Okay everyone, don't kill me. My fav char is raven and I was listening to a CD I got for Christmas and it totally made me wanna do this….just so you all know, don't read if you don't like, my story, my fic….now that that's all cleared up, please no psycho people screaming at me because I'm a nutcase. Enjoy!

All music in this fic is done by the band Barlow Girl….they have great and awesome music, I seriously recommend it.

Disclaimer: I do not own

Chapter 1: On My Own

Ravens sighed as she sat in her room. She had been keeping her secret for so long now. She had been going out every Friday night for the past three years she had been with the Titans.

Her emotions were the key to her power, she knew that and so did the other Titans. That's why she could never let them know how she felt or express to them her emotions. So she found a way to release her emotions into a different form. Music. No one knew of her Friday night excursions and she intended that no one ever would.

It was a Friday night once again, and the black haired girl was sitting on her bed humming to herself as she wrote a few things down on a piece of paper. She was going to wait for the others to go out to wherever it was that they went of Friday nights. She really didn't care as long as they didn't follow or know about her 'hobby'.

"Raven!" she heard Robin call from downstairs. "We're leaving. Are you sure you don't want to come?" he asked coming to her closed door. She didn't reply as usual and so with a heavy sigh he left her to her own devices. He always did wonder what she did by herself for five hours.

The titans always stayed out until around one or two in the morning on Friday nights. He and the others had been told of a cool new club that had just started going and that it had a new location. Terra had suggested that they go and see how it was and they had all agreed, except for Raven who didn't even care.

Raven waited for them to leave before she jumped off her bed and dove for the locked chest hidden beneath her bed. She spoke several words in her own language and the lock popped open.

In the chest were her 'stage clothes'. These outfits were not her normal leotard and cape. She had several pairs of jeans, a few tanks, makeup, other shirts and several skirts.

Raven could just see the looks on her friend's faces if they ever saw her in any of these outfits, she'd never hear the end of it. She brought out a pair of black, almost brand new pair of jeans. She then pulled out a dark, navy blue tank and a deep blue, almost black crystal on a plain silver chain.

Getting dressed she made sure she applied enough makeup to make sure she didn't look too pale, and then put on the necklace and grabbed a dark denim jacket. She also made sure that her hair was parted more to the side and pulled back.

Checking herself in the mirror she didn't look like the normal Raven. No, she looked like the normal Alyia that only appeared on Friday nights. Grinning she knew she was late and with one last look in the mirror she focused her mind on her destination and disappeared.

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Raven was glad that she had such a quick mode of transportation. She appeared backstage at the new club, the Rox. It wasn't really new; it had merely gotten larger and changed its location. In fact she had been singing and playing here for nearly three years.

She gave a slight nod to the people who acknowledged her and went to stand by the rest of her 'band'. The band that she had been playing with knew her only as 'Aly', a short tempered, to the point, one hell of a singer. They were friends, but only to an extent. The drums were played by a girl a bit younger than Raven. Her name was Sandra and she had dirty blonde hair in two pigtail braids. The keyboard was done by Sandra's older brother, Ricky, who was in his early twenties. The other guitarist besides Raven was a semi-tall, light haired man named Al. She'd been playing with them for three years, and they knew the songs perfectly.

"What's up girl?" Sandra asked fiddling with her drumsticks.

"How much longer till we're on?" she asked nervously as Al handed her her guitar. The only reason she let him keep it was because it would raise unanswerable questions at the tower if anyone ever found it.

"You've got three minutes." Came the manager as he passed them. The group could here the crowd outside the curtain. They had never played infront of such a large group and they could tell the unsociable Aly was not in the mood to mess around at the moment.

"Everyone ready?" she asked making sure her guitar was tuned.

"Yeah." Came the reply from the others.

"You're on!" came the manager's voice a few moments later.

Raven and the others walked onto the stage each taking their places. The crowd below the stage was hidden by the darkness of the room, and the band got ready to play as they were introduced as a group called Mirror.

The crowd was wild and they wanted music, and they wanted it now. Raven nodded at back at Sandra and she immediately began to do the count.

"One. Two. One. Two. Three. Four!" and they began to play a song called 'On My Own'.

I can't believe that I'm here in this place again How did I manage to mess up one more time?

This pattern seems to be the story of my life Should have learned this lesson by the thousandth time

'Cause I promised myself I wouldn't fall But here I've fallen

I guess I'm not as strong as I thought All I can do is cry to you

Oh you have to save me You're my last and only hope

All my right answers fail me I can't seem to make it on my own

I always thought that I would be strong enough What made all of them fall couldn't take me down

Yeah, did I think that I was above it all I have learned that pride comes before the fall

I can't promise that I won't fall 'Cause here I've fallen

I know I'm not as strong as I thought All I can do is cry to you

The crowd screamed and cheered as they finished the song as Raven sighed with relief as she sung the last verse. Smilingshe looked back at her friends and they continued playing until the manager motioned to them that the second band was ready. As the crowd cheered them off and the other band took their place they found their way backstage.

"Wow, after the first song we got em' goin!" shouted the youngest, Sandra. She was taking a deep gulp of water as she put her drumsticks down.

"We played seven songs, I think that's pretty good." Al added sitting down and wiping his face with a towel.

"Yeah." Raven muttered. She was exhausted, and her voice was scratchy. She looked at Sandra who was ready to throw her a bottle of water and when she did, she caught it easily and gulped it down thankfully.

"We should go get some fries or something." Ricky suggested as they made their way towards the door that led into the crowd under the stage.

"Yay." Raven muttered. Everyone knew she hated crowds.

"Come on Aly, it won't be that bad." Sandra said cheerfully.

Sandra reminded Raven a lot of a certain alien girl. Always happy and optimistic. "Oh, I was working on a new song." Raven said as they opened the door and went into the mob of human bodies and had to shout to be heard as they dragged eachother over to the bar where they ordered some drinks, mostly water.

The group made their way to the back where they had a reserved table and sat down. Raven immediately regretted it. There, sitting only three tables away were the Titans. She quickly changed seats so that her back was facing them, if they saw her she was done for.

"Shit." Raven muttered as she bowed her head and sipped her water. She was glad that they were too involved in either eating or watching the band to notice her. "Why the hell are they here?" she growled under her breath angrily as she tried to look inconspicuous.

Raven wanted to shoot herself then and there when she heard StarFire's enthusiastic voice. "Look it's Mirror! I shall return quite soon. I must retrieve a signing of paper to add to my wall." The alien was going to cause Raven agony.

Raven sank into her chair as Star approached.

"Hello great singers of music." Star said happily. "May I have a signing of paper?" she asked cluelessly.

"Sure!" Sandra said as she began to sign the paper Star had produced. Al went next and then Ricky followed after. Star finally turned to Raven.

Raven was lucky in that instant that she was dealing with an immbocile. The girl didn't recognize her.

"And you?" she asked eagerly as raven took the pen and paper and signed her name as Alyia Thompson. The alien was ecstatic and bounded back to her own table happily.

Raven breathed a sigh of relief. "I've gotta go guy's, I'll call you tomorrow and we'll talk about the new song." She said as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door where she enjoyed the cool fresh air. "That was too close." She muttered as she decided to walk home and enjoy the cool, crisp air of early autumn.

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As I said, please don't kill me…..Anyways, Barlow girl is awesome, love their music. R&R please. Constructive criticism only please and do understand it's okay if you don't like it, just don't read the next chap! Thanks everyone…

Another totally random fic from