Crash Course by Candy- Kisses

Walt ran down the sandy beach with Vincent. He had the loop of the leash wrapped around his hand two times to save the worry of him running off again. He would never forget the handcuffs that he had found in the woods while on a search for the Yellow Lab. And the way his father reacted to them. Like he knew something, or like they sent off an extreme worry through his body. Whatever it was, it didn't make Walt feel any better about being on this island, let alone the fact that there is something big out there that has the power to knock down trees.

Walt looked down at his dog that was now looking up at him with his big tongue hanging out. Walt smiled and rubbed his ears. So happy that he had his dog back. Along with Vincent, Walt was getting tired. So, he decided to take a little break and lay down. He stretched out his arms while lying on his back, looking up at the sky, he sighed.

"Vincent, come lay down," Walt said in a friendly tone patting his hand on the ground.

Vincent did lie down, but not where Walt intended him to, Vincent decided to take a seat over Walt's stomach. Walt just laughed then closed his eyes.

"Hey, have any of you seen my son: Walt?" Michael asked some castaways again.

"No, sorry," said one of the castaways shaking their head, "is he lost? Do you need some help?"

"No, no. Thanks though," Michael said while walking down the beach farther.

Michael ventured off past more castaways until he saw his son in the distance. He smiled and started to run towards his son.

Walt heard him coming and quickly snapped up. Catching Michael off guard he jumped back.

"Whoa!" Michael said holding his hands out, "You scared me, Man."

Walt chuckled, "You scared me too."

"Come on with me, Walt." Michael said. "Jack has something fun planned out for us all to do."

"Really? Jack?" Walt asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Jack. I'm surprised it's not Hurley!"

"Me too," Walt agreed.