A/N- Here it is everybody, the final chappie! Thanks for all the reviews, I hope u all like the entire fic. Here's ur last chance to build me a big bonfire with your reviews. Since I like fire and reviews, I made the choice that each good word would be like a flame creating my bonfire of creativity! Once again, thank you!

Chapter 18

Tiredly Hatori wraps his arms around his waist and he glances worriedly at Ayame who seems to look somewhat hurt. "We'll find them, 'Gure," Ayame says trying to sound optimistic and he nods looking at the door when Akito saunters in. His dancing black orbs speak volumes of rage and the intense promise of torture as he yells, "What are you fools waiting for? Go find them!" He helps Hatori up and leads his tow dearest friends into the room where the children rest. Hiro sneers at them while Kisa dries her tears and Momiji loosens his hold on the tiger. Holding a cup of tea, Tohru glides in and gracefully sits down next to the trembling tiger cub. "We're going to be leaving soon. Ayame will stay here to help watch the kids," the doctor explains and immediately the girl's eyes fill with hope as she asks, "Can I come with, please?" Shaking his head, he responds, "Tohru, we need you here in case they return. After all you are our favorite nurse." At his ill attempt of humor, she smiles briefly.

They sit in the center of the room with a blanket wrapped around their shoulders protecting them from the cold. Shivering Kyo closes his eyes and rests his head against Haru's shoulder while a coughing fit overcomes him. Sighing wearily the ox glances at Yuki and hugs his kitten saying, "I don't know when we'll be able to leave, but he needs medicine." Shaking off the urge to stay rooted tin his warm spot, Yuki stands up and searches for anything that could dull the neko's pain.

Seething with anger he sits impatiently in his car waiting for Shigure and Hatori to return from their search. He smiles sadistically when the dog em4erges with the frail looking body of the cat in his arms. Sullenly Yuki and Haru follow behind Hatori while he giddily unlocks the doors. "Welcome home, my monster."

Weakly he leans against the dog's warm body and stifles a cough. "Kyo, stay with us," Shigure begs and he nods forcing his eyes to open while Haru clutches his hand painfully. Through his blurred vision, he makes out the form of Yuki sitting in front of him with Akito driving. Every so often, Hatori will glance at him through the rearview mirror then go back to staring placidly out the window. He smiles tiredly at Yuki's soft, concerned gaze and he bitterly understands the shadows of sorrow within their violet depths. "It's for everyone's best interest that Haru and Kyo stay at Kazuma's while Yuki moves back in with Shigure until he's mentally stable. You're only getting this chance once so take it while you can, also I expect all of you packed in ten minutes," Akito informs them and his eyes capture the black orbs finding an undercurrent of sorrow and regret that is older than the man before them, symbol of the great deity that had cursed him. Nodding he squeezes Haru's hand and sighs in relief as Shigure's arm tightens around his shoulders.

While Hatori checks over Kyo, he tosses their clothes into the suitcases provided for them. In boxes he places anything that might be important to his kitten. When Kyo tiredly stumbles into the room, he offers a smile and watches ruby eyes scan the room. "Is that all, kitten," he asks noting that his lover is actually calculating what was missing and what remains. "Should be, anything of real importance I left with Master," the neko says rubbing his eyes cutely and wrapping his kitten in his arms he glances outside to find the others waiting for them with a myriad of emotions upon their faces." Come on, Haru," Kyo says, causing a shiver to run down his spine due to the husky, sexy way his name tumbled from his lover's lips, and he's broken from his daydreams when Kyo walks away carrying their suitcases while he grabbed the box. Tears are coursing down Tohru's cheeks for she would be loosing a close friend that she could count on to be upon the roof and Kisa dabs at her tears for she was losing someone she deemed an older brother she could run to at anytime. They hug Kisa and adoringly pat Tohru's head.

The car pulls away leaving them staring after it hopefully. Yuki hides his tearstained face and walks towards his room. He listens briefly to Tohru bustling around in the kitchen trying to cheer Kisa and Momiji up while Hiro makes his usual sarcastic comments. "It's not like we can't see them," Tohru reasons and instantly the tiger brightens. Together they bake cat and cow shaped cookies. Closing his eyes, he says goodbye to the cat and rat feud that had blossomed into a one sided love. Maybe someday they'll be able to forgive each other and perhaps the next generation of cat and rat will love each other.

Kazuma accepts his son with open arms and shows him to the bedroom he'd share with Haru from now on. He pauses only momentarily in his retreat to the porch where the other adults wait to watch the ox curl up protectively around this sleepy kitten. Calmly he stands before Akito and listens to his instructions. "Once a week, without fail, they must come to see me. They will attend an all boys' high school then attend a college nearby. If they break up, and believe me I will know if they do, then Kyo will be locked up." The door closes shutting out the turmoil and sighs in relief for the chance his son had been given. Perhaps peace will be granted to this cursed family after all.