Note: Do not own Inuyasha or Yuyu Hakusho.

Kagome's POV

500 years, it's a long time to wait.

Wait for what?

To return to the life I left behind.

500 years ago, I left my family, leaving an impression that I might not return.

Tears and heartache were plentiful. But—

For them, it's only been a month.

500 years ago, the great battle of the Shikon no Tama took place.

Bloodshed and death was eminent. Still—

we were victorious.

500 years ago, we survived to greatest battle to take place in all history.

Our meager group consisting of youkai, hanyou and human alike, won.

Even with the odds against us, our unlikely unity succeeded in the end.

The Shikon no Tama was whole once again.

But with this, the well was locked from me, never to bring me to the future again.

I would have to wait…so I did.

Out of 11, only 7 of us have lived to see this era, my era. The others watched from above.

500 years later, much has changed.

They have lived to see and participated in the separation of the 3 worlds, Ningenkai, Makai and Reikai.

Sesshoumaru, Rin, Shippou and I wandered the earth throughout history. Who knew that the history books from the future, would actually aid in protecting itself?

With the books, we were able to correct and set history straight accordingly. It wouldn't have been wise to change history would it? My existence depended in it.

Now, I stand at my doorstep. It has been centuries for me. I visited from time to time, disguised as another, just to check on my younger and future self and how the shrine is doing. But it's been a while since I've stepped into my room or familiarize myself with my family again. It's been awhile since I've seen my family, Souta, Momma, Jii-chan. It's been so long, and finally…I can come back. I won't let their time slip past me again.

Normal POV

A young woman busy in thought, stood at the doorstep of the Sunset shrine, owned for many years by the Higurashi family. Waves of midnight blue hair cascaded down her back past her waist. Dressed in punkish clothing, she was different than the person who had left a month ago. More mature, more physically and mentally, she is still the same happy and caring person. But her eyes tell a different story. Past pain, past love, past friends, past failures and past triumphs are still visible, shining though her eyes and telling the tale of this woman's long life. They also tell an ancient wisdom, gained by living for half a millennium. She has learned to forgive but not forget, to live her life happily, no matter what is thrown her way. This has kept her more or less the same person who left this shrine instead of a cold and distant person.

Slowly, she brought her hand up and rang the doorbell. She could distinctly hear Souta yelling that he was going to get the door. The woman gathered herself up to prepare for the inevitable.

The door wrenched open showing a boy around mid-teen. "Hi! How can I help…you," Souta trailed off in disbelief, staring into a face he believed might never return. "Kagome!? Momma! Jii-chan! Come quick! Kagome's back!"

His calls brought the said people scrabbling for the door. A mid-aged woman and an old man rounded the corner and stared wide-eyed at the door.

Her mother spoke with shuddering breaths. "K-Kagome? But how? D-does this mean…that it's over?"

Kagome nodded. "Yeah, I'm back. The well's sealed. It's over."

After hearing her mother's wails that it was all over and that her baby had come home, Kagome couldn't bear to tell her the truth; they wouldn't believe her. She didn't know what would have happened. It was better this way. She would tell Souta…he would believe her. She had to anyways. He deserved the truth since he would play a role in it too. She could sense the slight powers emanating from him that were growing. He needed to be trained or else become a target to dangerous demons from makai searching to leech his growing aura.

But now…she would allow herself the luxury of her momma's homemade oden.

How's my new story! Heh...too many ideas I say. Must get them on paper, so here it is. for pairings!!









Ok! You can still vote for other pairings, but these are probably the main pairings. Please Review and Vote!!