Gonna' Sing Popular
By WittyFae
(AN: the time is now, the place could be anywhere, the people could be COMING TO AN AUDITION NEAR YOU!!!
Based on actual events.)
Now that I've known you for a full five minutes - i'm going to show you my audition piece!
Random stranger on a bench
You really don't have to do that.
I know, that's what makes me so talented!
Whenever there's an audition I can't let it pass me by
'Cause let's face it, when have I let an audition pass me by?
My little heart starts to leap and whirl!
And when I have to sing a show song
There's one song I know can't go wrong
I know, I KNOW, exactly what it'll be.
And no matter what the case
Though I've sung it up and down the place
It's certain, that I'm going to succeed
Get cast as the lead
Oh yes indeed
I'm gonna sing PopUUUlar
I've worn out the show CD
My mom gave to me
And I think I'm good to go.
I'll show them how cute I am
As I take a stand
And sing something they've never heard
I'll sing Popular
I'm gonna sing PopUUUar
I'm gonna belt high D
Till their ear drums bleed
It maybe only heard by dogs.
I'll be fine if they just hear me, and don't ask for a monologue
LA LA LA LA, I'm gonna belt out Pop-u-lar
When I see the other girls here
I'm not nervous and I don't fear
I remind myself of just one fact
That I could
Blow the roof off with one note
And throw them backwards with my throat
Do they have that rare talent? 'Cause if they did-
They'd sing Popular!
Please, they'd kill to sing PopUUUlar
I just have to flaunt
I know what they want
They're not Avante Guard like me.
To sing something from Wicked
Is such originality
Why, I'm not suprised but, look at you. You're trembling
Random Stranger on a bench
I have to go (heads for the hills
You're welcome
And I do confess
Kristen Chenoweth
Was good but she'd agree
That I have got it perfect
And she could use some tips from me
LA LA LA LA - I sing Popular!
And know that when I'm done they will CAST MEEEEE!!!!!