His Final Year
Rating: PG-13 later on just to be safe
Summary: It's Lily and James in their final year. James knows he's going to change for Lily. Will she finally stop fighting and love him back?
Disclaimer: No the characters aren't mine ok! Are you happy now? runs away in tears Nah, you know who they belong to.
Chapter One: The Head Boy?
Lily may have had a horrible summer, but that was nothing compared to the upcoming train ride. She couldn't find either of her friends yet, but she'd find them at some point. She sat in their usual compartment, fiddling with her Head Girl badge, wondering who was the Head Boy. Finally, the compartment door opened, but to Lily's utter disappointment, in stepped the Marauders instead of her friends.
"Lily darling! Aw how's my favorite redhead?" Sirius Black had made himself at home by sitting next to poor Lily and throwing his arm lazily over her shoulder.
"In need of a shower because of the physical contact, Black, thank-you." She quickly moved to the other side next to Remus Lupin, the only Marauder she could stand or be friends with. Lily and Remus slowly became friends after being prefects together for two years. Remus just smiled at her.
"How was your summer Lily?" Remus and her were also the only ones on first name basis too.
"Oh don't ask. What about you?" Lily hated discussing summers. Her's was always the same; boring and non-magical.
He just shrugged. "Can't really complain. It was pretty good."
Sirius looked as though Remus just announced he was a woman. "Moony! How could you say it was "pretty good"? It was the greatest summer yet for the Marauders! Pranks, Quidditch, food…uhh…more pranks, Quidditch, and even more food!"
Lily rolled her eyes. "Sounds so very fun Black."
Remus laughed and turned back to Lily. "Where are Melanie and Alex?"
Lily shrugged. "I don't know. I couldn't find them when I got on. But they'll show up sometime. So do you still like Mel?"
Remus looked shocked. "How did you know I even liked her?"
Lily laughed. It was so obvious, at least to Lily and Alex. "I can just tell. Alex knows too. Mel's still clueless though. She is blonde. So do you still like her? I know you liked her last year and the year before that."
"I still can't believe you know." He dropped his voice to a whisper just in case. "Yeah I still like her." He turned bright red. Sirius rolled his eyes and yawned.
"Wait a minute," Lily did a quick look around the compartment, "I'm not as annoyed with you guys as I should. Where's Potter?"
"Well my word Moony!" Sirius exclaimed with plenty of drama and grabbed his heart. "Is it just me or is she worried about our Prongs? This is a defining moment Moony. It's very touching." He wiped a fake tear away.
Again, Lily rolled her eyes, something she did very frequently around Black. "Like I care. I was just curious. I've got to run. Heads meeting. You coming Remus?"
"Is it for prefects? I thought it was just Heads." She just looked at him oddly. Surely he above anyone would be Head Boy. When she didn't make any movement, Remus laughed. "I'm not Head Boy Lily. Someone else is. Congrats on being Head Girl though."
She couldn't believe. She just nodded and said a quick thanks. She headed out the compartment. Who on earth could the Head Boy be? She didn't stop wondering until she hit the Heads compartment. 'Well, you'll figure it out soon, Lily.' She quickly opened the door, only to see the Head Boy's back. 'Wow, he's pretty tall. Seems muscular from what I can see. And a very nice butt!' When he finally noticed someone else in the room, her jaw just dropped. 'Oh no please…'
"Hi Lily. Glad to see you again."