Introduction to Destruction (Or not)

Welcome to possibly the weirdest collection of stories on FF. Or maybe not the weirdest but you know, quite weird. Ok getting slightly off topic.

These are the sad stories of completely random pairings which me and Burping drew from a stocking (in a fit of strange Christmas happiness) so what you are hopefully about to read is NOT our fault! If you think they are sick, strange, twisted (which unhappily most of them are) then blame the stocking, not us…;)

But, from me and Burping, we wish you a Happy New Year and hope you enjoy!

Burping here, just like to say that I have tried very hard to make my stories amusing not that I actually sat down and thought well I want these two to have a sexual relationship and so on. I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and will have a great new year and easter and so on and so forth.
