Hey y'all! Name's Flowerperson and this is my first fic for Beyblade! Woooo! But don't worry X men fans, I am working on one too. I just can't pick one idea! Hmph! Anyways, I've suddenly become addicted to Kai/Mariah. I also like Ray/Mariah but I think Kai/Mariah is the best, even though it's unofficial.

I don't know that much about Beyblade. I've only seen some of V Force and most of G revolution. I've played the G revolution game on GBA. It's really short but miniature Kai looks so cute! I will probably have lots of facts mixed up and it will be rubbish and everyone will flame me but I DON'T CARE… much…

Ok, I do care if you flame me. I am a very self-conscious person. But if you DO flame me, please tell me why…


RIGHT EXAMPLE: Your fic could do with improvement. Kai is OOC so you might want to get him to…

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Just the tiniest violin in the world that I'm going to play…

Title: Dreams

Rating: PG-13. It's just for safety purposes. I might swear in it… hmm…

Summary: Kai is having weird dreams about Mariah. In the end the dreams are beginning to annoy him, so he phones Lee to find out. KaiMariahRay. Love triangles! You know you love them!

Pairings: Tyson/Hilary, Ray/Mariah, Ray/Mariah/Kai, Kai/Mariah and I might put in Emily/Max.

"blah" speaking

AN: blah Author's note

blah thoughts

blah dreams/flashbacks

URGENT MESSAGE TO READERS: How do you spell Kai's last name?

Chapter one: Clearing his mind

Kai was travelling through some complex. Where was he going? He turned at a corner and there were a row of doors. Kai walked up to one and it opened. He walked inside.

It was dark inside with just the light in the corridor. Kai could see a girl with her head bowed down. Her pink hair covered her face. Her hands and feet were chained to the wall. The person looked up.

"Mariah?" Kai asked. Her face was bruised and he saw that her arms and legs were cut.

"Kai…" she said with pleading golden eyes. "Help me…"

Men walked in and smirked. They walked past Kai and unchained her only to chain her back up facing the other way.

"This is what you get for biting one of your guards." One said as he got out a whip. There was a bandage around his hand.

"NO!" Kai shouted. "Stop it! Don't touch her!"

Kai moved in front of Mariah but the whip went straight through him and hit Mariah's back. It was like he was a ghost. The whip came down again. And again. And again.



Kai woke up in a sweat. He groaned and threw his covers off. He paced around his room. That was the same dream he'd had for two weeks. It was really starting to piss him off. Why was he dreaming of Mariah? And it was the nature of the dreams… Mariah being held captive in some complex and being tortured. He recognised it, he just couldn't remember what it was!

He had a cold shower then got changed into his usual outfit AN: You know, G revolution with the scarf . He needed a walk.

He got to the park outside his large mansion and sat on the bench. He put his head in his hands.

Were the dreams trying to tell him something?

Like some sort of link? No way. Then it would be Ray having these dreams. They're 'going out'.

But what if they were? What if Mariah was in trouble? What if she was being tortured? These dreams would keep on coming unless he found out.

Kai made his way back to his large mansion and picked up the phone. He just had to know or he'd never be able to sleep again.

He dialled Ray's number.

"Uh, hello?" he heard Ray's voice ask.

"Ray, it's Kai."

"Kai? Why are you calling at 5 o'clock in the morning? Actually, never mind."

"I need Lee's number."

"What for?"

"It's important, Ray."

"Ok, but in China it's even earlier. They won't be that happy to hear from you."

Ray gave Kai Lee's number and Kai immediately dialled it.

You're so stupid. They're just dreams. They're not real. You're overreacting. Put the phone down.

"Wong residence, this is Lee speaking." Lee's voice asked cheerfully even though it had to be early morning in China.

"Lee, this is Kai."

"Oh. Hello Kai." Kai could tell Lee's tone was not as cheerful. "What is it you are ringing for?"

This is stupid. Put the phone down.

"Is Mariah there?"

Of course she's there. Because you were DREAMING. As in it's NOT REAL!

"Yes, she's sleeping. Do you want me to wake her?"

See. You dumbass.

"No. I was just… never mind. Goodbye Lee."

"Goodbye Kai."

Kai put the phone down and put his head in his hands.

It's official. Kai is mentally insane. He has some sick dreams about people and thinks it's real.

Kai groaned and went down to his training room; maybe some beyblading would clear his mind.

Woooo! First chapter finished! Now this is the part where you review!

URGENT MESSAGE TO READERS: How do you spell Kai's last name?

Oh, and review.