Disclaimer: Last night I checked they were not for sale on eBay.

Summary: Fuji was going to show Ryoma that his triple-counter was not only powerful but also EXPENSIVE spoiler eps. 63-64

Pairings: FujiRyo (now), more to come…

Warning: shounen-ai, craziness, silliness, and slight OOC…

"…" speak italic – flashback italicbold – thought


-PART I – The Deal-

Ryoma was speechless or to be exact breathless after seeing Fuji's last triple counter.


Magically, the ball bounced back to its original position; back to its server's clutch. Somehow, the tensai who was standing proudly on the court pulled an ace out of his sleeve using the wind which was blowing breezily. Everyone was at the same state as him, shocked in awe, when Fuji finally revealed his true abilities. Even Tezuka-buchou couldn't stop twitching since he realized that the smiling tensai never ever used any of his triple counters when he was against the captain. But that led not only him but also the others into a question.

Why was Fuji showing all his triple-counter now?

Was it to show their freshman prodigy, who was sitting as Seigaku's bench coach, that he still has to work a lot more just to catch up with the other prodigy? As the tensai once said to boy wonder, boku ni katsu no wa mada hayai yo(1). They were partly right; however what they didn't know was a deal between the two tennis prodigies a week ago!


Fuji was the only one left in the locker room after practice that day. The older boy was buttoning his shirt with his back facing Ryoma.

Perfect, Ryoma thought. "Fuji-senpai."

Fuji turned around only to see the shorter boy with hands in his pocket leaning against the changing room door.

"Hmm… What is it, Echizen?" He was still smiling as usual despite the fact they were alone in the locker room with Ryoma blocking the only exit. Yup, the tensai never felt intimidated in any situation with anyone.

"I want to talk to you!"

Fuji smiled even wider, "You surprise me, Echizen! I'd never thought you're the one who make the first move!"

Ryoma twitched, "Don't get the wrong idea, Fuji-senpai!"

Fuji gave him a confused look, "Eh, so you're not going to ask me for a date."

The boy wonder snapped, "NO!" Fuji didn't even wince. Not even in million years, Ryoma added mentally.

"Souka… Well, it couldn't be helped then", he made a hurtful look which made Ryoma twitched even more. "I thought you'd like me more than just a senpai ne!"

Ryoma gritted his teeth, "Fuji-senpai stops playing will you! This is serious!"

"Joudan… joudan…" He made a hand stopping his angry kouhai, "So, what do you want to say to me, Echizen?"

Calming himself, Ryoma then continued, "I'm still thinking about our unfinished match back then (2)."

"Saa… and what do you want then?" Fuji still maintained his usual smile though inside he was already smirking evilly. He knew what his kouhai was feeling and going to say next. But he decided to play the boy a little more. After all this might be a good chance for him to achieve his goal.

"I'm not satisfied with it!" BINGO, Fuji thought. "And I want to have a rematch with you." Correct again! "However…" Ryoma looked up at the older boy with an odd gleam in his eyes, "I want to see your last triple counter. Inui-senpai said you never used it before."

Because that was unnecessary, Fuji thought. However, this made a train of evil schemes in Fuji's mind stopped. Well, that was unexpected. "Saa… what are you up to, Echizen-kun?" Blue eyes opened and gazed at golden ones.

Ryoma flinched a bit because of Fuji's slightly seductive tone all of the sudden. Now he started to feel anxious of being alone with Fuji in a deserted locker room. Collecting all his guts, he stared back at the tensai, "That's my own business, Fuji-senpai." Fuji didn't even show a trace of being offended, "So, are you going to do my favor or not?"

There was a beat of silence before, "And what will you give to me?"

Another silence.

"Gi-give to you?" Golden eyes widened.

"Yes, give to me, in return. You're not expecting this for free, are you Echizen-kun!" Fuji smiled ever so sweetly.

Ryoma gulped, he should have known this would be coming. If you're going to have a deal with a devil there must be some sort of payment. "Anything you want." BAD ANSWER! "As long as it's not something that dangerous, embarrassing, and deadly." he added hurriedly.

"Unfortunately, Echizen-kun, the only payment I'll receive from you was… a kiss or a date…"

Ryoma stepped backward since Fuji was approaching him with a predatory grin. "A… a kiss…date?!"

"…or both?"

"Na-nani?" BOTH, Ryoma's mind screaming in alert.

"Well, since you are asking two favors from me right?" Fuji stated as a matter of fact.

"Two? But I just want to see…" Ryoma's word was cut when he recalled all his previous words. SHIMATTA! He's right! I was asking Fuji-senpai two favors (3). He frowned inwardly because of his stupidity.

"Saa… I see you've realized it then!" which didn't go unnoticed by the piercing blue orbs.

Ryoma eyed the smiling tensai who was just standing a foot from him warily. A kiss might not be TOO dangerous but a DATE. A DATE with Fuji Syusuke, the most manipulative and sadist person ever existed! He was sure that this was going to be the end of his life. But his pride, which never ever allowed him to go down for any kind of challenges, won. "Betsuni." Ryoma tugged down his cap lower than usual.

"Great, deal then!" Fuji clasped his hand in cheerfulness before leaning down to the shorter boy, "Can I get my initial payment now?"

"No-not now…," Ma… ma… since when Echizen Ryoma stuttered, Fuji thought. The boy was just too cute sometimes. Omoshiroi! He was definitely going to enjoy this! "Right after you showed me your last triple counter."

"Aa… give and take, I see!" Ryoma… Ryoma… he didn't know what his word has just gotten himself into, Fuji thought evilly. "Well, then, I'll show it to you in the next tournament."

"The Hyoutei tournament?" Fuji smiled in affirmative, Ryoma hurriedly reached for the door desperately wanting to get out from the room and being as far as humanly possible from Fuji. "Ja, Fuji-senpai."

Boy wonder tried his best not to run like a frightened rabbit in front of Fuji though it was useless since the tensai already saw a spark of fear and worried in usual fierce golden eyes.

"Ja, Ryoma-kun", he answered even though Echizen was long gone. Fuji couldn't wait for the next tournament. He always got what or who he wanted because he was the tensai, Fuji Syusuke. And he was going to show his newest little prey that his triple counter alone was not only powerful but also EXPENSIVE…

Meanwhile, on his way back home, Ryoma was thinking hard how to counter the tensai's plan on their future date. Surely, his 'little' deal with Fuji wouldn't cause any serious damage. Unfortunately, boy wonder didn't know that SOON a total chaos and disaster were going to happen to everyone because of this!


(1) You're still not able to beat me yet (something like that; I got this when I was watching the chibi eps)

(2) Yup, the one in the rain (GRR… why did Ryuzaki-sensei stop it! I want to see its continuation…)

(3) I believed minna could guess what they are.

Shimatta – Crap or Shit

Omoshiroi – Interesting

Betsuni – Fine/Whatever/Nothing

Kouhai – Lower classman

Next Chapter: PART II – The Chaos -

A/N: My crazy idea about why did Fuji use his triple counter against Jirou? And why did Echizen insist to be Seigaku's bench coach during Hyoutei tournament? Yay, FujiRyo, my other fave pairing. This pairing has been fighting in my head with TezuRyo and finally tonight Fuji won. So, I could finish this first part. Review minna so Fuji could win again next time against Tezuka.