~ A message from ME to YOU. ~

(June 17th 2011~

I have decided to abandon this story. Do not fret, I will not be removing this fic.

My plan is to post a second version of WIT. It will still utilize the general theme, plot and essential, underlying conflict. Bluntly speaking, I am extremely frustrated of editing around my previous WIT posts. What can I say- I started conceptualizing, writing and posting this since I was twelve years of age. :/ Therefore, I've decided to start again... from the the beginning. A fresh slate, so to speak.

It shall remain to remind me of a time past, a former state of being, a then-new experience, a proud neophyte effort. Here is a testament to the barrel-full of blood, sweat and tears that had come and gone with erratic, unpredictable surges of inspiration, frustrations, heartache and sheer pleasure of being read, and at times further honored with a view, review, and a private message.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. But, I am glad, I had the daring I had back then to post What It Takes in the first place; to update. I will never get back the time, state of being, experiences I've lost, and it's fine. I am extremely pleased to have shared this with you.

I dare to say~ This story shall remain a proud, albeit flawed sentinel of the RO/RK ship.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and time spent with me, my dearest readers! It's been a blast! X's and O's.)

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A GALS! Fan Fiction

"What It Takes"

By Bloody Priestess

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Summary: (1) Rei and Ran. People often say that, "No LOVE is worth as much a TRUE and lasting FRIENDSHIP." But, do tell me honestly, do you have what it takes to chose FRIENDSHIP over your one, and TRUE LOVE?

(2) REIxRAN. Rei Otohata can barely speak his mind, what more with his feelings? So, he becomes part of a (rock) band. Under the shroud of his songs he bares his soul and his true feelings for Aya Hoshino & Ran Kotobuki.


Disclaimer: I don't own GALS! Surely, that is fact everyone already knows about.

PLEASE READ : (Warnings)

1. This fan fiction stemmed from the most "striking" things I've encountered from the anime show. And so, the story has become somewhat AU... Beware and please, disregard any thing from the manga. You see, I have not been fortunate enough to find and read the manga.

2. Heads up to all those Aya-lovers; there will HURTFUL remarks about her throughout this piece. I am not trying to pick fights here. Aya's character symbolizes something (whatever that is, you'll have to decide for yourself). This, I'll tell you though— things WILL get better for her but DO NOT aspire for Rei-Aya ships here. 2.1 There's a reason for that 'hate/rant'… C'mon, say it with me— PLOT. ü! 2.2 If you can't take it, it's not too late to HIT the return button now. Read my virtual lips, if you have nothing civil to say—SHOO.

3. Rated for the LANGUAGE/swearing and SLANG, all the crazy stuff I may add in later chapters! Who knows? -wink-wink-

4. I'd like to say this for the record: a.) this story happen a few years after the anime show—the characters are in their senior year in high school (uhmm, that would make them 17 and/or 18 years of age.); b.) Yuya and Mami (or "Maki" in the Philippine TV dub) of Ikebukuro NEVER got together.



Author's Notes: Please don't take this fic—so Literally. And you'll see the little sad-joys of this existence etched here and there.

This fan fic is dedicated to all friendships whose quarrels have been going on for the longest time now and in spite of everything, still remains unresolved and broken.


Chapter One: Poured Alongside Coffee

There's something about the rain that often puts us in such a miserable disposition.


It should have been raining right now. But because of the wind of change — Rain fell to earth as snow.

He took no notice of the Christmas decorations as he lengthened his pace. He seemed to be oblivious to the merry cheers underscoring the joyful mood of the streets. To the unaware, they would note that he was a dark, gloomy spot against the bright, festive air surrounding him. To those who really knew, he was simply too intent on keeping his appointment.

This young man strode solitarily (of which he was getting quite accustomed of doing lately) along the busy and buzzing streets of Shibuya District, Tokyo City. His isolation was a matter of choice, he thought grimly. Something people can not help themselves but question. Whatever happened to the Freedom to choose? He wondered… Why did he need to constantly explain himself?

A friend had invited him for a cup of coffee. 'For a chat'… But he knew better, he was REALLY in for a long, long, long sermon not some simple catching up. He was not worried by that prospect. However, it did fill him with something like foreboding… A foreboding of the very thing he avoided by keeping his distance. A confrontation.

He immediately crushed the wary thought. The eighteen year old felt confident that the thick shell of practiced indifference he had built for himself all these years would protect him. Given the history of his cool demeanor and lack of speaking lines… He allowed the thought trail off. He knew his action (or the lack of) could speak oodles. Rei smiled sardonically, feeling more certain by the minute. His never-fail pattern of silence and unreadable expression would not fail him this time as well.

