
From a sacred stone of times past, five rings of power was made. By the rings combined might, and the power of the forger, the gates to another realm of unimaginable power was sealed. The five rings, then remained on the stone pedestal, forever acting as a lock to the door. For thousands of years, the world remained unharmed and untouched by these beasts, until one day, when two rings was removed from the pedestal, and thus, the integrity of the seal itself has weakened. A few days after, a monstrous beast managed to break out, and the beast... was Kyubi.

Man managed to seal this monster, but nobody knew where it came from. And so, there still exists a small hole on that dimensional door, and with the ring lost in the crowds of man, it is only a matter of time, before another beast breaks out, and unleashes it's rain of terror on the world.

Even so, there was few who suspected the origins of this beast, and they seek to find this gateway and close it. They, were the Akatsuki. Yet the allure of power and money has caused this group to stray from it's noble goals, now only a medium to seize more power.

It is a matter of time, before the lock breaks, and monsters will freely intrude.

Morning, and still my body aches. The hard bed where I have slept since birth never offered me the confort of a true bed, but it is enough. Well, today is the day I receive my vest as a chuunin, and hopefully, with it comes better pay and more money. After a simple list of activities, and equally simple clothing, I left for the headquarters to receive that vest. After five years of turmoil and torment, I will finally receive that honor I have wanted for so long. Finally, I won't have to worry about those debts as much anymore.

I tread through the streets, while the wondrous fagrance of food tempts me towards it. Yet, I could only offer the vendor nothing but a glance of greed and desire, as I have not much money to my name. I do hope that being a chuunin will change that.

Afternoon, and I finally arrived at the headquarters after hours of starig at food and countless other items displayed along the street. As expected, the entire affair of handing over the vests was done simultaneously with the jounin receiving ceremony. Not that I mind, actually.

After receiving my vests, I left the building and the ceremonies behind, and went straight to the mission center. I knew there are some tasks I can stil do myself, simple grocery missions or gardening missions. While I dislike those missions, I needed the money to pay off some debts. This life that I lead is a pitiful one, and sometimes, I wished my deceased parents weren't such big spenders, or I had wealthier parents. It's their fault, but I have to bear all the pain and misery.

Isn't it too cruel to throw this much responsibilities on a young 16-year old?

I found out from my jounin instructor that my teammates will be Nara Shikamaru, Aburame Hitoshi, and Okazaki Emiko, and a frown crept to my face. Inside, I wished my teammates were more capable people, so I could just lay behind while they do all the hard tasks and combat. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, but I know that when my teammates are more capable, then I'd won't need to worry as much. After all, there is combat involved in chuunin missions, and that would also mean death is a possibilty. I... fear death.

I am weak. I do not doubt that. It's a curse that talentless ninjas like me carry, relying solely on hard work and more often than not, luck.

I sighed, and I returned to the mission center for another simple mission to do.

I looked at my dagger, and it was the only melee weapon I had used since my genin days. It was longer than a kunai, but not long enough to be called a knife, a sword or anything that comes close. Still, it was a weapon that I stood by for five years, and it isn't as sharp as it used to be. Yet, I find comfort, even if a little by having it beside me.

The field for training is empty at night, and this is the place where I had came to practice, when I felt... unconfident. Sometimes, just beating the wooden dummies is enough to release the stress and the anger I have inside. Yeah. I'm a wimp. I've been called that when I was a child, and although nobody actually called me a wimp anymore, I still felt I was a wimp inside. A coward and a weakling. Oh, why didn't I have the talent of the Hyuugas, or the genius of the Uchihas? It isn't fair. Just isn't.

Shikamaru was eating with Chouji and Asuma at a stall by the roadside, and while he watched Chouji dig in supper, Asuma looked at Shikamaru and showed him a few pieces of paper containing information, all written in ink. Shikamaru sighed, and took a look around.

"Hey. It's important, so read it."

'It's just too troublesome.'

"It contains information on your new team, which you will lead."

Chouji then continued while he had food in his mouth, "Shikamaru's gonna lead a team? Woah, your great, Shikamaru." Then, he resumed gobbling down bowl after bowl of food.

"Aburame Hitoshi, Okazaki Emiko and Kobayashi Ryu." Shikamaru read out, then took a look at Asuma. "I never heard of Emiko and Ryu."

Asuma laughed slightly, "Of course. They are outstation ninjas. They are based in the city to the north, and Emiko is quite well known there as a genjutsu and healing specialist. She's also a good ranged combatant."

"Oh. How about Ryu then?"

"He's... an ordinary ninja. Nothing special about him, an all-rounded ninja." Asuma said blankly, then taking a puff of his cigarettes.