December 20
Darling Diary,
This is the fifth time I've written an entry today and I'm beginning to think that I don't have a life. Earlier this morning, Ronald has insisted on me having a date for the Christmas Ball. Can you actually believe that he wants me, his baby sister, to actually go and hunt for a date? It's absolutely preposterous. And you know what else, my darling diary? He had the nerve to grab the ten nearest boys and threaten them with death if they didn't take me. I was rather embarrassed of course, but quickly regained myself and punched my dear brother's nose. I think he'll need a bit of a glamour charm from now on.
Other things have been going on as I've observed. Hermione Granger, also known as my best friend, has fallen in love with a Slytherin. Shocking, isn't it? She walked into the Great Hall today with her arms all over Blaise Zabini. He looked quite happy if you asked me. I was surprised at first, but after seeing that smile on her face, I congratulated the two and tried to stop Ron and Harry from pummeling the poor Slytherin to the ground. Who'd ever thought the two would decide to play family and get together?
Now, here I am, writing in this ridiculous diary that George and Fred had gotten me last year for my birthday. At first, I found it very offensive, seeing as I've had a very bad past with diaries, but they did it for the best, so I kind of grew a liking to it.
I know I may have not wrote this during the time I've owned this book, but I might as well write it now. For the past few weeks, I've been feeling something towards a certain someone. I mean, he may be a hurtful jerk and a arrogant bastard, but I've fallen for the better side of him. He's a honorary prefect, a member of the Order, a loving son to his mother and a obedient godson. I feel myself sigh whenever I think of him.
The way his blonde hair would blow against the wind or how his silvery gray eyes would sparkle when he did something nice. I love how he would mask his true feelings with a cold façade, although everyone can see right through it. It made me realize how infatuated I was with his sneering face and his witty comments. He may bump into me in the halls and not help pick up my books, but I know deep down inside, he wishes he could apologize.
Well, right at this very moment, Ronald is calling me down for dinner. So I might as well cut my darling diary entry off here. If you are wondering who my supposed infatuation is, then I'll leave it with that.
Draco Malfoy.
All my heart,
Ginevra Weasley
"Come on, Ginny!" said an exasperated Ronald, dragging his little sister down the corridor, filled with overexcited students. "Harry and Malfoy are in a fight! You've got to see them duel!"
Inside, Ginny felt horrorstruck at the thought of Harry or Draco getting hurt, but she put on an eager face. "Come on then!" she said in fake happiness, running along with her brother.
They stopped before the watched scene and stared as Harry raised his wand, Draco doing the same thing. "Don't ever speak of my mother that way, Malfoy!" spat Harry, walking around in a large circle, across from Draco.
Draco smirked. "Did I hit a soft spot, Potter? Everyone knows your little mummy died to save your pathetic ass!"
Harry narrowed his eyes, still walking around in front of Draco. "Speaking of mothers, Malfoy," he said nastily, "didn't yours recently get knocked up by Snape?"
Plenty of the Gryffindors laughed in spite of the situation.
Draco felt his body tense. Before anyone could say anything else, he yelled, "Waddiwasi Portrait!" he yelled, first pointing at a painting, then at Harry.
The painting flung off the wall and immediately rushed for Harry, the man in the picture screaming and trying to hide for cover. Harry tried his best to duck, but was too late, for the portrait went flying into him, smashing him into the stone wall.
Draco grinned triumphantly. "Can't really move now, can you Potter?"
Ginny, who was recovering from shock and terror, whipped out her wand and reluctantly pointed it at Draco, who was looking at her in amusement. "What are you going to do, Red? Hit me with your wand?"
Ginny clenched her teeth and the man she was steadily falling for. "You don't know what you're doing, Draco," she whispered, so that only he can hear, "you know that this is wrong."
He looked at her sadly and replied, "You know nothing."
Ginny grinned mischievously. "You've mistaken, Draco," she said in a firm, yet quiet voice, "I know plenty."
With that final statement, she muttered a spell under her breath and soon, the famous Draco Malfoy faded away from the scene and withered onto the floor. Before anyone could see what he transformed into, Ginny pocketed the object and instantly ran to Harry, who was moaning and groaning.
"Oh, God, Harry!" she exclaimed, taking away tidbits of wood. "You alright?"
Ron was soon by her side, pulling away the large frame from Harry's lanky body. He'd grown quite strong throughout the years, so he was able to take it all off his best friend. "You okay there, mate? Anything hurt?"
Harry groaned and sat up. He looked around, then directed his gaze to Ginny. "Where' Malfoy?"
"Yeah, where is Malfoy?" cut in Ron.
Ginny rolled her eyes and pointed to Harry's bleeding leg. "Why on earth are we thinking about hat prat when Harry's ankle is spitting out more blood then a Chizpurfle!" she snapped. "Take him to the Infirmary!"
Ron, who was keen on obeying his sister, took out his wand and successfully mumbled, "Mobilicorpus."
Harry's body was soon lifted off the ground and on its way to the Hospital Wing, Ron underneath him with his wand shifted upwards. Ginny let out a breath when she saw all the students following the two, ignoring her just sitting on the ground.
Ginny sighed and pulled a twitching ferret out of her pocket. She hoisted it high and looked it in the eye (or two beady little eyes). "I told you I knew plenty," she said in a gentle tone, "Malfoy."
Author's Note:
so what'd you think? did you like? .. well .. yeah .. i don't know why i'm writing another story .. but i like this one .. espeically the diary parts .. well .. please review ..
as always - fawning over cheese,
chalk & gatorade