Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma or anything remotely having to do with Ranma. This is a fan fiction created for my own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others. A lot of the other characters, however, I do own, such as the soldiers, technology, science, magic, and names of the Chaos Empire. If you want to use them, please let me know so I can go read the story!
Also, feel free to review, ask questions, or even flame the story if you don't like it. At least have a point when you review though. Saying it sucks doesn't really do anything other than waste my time. Tell me WHY it sucks and help me to change it. To everyone else, enjoy my first attempt at Fanfiction.
Genma was doing something he had gotten quite used to when training under his old martial arts master. He was running for his life. The only difference was that he was no longer under the old master. He was the master now, training his own heir, his son. Ranma Saotome, heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. And also the reason why Genma was running for his life.
A set of three deep slashes crossed his chest, tearing his gi and staining the cloth crimson from the welling blood. Fortunately, Genma has jumped back, keeping the wounds from being fatal, although it had been a near thing. Perhaps training the boy in the unbeatable Cat-Fist wasn't one of his better ideas. Especially when he finally got around to reading the last part of the scroll, something about the trainee going insane from the training.
Flashback to just a few moments ago
Just as he had gone running towards the pit to free the boy, the cover had exploded and young Ranma, all of six years old, came bursting from the ground. The aura the boy put out was enough to make Genma pause, before his normal stupidity took over.
"Listen here boy. It was for your own good. Looks like you've learned the technique already. And after only 55 tries!" Genma congratulated himself on teaching the unbeatable technique to his ungrateful son.
Genma blinked. Had his son just meowed at him? Scowling, he made his way towards the boy to beat some respect into him. Only his reflexes, beaten into him from years under the master, saved his life.
Back in the present
Genma kept running as fast as he could, trying to put as many obstacles between himself and the boy as he possibly could. Boulders, trees, anything solid and large. It didn't matter. Ranma just cut his way right through everything, like a buzz-saw.
A column of white light blazed into life right ahead of Genma, a shining beacon just shouting, "Come this way". Well, Genma didn't need a written invitation and poured on the speed. What he saw shocked him almost enough to make him stop in his tracks. A group of ten heavily armed men stood in a rough circle. The men practically oozed violence, seemingly loaded down with weaponry and armor. Genma would have sneered except for one simple fact. Each of the men were fifteen feet tall.
Well, it was obvious to Genma that he wanted nothing to do with a paramilitary group in the middle of rural Japan. With a surprising display of skill, he jumped the entire group and continued running as fast as he could.
Neko-Ranma neared the group. Each of the ten men turned towards the approaching boy. Sure, the boy was small but they had been briefed on the situation. Each man aimed his weapon at the boy and fired a shot. Ranma twisted through the shots at speeds that were hard to follow. Each shot missed the wildly twisting boy by the merest margin.
However, it was enough to distract the boy from chasing Genma as he confronted this new threat. More shots were fired, demanding even more amazing acrobatic feats from the catlike boy. Half a moment later, he had covered the distance separating him from his targets and one of the giant men went down in an explosion of blood, twisted armor and torn flesh.
Discarding their weapons since they would only be shooting themselves, the remaining men tried to dog pile the small boy. Neko-Ranma wasn't playing. Severing an arm from one man, the leg from another, the boy twisted and jumped through the melee, easily dodging his opponents, no matter how fast they were. Two more men went down, clutching deep belly wounds. Only five of the large men remained.
Standing just outside of the combat range, another man waited calmly. Standing just under six feet tall, he looked completely normal. Slightly tan skin, short hair, rather a plain man, but not entirely unattractive. No. What made him so different was that his eyes were completely black. No white whatsoever. He also was putting out a major aura of power. However, since it was clearly not a malevolent aura, Neko-Ranma just ignored him.
That proved to be a mistake as the boy suddenly found himself suspended a few feet from the ground, unable to move. Struggle as he might, Neko-Ranma could not budge a centimeter. The black eyed man smiled at the boy, a sharp contrast to his strangely glowing eyes, if black eyes can be said to glow.
"I'll admit, even knowing how your training would turn out, you've impressed me, Ranma. I expected you to be able to take out two, maybe three of my soldiers before they disabled you, but no, you took down five and seemed to be going for the next five. Since the Resource department hates growing me new soldiers, I decided to spare them the trouble, and myself the cost, of replacing more than they needed to already."
Neko-Ranma just stared at the man, his eyes promising retribution for invading his territory. A low growl rumbled through his chest and a slight hiss escaped his lips. The man just chuckled.
"Well, I can understand how you feel that way. But remember, it was your father who did this to you. Granted my soldiers did shoot at you, but with stun weapons only." The man sighed, rubbing his temples with his hand. "Alright Ranma, this is the deal. I represent a government that doesn't yet exist on this planet. In fact, we are based in a section of space so far beyond this area that to even send a ship here would take several years of travel. Fortunately, I'm walk we call a Dimensional Jumper. I can go places just by thinking of them.
"Now, during my travels I ended up on your charming planet here. Lots of potential amongst you humans. However, many of those with the greatest power levels were already far too old for what I have in mind. So, out of the likely candidates, you were chosen for my new project. What do you think?"
When Neko-Ranma didn't answer, the man continued.
"Right. Thought you would feel that way. However, I assure you, not only will you benefit from treatment for the Cat-first training that your father so lovingly provided, we will also train you in the various combat forms that our member races study. After your tour is up, we will return you to your father and you may deal with him however you like. We'll keep an eye on him for you and give you progress reports as well…"
He trailed off as Neko-Ranma started meowing. He waited patiently for Ranma to finish before answering. "You have some good points. Alright. First, we'll snap you out of the Cat-Fist, then I'll get us all over to my ship."
That said, he reached out and placed his hand on Neko-Ranma's head. A brief flash of light enveloped the boy then just as quickly vanished. Ranma found himself released from his confinement and dropped to the ground. Landing on his feet, he somewhat nervously ran his fingers through his long hair. Six years old he may be, but he recognized a good deal when he saw it. Nodding slowly, Ranma agreed.
The man smiled. "I knew you would. Alright, lets get going. Oh, by the way, my name is Jonathon Avery. Welcome to the Chaos Empire."
A pillar of light pierced the sky, impacting the ground in rural Japan. The light lasted a brief moment before fading away as suddenly as it had appeared. When the light faded away, a lone figure stood there, his long black pony tail swaying in the slight breeze. He stood nearly six feet tall, with eyes the color of a clear blue sky. He was dressed all in black, with silver trim at the cuffs of the shirt and pants. He had a small pack slung over his shoulder, from which he pulled a leather bound book. Opening the book, he scanned the pages for a moment before nodding to himself and putting the book away. "Now, all I need to do is find this Tendo Dojo."