Besides, there were far more perilous things in this world. He shrugged. Death, famine and war are the sort that usually top the "world's list".

And if anyone dared to ask: His list was considerably short and simpler. And it was topped with the most pointlessly astonishing obsession that involved a red-head with sepia-colored eyes that never failed to bring about an extraordinary (yet delicious) effect to his heart rate. People would think him shallow for liking the girl—after all, she was NOT the sort of girl fairytale heroine's embody.

Sure, the world never cared for her. Their sharp tongues ready to flay alive for… simply existing the way she is and not the way they want her to be. People wanted to have the "worthy" rewarded and the "other" condemned.

They may not care for her. But… he cared—and that was damn reason enough for him. And to hell with the world!

He shook away the pessimistic thoughts.

First things first. He thought, knolling his shoulders like soldier before a major campaign. Lately, he'd been doing this with increasing counts. For there have been more things to be guarded of. It cannot be denied that his cynical and jaded bearing served him well in keeping situations, people—mostly, certain girls he doesn't care for at arms length.

Ironically, that served him a little too well. He thought wryly as her exquisite vivacious silhouette retreated from him—figuratively and literally-speaking.

His jaw locked, suddenly annoyed at this turn of his thoughts. He already missed his stop. Blast this damn brooding. Rei recounted his steps, found the correct shop door, and brusquely pushed the glass door open.

During cold and icy days like this, the best place to chill (no pun intended) would deep in the espresso machine-humming, caffeine-perfumed recesses of a café. A bell jingled delicately into the background. A couple of curious eyes flew to the entrance of the coffee shop, in expectation of seeing of their friend.

Rei Otohata pulled the black ski-cap off his dark head as he scoured through a coffee shop in Fourth Avenue, Shibuya District; aptly named, "Forth Avenue Café." His ice-blue eyes coolly dismissed the nameless, faceless multitude that filled the locale's latest, trendiest café and searched for a familiar face amongst the customers.

Then a hand shot up unto the air, immediately catching his attention. "Rei, over here!" Yuya waved.

Rei acknowledged his friend's presence with a slight nod. As he walked to his seated friend, he began stripping out of his white faux fur-trimmed dark gray and black colored coat with a fluid, masculine grace that would do credit to a seasoned runaway model. When the piece was off, Otohata bared himself wearing a dark blue vertically-lined knitted sweater that hugged his broad shoulders, narrow-waist frame and muscular/lean to complete his dark-hued jeans.

This curtness was a countenance all too expected to be deliberately insulting. Yuya Asou found no reason to feel affronted. The equally handsome young blonde knew the Rei's reason behind being the way he is… It would scare the living hell out of Otohata if he was aware of the fact— that Asou knew about those things his dark-haired buddy tried damned hard to conceal…

Tucking his black mittens underneath the crook of his arm along with his divested jacket, Rei silently strode forward with a natural grace which made all the young ladies openly gawk with desire and the young men narrowed their eyes with envy. All in all, their gaze were too focused on the dark-haired guy's exceptionally handsome face —and somehow that enough to rule out the less-than-desirable cold countenance.

Whatever happened to "Don't judge a book by it cover"? One wonders, and a tad bit disgusted at the shallowness of the general population.

He knew, just like they knew too. He was the focus of everyone's attention. Rei couldn't careless if they revered him as some kind of a God (which, ironically is happening now) because, for as long as "nobody knows"… No, a dark head shook to clear the ominous thought, nobody will ever know.

"It's been a while, Rei." Yuya said, wheeling around to greet his friend. Clad in an aqua turtleneck with a dark teal green shirt underneath his coal-black windbreaker, light brown slacks and the appropriate snow shoes without forgoing the latest style and trend, anyone could see why the blonde always placed in that Super High School Student Grand Prix, back in his junior high to high school years.

Rei took the stool next to the blonde. Stretching his arms along the length of bar's countertop, he replied casually, "Yeah, quite a while… How have you been surviving?"

Yuya laughed and that brought a friendly, approachable light to his earth tones: fair-complexion, slightly long blonde hair, and hazel brown eyes. He had been hanging out more with Ran and her cliques than with his best friend— Rei. "Energy's the operant word. That's all you need to keep up with Ran."

"Uh, yeah..." Rei said inaudibly, refusing to take his eyes off his clasped hands.

