Hi there! KNK here with the fourth chapter of Uchiha Therapy!

Yes, I can hear you all going "FINALLY!" (wow, it's been awhile, ne?)

Haha, actually there's been a lot going on….. MY FAVORITE STAND-UP COMEDIAN DIED! (sob sob) Yeah, Mitch Hedberg died. I loved him. He was only 37 and he died of heart failure. He was born with a heart defect and it finally killed him. (Tears). That and I have SO MUCH HOMEWORK! –And my computer's broken and blah blah blah. Okay, enough excuses.

No one has guessed my contest yet. If no one gets it I'll have another BIG hint in the second to last chapter. (Maybe, I'm making this up with a vague idea of how it goes)

"Dogs are forever in the pushup position"

Mitch Hedberg

Sasuke sighed and glanced at the clock for a moment before turning back to the rubix cube Kamiya had so thoughtfully lent him. According to the clock, Sakura should have arrived ten minutes ago. Oh well. Sasuke thought. It's only delaying the inevitable confrontation with one of my biggest fangirls…

He turned his attention to his therapist who was 'momentarily resting her eyes'.


……Or maybe she fell asleep…

Then a thought struck him with the force of Chouji landing on him after a fall from an airplane. HE COULD ESCAPE!

Quickly ninja-ing towards the door, Sasuke reached for the handle only to be hit in the face with said door.

"I'm so sorry, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed, immediately rushing to the side of her fallen comrade. "Are you alright!"

"I'm fine..." Sasuke mumbled, gently touching the rapidly swelling area of his forehead.

"Huh? Wha?" Kamiya opened an eye and looked sleepily at her guests. "Where am I?" The open eye surveyed the room. "Oh yeah… Work!" She immediately sat up and composed herself, aptly removing the piece of paper that was stuck to her cheek. "If you both would please take your seats we can get started"

Sasuke trudged back to his seat obediently, depressed that his plans for escape had failed. He blinked in confusion at the stare he was getting from his therapist. "What?"

"Wow Sasuke, you've sure got one hell of an egg on your head. How'd that happen?" Kamiya asked in a happy tone.

"I'm so sorry!" Sakura apologized once again. "I accidentally hit Sasuke-kun with the door on my way in!"

"What was he doing by the door anyways?"

"I was, uh, walking around mindlessly" Sasuke stumbled to find an explanation.

Kamiya looked relieved. "Oh good. I thought you might have been trying to escape or something. We can't have that, now can we? I wont get paid."

Sasuke's eye twitched. How did she know?

"Alright then," Kamiya clapped her hands together in her cheerful manner. "Sakura-chan, what do you think is wrong with Sasuke-kun?"

"U-um…" Sakura fidgeted nervously, unable to get out an intelligent word. Kamiya was confused, why was this brilliant young girl shifting so uneasily in her seat? Sakura kept sending strange glances at her dark and emo teammate, a blush covering her face. Suddenly, the hamster gained enough momentum to brighten the light bulb of intelligence within Kamiya's mind.

"You're fidgety, Sakura-chan… Maybe you have worms… Sit still for twenty seconds." She ordered calmly.

Sakura immediately stopped blushing. "What?" Kamiya regarded the young kunoichi critically for a moment before furrowing her eyebrows.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong" She mumbled mostly to herself.

Gathering her remaining sanity, Sakura attempted to get this session back on track. "Well, I believe Sasuke-kun could try opening up to people more. I mean, we're here for him but he doesn't seem to care."

"That bastard." Kamiya gasped.

"Uh, I'm right here you know"

Kamiya looked at Sasuke as if noticing him for the first time. "So you are… Please continue, Sakura-chan"

"Right" Sakura nodded. "Sasuke-kun needs to stop being so… so…"



Nodding sagely, Kamiya scribbled some more notes and then motioned for Sakura to continue.

"He needs to understand that vengence against his brother willl bring him nothing but more pain and suffering. Is pushing everyone who cares about you away a fair price to pay for power?" She looked pleadingly at the boy next to her. "Is it?"



"Well, there's a relevation for you" Kamiya commented.

"I cant believe you, Sasuke-kun!"

"Yeah well, too bad." Sasuke huffed. "I'm still killing Itachi and I'll do anything to accomplish my goal."

Sakura looked at him in disbelief. "Alright Sasuke-kun…" She mumbled. "If that's the way you want it…"

"It is" Sasuke assured.

"Fine!" She exclaimed. "You can go become powerful any way you want to! But you'll never be as strong as someone who stands by his friends!" She shouted and stromed out of the room, Inner Sakura obviously in control.

"Wow, just like a soap opera, isnt it?" Kamiya asked, munching from a bag of popcorn that was in a drawer of her desk.

Sasuke just glared at her. "Shut up"

"I love you too, Sasuke-kun"

Hopefully, I'll come up with more ideas soon! Gomen nasai, read and review!