Hey, people. These are short stories of what if. And this Bow being gay one will only last for one more chapter.

Story One: What If- Bow was gay

"Hey, Bow," Hope said, walking over to her love facing her side to him practically knowing he was gonna scoop her up and give her a kiss.

"Hey, Hope," he said simply walking over to the couch.

"Bow?" she asked.

Hope walked over to the couch also and planted a hand on Bow's forehead. "Nope. No fever," she said releasing the hand.

"What do you mean 'No fever?'" He asked looking over at Hope with impatient eyes.

"Woah, Bow. Slow it down."

"Well," he said trying to defend himself.

"You haven't been you lately, that's it," she said shrugging her shoulders placing a hand on his arm.

"I've been me!" he yelled flicking to channels violently on the TV.

Hope sat there shocked, and disappointed in her husband. "Bow Brady," she started shaking her head and giving him the mad mother voice, "I think Billie is finally getting to you! I told you, I told you!"

Hope stood up and paced back and forth holding a hand over her head looking at the ground, "I'm so stupid!" she said pacing more.

"It's not Billie, Hope," Bow said calming down his anger a bit.

"Oh yeah. Then if it's not Billie then who the hell is it?" she hollered.

"It's not a person," he started, "It's me, but, I guess you can say a whole bunch of people everyday help me."

Hope gasped, "Cheater. I should of known it."

"No!" He yelled looking at the ground.

"I'm gay.

Hope's eyes widened, she could feel her blood pressure rise up to the roof. She just looked at the ground, and breathed in, "What did you mean a whole bunch of people then?"

"Well," he started his confessions again, "What I mean by that is men, everyday, I think they are hot. But they don't do anything to me per say."

"Well at least I know you're not fooling around with anyone, but gay? Come on, Bow! You're the person I would least think would turn gay in Salem!"

"I know," he sighed, "but I am."

Suddenly, Bow and Hope heard a noise from up the stairs. They swung their heads up to see Shawn. Looking down, he heard their whole conversation.

"Sh-t," Bow said under his breath.

Shawn ran down the stairs and out the door as Hope turned around to Bow and shook her head.