Afraid of disclosing something with a certain obviousness that was in present his eyes? We can not say for certain.

"How is Ran?" he finally queried, getting slight discomfited.

"Same old, same old…" the blond smiled flippantly on what was considered 'common knowledge', "You how Ran is."

Silence from Rei's end. Do I REALLY? He wondered.

Oh yeeeeah… Yuya drawled exasperatedly at Rei's lack of OUTWARD reaction… Everything's definitely normal with Rei.

Yuya ordered a hot cup of Cappuccino for Rei and an Espresso for himself from Lulu, the waitress, who was gone as quickly as she came.

"Rei," there was something solemn and no-nonsense in Yuya's tone that tore Rei's gaze from his (now) fidgeting hands to his friend. He waited for Yuya to continue... "Is there more to what you're telling, why you are avoiding us?"


"Ran, Miyu, Aya, Tatsuki, and I… why?"

"Wha'? I'm not avoiding. I've just been busy."

A blonde head shook, far from convinced. "Rei, Rei… you can't be THAT busy. Hell, we have the same distractions, hooked to the same television programs, crammed with same school activities- HECK, We have most the classes' together, therefore same schoolwork load. We're even part of the same band… And we both know you are a better time-manager than I am. So, honestly now… who are ya avoiding?"

"I'm avoiding no one."

"Oh c'mo—"

"No one," Rei repeated in his signature dead-calm tone that usually ends a conversation.

"Okay," the blonde said reluctantly, as if he was backing down his inquiries "…just drop me a line when you're ready to squeal, a'ght?"

Rei nodded. But Yuya was already putting together another way to get his friend to talk. Some part of his ethos screamed that it was an invasion of privacy… but he had to know. He drew in a silent breath, here goes nothing… "Say dude, Aya Hoshino has been asking a lot about you every time we get to hang together." There, that should initiate a reaction of some sort… dammit, it better.

"Gee, imagine that." the dark haired guy drawled sarcastically. His eyes ice-cold just like his attitude towards that particular girl.

I definitely striked a nerve there. Gods, I beseech you to preserve my head's placement on my shoulders. The blonde ventured on. "Oh." With a slight pause, Yuya chose his next words carefully, "You may not care… but man, get this… she cares. She really cares."

Rei glared icy daggers at Yuya from the corner of his eye, "What do you want me to do about it? Isn't it enough that I dated her, way back when? What more in hell does she want? My fucking soul?"

"Hey, hey! Don't get so flared up… sheesh!" Yuya sweat dropped glancing over his shoulder to see who could have possibly heard or saw that. Somehow, Yuya suddenly felt he needed to protect his friend's bearing. People often misinterpret 'outbursts' like this—they think they know something, but they really do not.

Basically, he was returning the favor because Rei did that for him more than he can possibly count… Friends do that. It's only natural... if you're a true friend.

The hazel-brown eyed blonde thanked the waitress for serving the coffee. Then, slowly turned to Rei, "Why do you dislike her so much? Aya, I mean."

"I'm shocked to find you so nosy, Yuya." Rei expressed his lack of interest in answering the question by folding his arms over his chest. While I am not suprised to find— that girl— still so naïve. Presumptuous. Over-sensitive. Weak-willed. Narrow-minded. Flat-outnot my type… And what's worst, she's a hindrance to what I want. He didn't say this out-loud but somehow the blonde caught a whiff there was actually an answer to his question.

"I'd prefer the term 'curious'." Yuya began diplomatically enough to covert his inquisitions. "Well, it's really up to you if you wanna call me that, I obviously can't change your mind on that. But…c'mon Rei, answer me: Why?"

"And persistent." Rei teased, raising an eyebrow and smirking a little.

"Will you please quit changing the subject? And just answer the darn question, please."

The good (and rare) playful humor immediately drained from Rei's eyes. The mini blizzard outside the coffee shop seemed warmer in comparison to the look in Rei's dead-serious ice blue eyes when he said, "Plain and boring. That's what she is."

Rei detested every opportunity where he had to share his thoughts and feelings. It never fails to put the dude in a foul mood. And this Yuya knew, by the "chilling look" he got. Enduring another one was going to be worth it. Yuya reassured himself — Gods, he needed to know. He needed to have a confirmation of a gut feeling he had been having for the longest time now.

Whatever he needed to know… And why… The blonde cannot say just yet.

