned back to Wyatt.
"Is that any way to talk to family?" The young man said coming further into the kitchen.
"You are not my family." Sam spit out.
"Now, now Samantha" He was standing right behind her at that moment. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. "You really shouldn't talk to your brother like that." He leaned forward smelling her hair. "God how I've missed you."
"Don't touch me!" Sam screamed out pushing away from the table. "Don't you ever touch me." Wyatt suddenly put up his shield and began to cry.
Sam looked over at the toddler. "If I was you I'd get out of here now. Leo will hear his son crying and be could here any second."
"I'll leave. . .but I'll be back." He blew a kiss at her making Sam's skin crawl.
"It's ok, Wyatt." Sam picked him up making the toddler quiet down. He buried his head in her shoulder. "I won't let him hurt you. . .ever." Sam looked over at the spot where her brother had once stood then back at Wyatt. "He'll never get his hands on you."
"Why are you following me?" Chris said a few minutes later as him and Leo orbed into the livingroom.
"Why are you running from me?" Leo answered back.
"Sshhh, keep it down in here Wyatt just fell asleep." Sam said coming into the room. She looked over at Chris and couldn't help but smile.
"Are the girls back?" Leo asked.
"Not yet. . ." But no sooner had the words had left her mouth then the Charmed Ones orbed into the front hall.
"Piper." Leo said walking towards her. Piper just looked at the floor.
"You left me." Piper couldn't look at him. "You left us." She was crying at that moment.
"Let me explain." Leo started to say.
"How could you do that to me? To your son?"
Leo walked over to his wife pulling her into his arms.
"I'm so sorry about that, baby." He kissed her forehead.
"Maybe we should leave them alone?" Sam said taking Chris' hand leading him into the other room.
"Sounds like a good idea." Phoebe said as her and Paige headed upstairs.
"Are you ok?" Sam asked once they were in the kitchen.
"Well let's see, my father hates me and I think my mother might as soon as she finds out I'm the reason he left her." Chris looked down at the floor.
"Just go out and tell them the truth." Sam came to stand in front of him.
"I can't." He leaned back against the island in the center of the room. Sam was inches away from him at that moment. "Besides it might mess up the future. And I don't want to do any more damage. . . .than I already have."
"Well I think that's something you should of thought about before you sent your father to Valhalla." She said with a slight laugh in her tone. She reached out and touched his arm. "I mean if you just. . ."
Chris slowly looked up at Sam. This time he really looked at her. God she was beautiful he thought to himself. Everything about her was beautiful. From the soft sable color of her hair. To her chestnut brown eyes. . . . wait, one eye was brown while the other one was half blue half green. He'd never noticed that before.
Sam was still talking about something which made her hair move over her shoulder. Suddenly his hand moved from his side and started to raise up as if he were about to touch her hair but he stopped himself. He didn't know how she would react.
Looking up at her hair one more time he realized it was down today. She had never worn her hair down. Ever since she'd come to work there she'd always worn it up in one way or another. A flash of her in those pigtails she had the other day popped into his head making him smile. But today it was down. Today she looked so different. So. . .so, sexy.
Stop thinking about her like that. What about Bianca? He lightly shook his head. Ok stop staring at her. He thought to himself but it only made him look at her hair again.
Was her hair as soft as it looked? He'd bet anything it was. His hand twitched again.
Then he looked down at her lips then. God she was still going on and on about telling the sisters and Leo who he really was. But he couldn't hear a word she was saying. He was to busy studying her. Staring at her.
God how he loved the way her lips curled up when she smiled, as they were doing at that very moment.
"What are you staring at?" Sam asked with a small grin dancing across those very lips.
"Nothing." Chris lowered his gaze back to the floor.
"Looks to me let he was staring at your lips. Maybe he was thinking about kissing you. . .again." A male voice said from the doorway. "Not that I can't see why he'd want to do it." He flashed Sam an evil grin. "I told you I'd be back."
"Get out of here, Marcus!" Sam screamed out.
"You know him?" Chris looked up at her utterly shocked. He quickly moved away from her at that point.
"Well she is my sister after all."
"What?" Piper stood in the other doorway looking from the demon to the girl she'd hired to protect her son back to the demon. "He's your brother? A demon is your brother?" She was furious. It was written all over her face.
Just then Phoebe, Paige and Leo came into the room.
"What's going on in here?" Leo asked looking at the intruder. "Who's he?"
