Disclaimer: Sorry to disappoint everyone ::whispers from crowd:: but I do not own… Naruto ::gasps and screams:: yes yes, I know. I'm sorry to disappoint you all but… Hey! Will somebody pick the women up in the fourth row? She seems to have fainted. Thank you thank you. Didn't know it would have been such a shocker. I would of demanded oxygen masks instead of barf bags…
Something I came up with inside of this insane asylum they call my brain…
Freaky Ninja
It was a warm and sunny day but inside the forest, where he was at, it was cold and dark. Chills would creep up your spine and your instincts told you to turn around and get out. Grass as high as you thighs could easily hide a monster or ninja of some kind. But he just continued to walk into the forest.
A shiver caught him and he shook a little more violently. The closer he got to the center, the colder it got and the more violent his chills became. He wasn't going back thought, at least not without him. He wasn't stopping until he brought him back.
He walked to the end of the tree line and into a clearing. There was where he saw him. Honing his abilities so that one day he could beat his brother, Itachi. He began climbing the tree the way Kakashi taught them, walking straight up it. He watched in amazement as the boy pushed himself harder and harder. Then the boy jumped off the tree and landed on the ground. He stood up and continued to look at the tree.
He finally said, "Idiot. Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to tell me Sakura wants me to come home?"
Naruto jumped back and pondered how he knew it was him. He didn't look at him so he didn't see him…
"I could feel your presence fool." He said again.
"Sasuke, you asshole, I knew that!"
The raven-haired boy just smiled. "So what do you want, Naruto?"
"Sakura asked me to bring you home. It's not like you guessed it or you're not used to it already." He walked over next to the boy and sat down. "How could you stand it, really? I get pissed off just looking at your fan club. Not a jealous pissed off… just a pissed off pissed off. You know what I mean?"
"Sadly, I do."
Naruto and Sasuke stood in a comfortable silence until Naruto had an idea. He sprang off the ground and grabbed onto Sasuke's arm. "Comon'! Lets go!"
"What the hell are you talking about? Leave go of me!"
"Lets go get some ramen!"
"Ramen?" the boy asked confused.
"Uh, yeah. Ramen!" Naruto began dragging Sasuke out of the forest and towards the nearest ramen restaurant. Then Naruto stopped. "Sasuke-kun." Naruto said with a smile.
"What do you want?" He asked. Naruto never called him that unless he wanted something. ::kun- usually put after a boy's name indicating respect.::
"Did you bring any money?" Naruto said with a huge smile.
Sasuke lowered his head and sighed. "Yes, you fool. Didn't you?"
Naurto shook his head still smiling.
"Fine. I'll pay." Sasuke said at last.
"Yay! Sasuke you're amazing! I owe you one… meaning I'll save your life one day!" Sasuke sighed and continued to let Naruto drag him along.
At the ramen house, the two boys sat down and ate ramen. Well, Naruto slurped it down, but Sasuke ate it and enjoyed it. Naruto was splashing miso-flavored ramen everywhere and slurping so loudly that Sasuke began getting annoyed. He didn't mind the behavior, but it seemed the other people were.
He leaned over to Naruto and said, "Hey, could you stop."
"Stop what?"
"Eating like you haven't in a year."
"I always eat like this."
"Well, could you cut it out? It's disturbing…"
"What's wrong with the way I eat?" Naruto began yelling.
"Nothing's wrong. It's just that people are…"
"Who cares about the damn people!" There was a gasp from the customers.
"I need to see you outside, Naruto."
"I think I will have to decline." Naruto barely got in before Sasuke drug Naruto outside of the restaurant.
"What's your problem Naruto?"
"I don't have a problem"
"Yes you do. Now what is it?"
"My problem is you! You, Uchiha Sasuke!"
"Well it's no killjoy babysitting you all the time either."
"You're so perfect! You have yourself the perfect girlfriend, the perfect abilities, the perfect fan club… you're just perfect. I hate it."
"You think I'm perfect. What about my perfect life? You failed to mention that. Oh, that's right, because I don't have one! My brother murdered my entire family and now I must go kill him. Oh yeah, my life's perfect. I'm so perfect. Woo-hoo" Sasuke started to walk away. "You're the perfect one."
"At least you knew your family." Naruto said and it made Sasuke stop briefly. "At least you knew your family!" he began screaming louder. "You weren't shunned by the entire goddam village! You didn't have to get in trouble for people to notice you. You don't have a goddam spirit fox inside of you right now, you asshole! I'm so perfect I can't stand myself." Naruto walked right past him and went into the restaurant.
"You think I'm perfect?" Their yelling could be heard from outside. The cook listened to the fight and picked up two packets. He tore off the top to open them and began dumping them into the boys' ramen.
"Hey hey. What are you doing?" The hostess asked him.
"I'm just going to see if our boys can finally begin to understand each other."
The two boys began walking back in again and the cook darted back to his station. "What are you doing…?"
"Shhh Naoko…" he began, "Don't say anything else or they'll know."
Naruto and Sasuke plopped down on the stool and began eating again, unbeknownst to the contaminated ramen. Sasuke paid the waitress and got up, Naruto soon to follow. "Hey, excuse me sir. You have to pay for the rest of your ramen."
"That boy paid for half of yours. I need the other half from you."
"But… Sasuke?" Naruto turned around to find him but he was gone.
"It's okay. I'll take care of it."
Naruto turned around to see the cook holding up the money. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, go ahead. Go and catch up with your friend."
"He's hardly a friend."
"Here have this. It's for good luck." The cook tossed a fortune cookie to Naruto. "Maybe it'll help you two become friends again."
"I seriously doubt it." Naruto thanked the cook again and began running off towards Sasuke.
Naruto caught up to Sasuke and punched his arm. "What in nine hells is wrong with you? You knew I didn't have any money, asshole."
"Didn't I put down enough?"
They continued to walk back to their tent in silence.
Whenever they arrived Sakura came running up to Sasuke and tried to give him a kiss. He saw Naruto's expression and turned away. She settled for a hug instead.
"Where's Kakashi?" Naruto asked.
"He went off looking for you guys."
"Oh, well I'm going to bed now. I'm getting very tired." Naruto said with a yawn as he strolled over to his tent.
Sasuke waited a couple of minutes and then did the same thing. Sakura waited outside for Kakashi to return. They both fell sound asleep in seconds. Naruto's snoring could be heard over Sasuke's breathing. Soon everyone was asleep and a cold wind began to blow.