"Aww man," Yuya was quick to defend Aya, "That's just downright cruel! Don't you have any kind adjective to describe the girl with? Or better yet try describing her in full sentences." Fingers crossed despite a deceptively calm and patient pose on his lap, Yuya prayed he didn't sound too pushy for an answer.

"Fine," Rei said as if the word had an awful taste in his mouth. "AYA HOSHINO has no self-confidence. She cannot get her act together, you know? She's very co-dependent… which is certainly tolerable but it gets really irritating after a while… Hey! Who would want to have a bloody parasite hanging unto them, slowly sucking them dry?"

Yuya listened intently, trying to keep an open mind, trying desperately to understand.

Rei continued calmly but the growing intensity in his tone betrayed his true (not to mention harsh) opinion, "And please…nothing's worst than a cry baby! GOD! What is that for? Is that for me to loathe myself for causing her such sadness? Are those waterworks supposed to make my heart to go out to her? Is that what she wants, for everyone to pity her? Does she honestly think that pity would beget—compassion? Then, become love?"

The blonde fists clenched tighter than they already were, trying to remind himself to keep up a guise of self-control. The pain of his nails digging deeper to his palm, kept him from interjecting. Little did Yuya knew he was giving away his feelings in the manner he looked away in hurt and how he slightly filched when Rei talked of Aya in the way he was doing now.

"Does she honestly think those tears or those actions of her would bring her closer to me? And in the end, for me to sincerely like her? What's that 'emotional blackmail'? Absolutely repulsing! You know how such manipulative female(s) pisses me off, Asou. And to top it off, she does that with a very becomingly innocent expression. Dammit, do you want me to go on? I'd go on all day…" The dark haired young man warned half-heartedly.

"No need…" Yuya began cautiously. But, wasn't that what he needed to hear for himself? "I get what ya mean—that you dislike her so much. But dude, not all you've mentioned is entirely true. Aya is pretty brave… do you remember when she admitted her feelings for you?"

"Do I?" Rei didn't raise his voice but his intensity tripled in that sarcastic remark. "I'd give anything just to forget that! What a pitiful sight… I was 'cool' with that. Gritted my teeth and endured through it... from that moment and all the while we were dating. But now, I do not want to pretend anymore. I don't want to lie to her face anymore. If I continue acting and lying I'll unquestionably end up in the deepest pit of hell. I fear for my immortal soul."

"Regardless, that took a great deal of guts." Yuya pointed out.

"I repeat—Pathetic."

Yuya persisted with his case. "You said she's co-dependent… You're wrong—she's self-reliant, I mean look at her grades. For certain, no one did that for her."

Rei folded his arms over his chest still unimpressed and unbelieving that there is something positive in Hoshino aside, obviously, from being an attractive FACE, period. Little did No. 1 knew he was saying all these to lessen the guilt of being unable to reciprocate her feelings for him.

Funny how two people can look at the same thing a see differently… He saw and interpreted it like this, Yuya saw and interpreted the same thing like that

Fun-ny. Ice blue eyes somewhat warmed as its owner began to mull things over. Rei Otohata used the stillness between them to reflect and rework his opinion of the girl but instead he realized something else…

Yuya likes Aya?

"Fine man…" Rei started off shortly, his mind running intensely as they began to compose an entrapment for Yuya to say whatever-Rei-think-he-knows… "I may have judged her too harshly. My bad… it's because—ugh."

Rei thought Yuya's head would snap right off when the blonde's head turned and faced him, "What?! We're buddies, right? You can tell me. Go on now…because of what?"

Rei took a deep lungful of air but even that ordinary act was difficult—everything's difficult when you're about to tell the truth but have too much pride.

He was saying to the blonde who was keenly listening, "Lemme start from the beginning, a' right? After Aya confessed her tendré for me… Kotobuki came to me. She asked me to be more considerate of Aya's feelings. The darn woman asked me to be nice,"

No. 1 from Meisho Daichi High School chuckled lightly on the recollection on how cute Ran Kotobuki looked insistent and almost threatening at the same time, asking him benevolently (… the contradiction of her words and expression… just the way he liked it—and just the way he liked her…) to show compassion—to show value and acknowledgment.

"Retelling me in ever other of her sentences that her friend is extra, extra, extra sensitive especially that I'm the said girl's first love. I couldn't help but think to myself—how much Kotobuki cared for her friend—how far she went to protect Aya from me—although not physically like but how she—Ran—protected Aya's integrity by pointing out the facts I didn't even bother to consider… What Kotobuki did... that's something to be admired of. That was the noblest thing I've ever encountered and witnessed."

