Disclaimer: I don't own FF7.

This is the third fic I'm working on.... I thought of this after I wrote a poem about myself and how I sometimes visualize myself in another world. Yeah. The beginning's short but the other chapters will be longer, I promise. I KNOW this is going to get angsty but it will probably end happily. Depends on my mood, you know?

Vincent ran his hand over the velvet lining of his coffin. He had been spending so much time here as of late. After the Meteor incident he had come back here, the Shinra Mansion, to continue his long rest. He had failed so far but the fact that his purpose had been served and that he had nothing left kept him trying. This was another time, trying to adapt to it would be useless. All he could do now was sleep. Sleep and dream.

A sleep to end all sleep. I will accomplish it yet.

With that thought, he slipped into his coffin with his Death Penalty and sealed himself in. He could finally rest in peace...

He looked up as a figure approached him, smiling once he saw the face.


Tifa smiled at the bright blue sky, she just couldn't sit still! She had visited Red in Cosmo, Barret in Corel, Yuffie in Wutai, Cid in Rocket Town, Reeve in Midgar, and Cloud in Kalm. There was only one person she hadn't seen, Vincent Valentine. At first she wasn't sure he would like being visited, but then she decided she was going to see him whether he liked it or not. The man just reeked of loneliness.

Unfortunately for her, Mr. Valentine knew how to hide. She had checked absolutely everywhere except for Midgar and Nibelheim. Midgar because it was so big, and Nibelheim because she was almost positive Vincent wouldn't go back to his coffin. But that was why she was on her way to Nibelheim now, almost just wasn't good enough (Well, that and she was too lazy to turn around and walk back to Midgar). She had never really talked to him, though he had told her once that he was glad she was okay, but other than that, nothing.

From what she had seen, he was calm and collected but unstable at the same time. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more worried she got. He had always mourned over the loss of Lucia, or Lutecia, or whatever her name was, and he always thought it was his sin' for failing her' or whatever. She might not know him very well but she cared for all her friends in Avalanche and wished them the best...

She just hoped Vincent was okay.


Lucrecia laughed, And then my parents grounded my sister and I was never caught!

Vincent smiled and took another sip of his wine, Always the mischievous one, eh?I resent that!I'm sure you do.

Lucrecia shook her head and smiled, You know Vincent, it was really sweet of you, taking me out like this.Sweet for a Turk, or just sweet?Just sweet. Now all you need is a lollipop and suspenders and you'll look like a cute, innocent little boy.What, I don't look cute and innocent now?No,you look cute and guilty. Like you stole a chocolate bar from that man right there.Shh! You don't have to tell everyone.

Lucrecia laughed and Vincent laughed right along with her, blissfully unaware of reality.

Isn't that pleasant? It might not seem angsty now but I'm getting there! This is just the beginning after all.

Please review! Feedback is great.