"Her brother." Piper said shooting Sam a hateful look.
"Go away, Marcus." Sam's eyes flashed red. A fire ball started to appear in her right hand.
"Not until I get what I came for, love." He shimmered away then reappeared behind Chris. "You will bring me the child," he started to laugh; "or your lover here dies." And with that he shimmered away taking Chris with him.
"What the hell?" Piper began to pace. "Who the hell are you?" She walked right up the Sam staring deep into her eyes.
Taking in a deep breath Sam answered her. "I'm the one who's bringing your. . . . .your whitelighter back." She shimmered away leaving a very stunned group in the kitchen.
"Did she just shimmer?" Phoebe asked looking at Leo then at Piper.
"Attic, now!" Piper said walking past everyone to the stairs.
Once in the attic Piper began to place candles in a circle lighting them as she went.
"What are you doing, Piper?" Leo asked as he and her sisters watched her.
"I'm getting some answers." She walked over to the book and began to recite the spell to call a lost soul.
Hear these words, hear my cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to me I summon thee
Cross now the great divide
Lights began to form in the circle as Penny Halliwell appeared.
"Hello, sweetie." She said with a big smile.
"Don't sweetie me. Who the hell is Sam?" Piper screamed at her grandmother.
"Why? What's the matter?" Penny took on her corporeal shape and walked out of the circle.
"I think you know Grams." Phoebe said this time.
"Who's Marcus?" Paige asked.
"He's here?" Penny looked around the room.
"So it's true?" Leo asked shocked. "Marcus is Sam's brother."
"You made me hire a demon to take care of my son?" Piper walked up the her grandmother slapping her. "How dare you put my son in danger."
"Piper!" Phoebe screamed out.
"Sam would never hurt Wyatt." Another voice said as Patty appeared in the circle.
Piper looked at her mother. "She's a demon, mother."
"She's only part demon." Penny corrected. "And don't even think about hitting me again." She looked at Piper with a hurt expression.
"I'm sorry about that Grams, but you really pissed me off this time. How could you let a demon get this close to our family?"
"It's not like it's never happened before." Paige said getting a look from everyone in the room. "Well Phoebe was married to one after all."
"That may be true. But this is about my son and keeping him safe. All this time he's had a demon for a nanny. What of she is the one after him? What if she's the evil that hurts my son?" Piper began to cry. Leo came over by her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close.
"Nothing is going to get to Wyatt, sweetie."
"I'm not here to hurt Wyatt." Sam said as she slowly walked into the room. "Please forgive me." She waved her hand in the air freezing everyone in the room. "I have to get Chris back." She walked over to Piper looking her right in the eyes. "I can't let him hurt Chris." She looked at Patty and Penny next. "I told you they needed to know the whole truth, but you two just wouldn't listen."
"What are you going to do?" Leo asked.
"Give Marcus what he wants." Sam held out her hands. "Wyatt." She said as the toddler appeared in her arms.
"No!" Piper screamed out.
Sam waved her hand in the air unfreezing Phoebe.
"I need your help?"
"Why should I help you hand over my nephew to that monster?"
"Because you won't be handing him over." Sam walked back over to Piper unfreezing her then handing her Wyatt. "You'll be giving him me."
"What?" Piper looked at her confused.
Sam unfroze everyone else in the room before turning back to Phoebe. Then she began to say a spell:
Powers of darkness powers of light
Come to me to make things right
Make it so that all they see
Is that this witch looks just like me
"Whoa." Phoebe said shaking her head.
"She looks just like you." Leo said looking over at Sam then back at Phoebe.
"We really need to talk later." Paige said with a slight chuckle.
"Now we'll go to where he's keeping Chirs and do the exchange. . ." Sam started to say but was cut off but Piper.
"How the hell did you do that?"
"I'll explain everything when we get Chris back." She started to pace back and forth. "Once we get there you hand him. . .I mean me over to Marcus and I'll orb you and Chris out of there and back to the manor."
"But what about you? What happens when Marcus finds out you're not the real Wyatt?" Leo asked.
"I'll take care of that." Sam closed her eyes then started to change into Wyatt.
"This is just to freaky." Paige said as she picked up Sam.
"Tell me about it." Phoebe said taking the second Wyatt from her sister. "Now how am I supposed to get to wherever Marcus took Chris?" Just as she said it her and Sam shimmered out of the attic.
"Way to freaky." Paige said still shocked.