A long silence followed. For the first time since he entered the place, the dark-haired young man grew absorbed the flowing twists of the coffee's steam against the humid and dreary weather outside these walls. He was intent on it—dammit, he was intent at anything that could get his thoughts away from what he just disclosed. He was certain he was going to be laughed at.

Every man had to go through a similar ordeal after even hinting of merely liking—what the goody-goody types called Kotobuki.

Oh what the hell, the dye has been cast... Their placement in the room (which as well AWAY from the other costumers) one way or another added to his confidence to spit out the truth, "The only reason why I even behaved nicely to Aya is because… of Ran."

And before he knew it, the following words just came tumbling out so fast that there was no possibility of taking them back, "I thought I was doing Kotobuki a favor. I thought I was doing what was best in the given situation—I mean, in the situation wherein she had—ehem," Rei hesitated for a second, trying to choose his words carefully but ended up spitting the wrist-splitting truth, "a boyfriend—Kuroi."

Yuya noticed the brief moment where Rei looked rather vulnerable. He appeared like someone who was in… pain. The blonde tried to reach out and restore confidence his friend but was caught short when—

"Then and... hell, even now…" The harsh and sarcastic tone had returned in his best friends tone, "—I don't give an honest damn about Hoshino."

Yuya lowered his head, casting a shadow over his brown eyes with his long blonde bangs, concluding almost quietly, "But you do…with Ran."

"Well... it's... I—I," He found himself surprisingly at a loss for words. Odd, Rei thought, taking into consideration it was rare for him to be like so.

Yuya smiled soothingly, "Hey, what's not to like about Ran Kotobuki?"

He sipped his now warm coffee, his ice-blue eyes fixed on his drink. Rei Otohata remained dead quiet as he thoughtfully ran an agitated hand over his shadowy bangs…

Yuya is my friend. And he likes the girl I too like… is it even right if I like her too? It's clear that he's having a difficult time getting Ran's attention with that monkey-face as his competition… what happens if there's gonna be another competitor? Basic economics, dammit, the odds get slimmer right? Hell, definitely! Dammit, what am I thinking? I'm such an idiot! Last time I checked, Yuya's feelings for Ran are genuine… but, dammit, dammit, dammit! …SO ARE MINE! God!



"Otohata," A remote voice called back Rei to reality.

"Uh? What is it, man?" The dark haired winner of the Super High School Student Grand Prix managed to ask.

"It's all right." Yuya guaranteed in the most assuring manner and in his tenor.

"Huh?" Rei was at a loss.

The blonde motioned towards the spilled coffee. Rei had gripped his coffee cup…hard! The fragile Styrofoam cup broke and its content trickled all over the bar counter where they were seated.

Yuya was already on his feet, this, the dark haired guy concluded was in reaction to the spilled coffee blend, and to avoid the staining and sooty liquid.

"I—Damn, sorry!" Karma, Rei concluded silently after once again apologizing profusely.

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After insisting on helping out in the cleaning of the mess, Rei and Yuya then moved to a window table. They sat opposite to the other, as if in a chess game. And a few moments later, the two were back and engrossed with their earlier conversation.

"You were saying…what again, Rei? You didn't make your point about Aya…let's hear it." Yuya persisted on and leaning forward for a better hear.

"I-don't-give-a-damn-about-Aya," he repeated a bit more forceful yet somehow softer and sympathetic-like this time around. "She's nice but not for me, you know? Just look at me, dude… I'm boring, uninteresting too. Don't you think I need something contradictory to complete me? Some spice? Some color? Some…meaning? The light to my dark? The yang to my yin? …err, or the other way around?"

Doesn't that same principle apply with love?

Yuya practically snorted at his best friend's over-exaggerated statement, "Puweeze…you? Your life has no meaning? Aren't we a tad bit emo today? God, Rei! Getting all touchy doesn't suit you."

"See what I mean? You see me as this unemotional, dead-calm, mysterious, cold guy. Don't I have some claim to be otherwise? To be, one way or another, be melodramatic at certain times?" Rei drew in a frustration-releasing breath as he continued, "I hate this image you made for me… and see actually see me in that way and any thing else is —bizarre." Yuya didn't appear to be convinced, and that's when ice-blue eyes narrowed menacingly, "I'm darn serious, man!"

"Oh c'mon… you're not boring, ("You're just saying that because we're buddies!" the dark haired guy started to object but was stifled when Yuya waved a silencing hand) you can have that spice, color and meaning if you want…all you have to do is want and get it for yourself…take the chance. And to think you were blaming Aya…"

Uncharacteristically Rei, he impulsively uttered, "But you do, don't 'cha? You do care for Aya."

A blonde head nodded to verify without a moment's hesitation, "There's no denying that."

"But I thought… you—for Ran?"

"After all that's happened... I realized... it was NOT as much as I do for Aya."

What a cliché! Rei thought, for things were falling into place—like when ever destiny in those movies—and other manifestation of fiction is at work.

At these peculiar times every thing falls into place as wished and desired by all those hopefuls especially in the league of falling in-love or in the state of loving… While, they were still on the subject, he asked, "Since when? How? And why?"

"When—? Do you remember that open-house in school we had back when? I think she just visited you in your DJ booth. I guess, it just went on gradually after that and when you hang around with her you'll see what I mean… but I reckon you DON'T wanna that's why you avoid us, right?" Yuya saw his buddy nod which was NOT surprising; the two young men had been buddies for the longest time. He continued, "How—with her sweet sensitivities, innate kindness and soft-spokeness…"

The exact qualities I HATE about her…this is only specifies that she's NOT for me. Rei thought.

Yuya keep on with what he was saying, not noticing Rei spacing-out earlier, "The WHY is, she triggers this delightfully pleasant protectiveness in me that I never felt for any girl."

Rei leaned back to his seat, eyes close trying to imagine, and saying, "Fragile beauty… but I don't want any of that. I want someone to look after me…you already know how screwed up I am."

Yuya got the message and turned back to Rei in a more serious mood this time, "I guess that song you wrote for the band was for Aya after all."

Rei shrugged but was brutally honest without a doubt, "Guilty as charged."

"I just wanna confirm that." The blonde said. "I've always had the feeling it was for her to hear."

The dark haired guy began after a reflective stillness that past between him and his friend, "When I write something, I inevitably include a piece of myself—a thought, philosophy, a feeling, a favorite word, thing and occasionally a personal vice." That avowal was followed by a charmingly rare self-conscious smile… "You can say that song was a channel of my feelings for her."

There was a loathing sarcasm in the way he said the word, 'feelings'… That's typical Rei. Yuya thought. A blonde head nodded earnestly, "And for that reason the song you wrote, composed and performed for her with Lost Cause was such a hit… more or less everyone could relate with it."

Although the song was about turning down another persons love… the song was able to invoke some feelings and likeness to someone or all of the audience which added to the songs relativity and popularity.

The blonde remembered something, "It's your song and yet you take no credit for it… hell, it's your lyrics, your melody, your voice, your musical arrangement (which comes naturally after you had a hand with that DJ-ing in the past) but you ask Ryu , Daisuke , Akio or I to sing and take all the credit for the songs feat. What's up with that?"

There was another rare and endearing teasing humor in Rei's tone, "Damn, man! So, you and I don't get to hang out for a couple of weeks you have no right whatsoever for you to go on forgetting my reasons of being the way I am! I should revoke your 'best friend' title!"

"Repeat once more for your 'aging' buddy, man!"

The abruptly the humor vanished and what remained was unadulterated abhorrence, "AGH! I hate all that senseless idolizing! It started with that Ko-gal (Fashionable Japanese young lady/girl-teen) magazine award for me as the 'cutest' guy-thing in all of the Shibuya District—a darn teen-idol—the 'Super High School Student Grand Prix' winner? The girls were reflexively getting crushes on me… because of what? A dim-witted column said I am to be revered as so?"

Any body who 'think' they knew Rei... would immediately run for cover whenever he was in this 'mood' of his. But not Yuuya. He could understand and empathize with his buddy's frustration.

"Most of them never even heard of me until that basted article. They didn't like me for me…but of what they thought was in trend. You know how fashionable those girls wanna be and how they strive! What ever happen to free-thinking? Individuality? To choices?"

Yuya finished for him, "Yeah, I remember now…and from that moment on, you started to despise ko-gals and acknowledged it too. You stopped hanging out with their sort unless someone of seniority or authority instructed to you to do something of importance with them, like a group-project where-in you don't get to pick or change partner/s." The blonde added but in the safety of his thoughts, Until Ran and her friends… but most especially, Ran.

"Dead on," Rei shifted about in his seat, dodging most of the ladies' in the coffee shop snooping glances as if they heard him talking about them. Ah, assuming.

Hell, he had heard of it all… 'a woman has a strong intuition and all that crap'… Those young women might have sensed they were discussed about.

Why does he care what those ladies thought of him?

Answer, 'insert-her-name-here'. Bloody Hell! He's cool, NOT dense—he knew that when women get a hold of hot news—they go around and share out the information and the shit-of-a-story gets around faster than forest-fire in scorching summer day.

That means: more unwanted attention!

Rei continued, "You see if I come out clean then my entire reason to shun that type of sham-of-a-devotion will be for zilch, nada… So, given that foreseeable result I'll only be wasting my effort! Frankly, I don't even like to be part of any attention-centering activity for instance be part of a musical performing group... it attracts all the wrong people."

"And yet you're still with us performing." Yuya points out testy.

Rei indifferently half-turned to him, "Would Ryu, Daisuke, Akio or you allow me to quit the band?"

He has a point there. How could he forgotten of Rei's loyalty to the people in the band. Not the band itself but the people in it. "Damn, man! We're up to our ears in uneasiness towards you. You let us have every single one of the recognition while you go on posing there practically nonexistent from the limelight that's rightfully yours, MAN!" Yuya cursed good-naturedly. "Our egos would allow us to take your submissiveness anymore…it's enough to make any guy feel impotent!"

Rei look as if he would like to laugh his head right off. "Do you even know what you're sayin'? Can you listen to yourself for a sec?"

"Pride!" It was a near-shout from the fair-haired individual. "We greatly value our pride, you know? And the way you're acting out with the fellas and the band— ah, dammit!"

The dark haired guy elevated his fresh cup of coffee in a mock toast, "Here, here!"

However, Yuya was no longer in temperament for Rei's misplaced comedic antics, he shot Lost Cause's lead guitar a glare.

Denoting the admission of defeat, Rei hoisted up his hands, "My bad. I get 'cha. Loosen up! I was just jesting, a'ght?"

Yuya vaguely calmed down. "I should learn to get use to that new quality of yours, right?"

Otohata nodded, "As soon as possible, if you please…"

The blonde took a sip from his coffee and sighed contently as the warm substance settled and warmed his cold stomach. The timely drink relaxed him.

"Yuya," His friend began soberly. "What are the chances that the guys'd allow me to leave the band?" Rei asked, eyes transfixed on the cool moisture smudged window.

A little too enthusiastically, the blonde replied. "Much chance of a snowball surviving in the deep, fiery pits of hell! Dammit, 'let me leave', you say? Ha! With the success rate of your songs? Hell, no! We're keeping you… Hehehe, we're getting to be quite selfish, ya kno'?"

"I could still write the songs and melodies for you guys without being present in the performing of the…" Rei countered apathetically.

"Listen here, man." The second runner-up of the of Super High School Student Grand Prix cut in, "We'd be in a short of an electric guitarist…a rock band without an electric guitarist, especially with your skills, is just like a building without walls, you dig—no support. We need all the help we can get... especially with the rifts you incorporated in our songs." Yuya sobered a little, "But if you're so keen in leaving us, let Ryu, Daisuke, Akio and I huddle up and discuss it, okay?"

Rei was silent in his brooding.

Yuya knew the reason of the dark haired dude for asking to be let go. Of the late, the band has been attracting the same unwanted attention from the trying-to-be-trendy populace of Shibuya. Once again, HE was being revered as a something—not someone.

Noticing the blonde's expression, Rei knew he was being analyzed again. This was his best buddy, if anyone should get his character, actions and thoughts right it was Yuya. The unease set by the last remark made him resort to small-talk (that he abhors but for the sake of conversational etiquette) he asked, "Are we a rock band?"

That was the most frequently asked the question in their band, Lost Cause. A good … and essentially fresh turn in the conversation… Yuya considered it... Yes, they did rock tunes, with hints of R&B, a hip-hop flava, and to some extent jam in the alternative punk-emo-rock music genre… Once again, that manifested because of Rei's background as a sound-mixer and DJ back in the day.

"Akio would classify it 'freestyle'." Yuya muttered thoughtfully, "I guess we are a bit of every musical genre there is; I agree to the freestyle-thing. Where do you stand?"

"Wherever…whatever. I don't care what is the point in understanding why is and what it is for really…?"

The band, Lost Cause was composed of five members—all male and of the same exclusive school—Rei and Yuya's school. It started out as their music class' group activity back in their junior year (that was last year), wherein the students grouped themselves to perform a song number as a Modern Musical Ensemble—a modern band.

When word spread that the top two bishounens (AN: jap. slang for 'beautiful/handsome young men') of Shibuya were in the band, they were encouraged to go out and perform outside school. Their gigs were flocked with spectators, mostly from those who were so-called 'in-love' with Asou and Otohata.

And some of those who came and saw Lost Cause perform actually liked what they heard and continued to spread the word… and the rest was history.

Yuya shoved the indifference in his friends reply out of his mind and so decided to return the flow the conversion back to earlier topic. "So, about Aya…"

Rei watched his friend reach up to rub the back of his neck in the motion of uncertainty, "Do you have any intention of telling her what you think of her? I have the impression she's waiting for your confirmation…on the count of that she's always asking for you. It's quite saddening, to see her so anxious."

"I do but now isn't the right occasion, you know… with the upcoming events and holiday." Rei asked quite humanely, "If I do that—she'd never get over the hurt."

Yuya couldn't help but nod, understanding Rei's point. Rei's not as unfeeling as he made people believe. Despite the charade, his sensitive nature shines through for a truly keen eye.

Rei noticed Yuya somber mood, "You must really like her to be that concern for her well-being." He grinned teasingly, "Holy Crap! You're definitely falling for Hoshino!"

"You really think so?"

"Damn, yeah! You're my best friend. I have the right to claim so, right?" Rei was actually beaming in the most becomingly fashion, as he declared, "YES, you are man!"

The blonde smiled, in knowing his affections a bit more. This was a testament because it is common knowledge, that your friends have a better insight of your personality and other qualities.

Yuya Asou now knew better, thanks to his friend—NO, he corrected himself, his best friend.

The moment was ruined by a sudden clashing sound of a door opening and a handful of giddy, girly shrieks.

The guys and some other of the coffee shops' customers turned to the mob of girls who just entered the place with such a bustle. Quite a number of them were holding out pens and open magazine pages with either of the guys' pics, some of them had photo cameras aimed at the guys…

"Oh my god! It's Rei Otohata and Yuya Asou!" One flaxen haired girl squealed, "Rei, c-could you please sign this as, 'To Mimi'?"

Rei grudgingly signed… but to his horror this stand-offish expression of his only added to his allure… Judging from the uncalled-for squeals from the girls.

The other ladies flocked around the blond guy, equally doing the same. Yuya looked very much flattered, as always. He smiled and somewhat posed as some of the girls took his picture… "How'd you find us?" He asked one of the girls.

By now Rei was done with the fifth autograph, uninterestedly scribbled his name across his face on the magazine page as if he was scrawling a graffiti moustache over a detested adversary's face. Rei was seeing red—He was s REALLY eyeing Tatsuki Kuroi's tan face.

Being within close proximity sent the girl giggling 'giddier' and her friends followed the suit, "You guys are so famous that even the foggiest window won't hide your very handsome faces!"

Yuya smiled sheepishly at Rei.

Rei, however, rolled his eyes, shoving a mag back to a squealing brown haired girl. Under his breath, he said to Yuya, "It was your idea to meet by here to talk quietly—a brilliant idea." Ice blue eyes narrowed accusingly at the blonde guy, "it was also your idea to sit by the window—not one of your brilliant ideas."

Yuya threw his head back and laughed, "My bad."

Rei joined the Asou's mirth… but this time around Rei was earnestly laughing.

End of Chapter One

Author's Notes: There's a peculiar button down there that's goes "GO"…why not move yer little arrow to it and give a light click…a review, if you please.

Well— Ryu Muuji, Daisuke Umura and Akio Tamari are my O.C.s—own characters. Please, don't worry you'll be meeting them in the following or upcoming chapter/s.

Someone asked me about Rei's band name (as I wrote the draft of this story in longhand on paper)…actually, I was suppose to name them "Lost Souls" (after the hottie Rei's name ("Rei" means "soul" in Japanese)) but that name apparently has already been taken by a local band here in my home town and/or in my country thus in the process may be violating some copyrights laws and ownership if I continued it as like it… (Tee hee… I cannot afford a law suit). And besides, it kinda sounds redundant to some point. Hee…

See ya when I see ya! Hopefully speaking in the next chapter! Thanks a million in advance…

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The Next Chapter: Frailties

-Every one has a weakness or two. The peeps each gets an unkind dose of tough lovin'…that'd have to be a given fact in life, yes? We all have frailties…and this is theirs…-

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