Author's Note: Wow guys, thanks for the reviews. I've been trying to put this chapter off for a while because it's . . . well . . . the last chapter. /hears gasps/ Yes, I know. But this is the final chapter for this story and I'm proud to say that this is the first story I've completed and I've started on quite a number. What's ironic about it is it's the shortest story I've worked on. I just started writing this about two months ago and here I am already through when I've been working on my X3 story ever since X2 came out in theaters and my LOTR story ever since 7th grade (I'm a 10th grader this year). So yeah . . . You've all been really really awesome and I've thoroughly enjoyed your reviews. If ya wanna chat or anything about Lost or whether cows fly over the moon (lol) then feel free to email me at

Chapter Eight

When Sawyer woke, there was a slight buzzing in his head. It felt like one of the worst hangovers he ever had, and he had had quite a few. He kept his eyes closed, enjoying the soothing eternal darkness of his mind. The relaxing coolness of sleep was calling him back into her embrace. He was about to submit to the call when a sharp pain in his arm made him abandon the darkness. He cried out in pain and opened his eyes.

'Stay still. I'm changing the bandage,' Jack's voice echoed in his head as his eyes went in and out of focus and his head started spinning.

Jack looked up as he threw the old bandage down.

'Sawyer,' he said, trying to give Sawyer something to focus on.

Sawyer rolled his head in Jack's direction. His eyes came into focus and he tried to say something, but his throat caught and he started coughing instead.

'Relax. You're still weak from the blood loss,' Jack said as he reached for a water bottle.

Sawyer gripped it weakly with his left hand and started drinking. The water burned his throat as he drank too quickly. He drank half of the water before he brought the bottle away from his lips. Jack took the bottle and put it back on the airplane tray beside him. He then went back to putting the new bandage on Sawyer's arm. Sawyer winced as the peroxide came into contact with his newly stitched wound. He felt some kind of tape above his left eye and knew there had to be a bandage above it. He brought his left hand down on his stomach. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he felt something wrapped around his sides. It still hurt to breathe, but not as bad as before. He looked to his right and watched as Jack wrapped the bandage around his arm. Sawyer could see the tent flapping in a slight breeze behind Jack and knew he was back in his tent again, lying down on his makeshift bed. The same place he had woken up from after Sayid had stabbed him. He winced in pain as Jack tightened the bandage before continuing to wrap it. Sawyer then thought of someone.

'K-Kate . . .?' Sawyer croaked, his voice hoarse.

'She just left a few minutes ago. You must have told her some mighty fine words,' Jack said, finishing putting the bandage on.

Sawyer looked at him questionably.

'She's stayed in here for two whole days, barely leaving your side. I've forced her to eat and drink what little she has and finally made her stretch her legs just now,' Jack continued, looking at Sawyer as if he couldn't believe anyone would care for him like that.

Sawyer returned his gaze and saw something flicker in Jack's eyes. He saw a strange gleam that only appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared. Sawyer had seen it though, and he recognized that look. It was a look of jealously.

So, Doctor Perfect's got his feathers ruffled 'cause she was worried 'bout me, Sawyer thought as he smiled.

'We got a . . . a connection . . . doc,' Sawyer said.

'Well, whatever you got, I don't understand it,' Jack said shortly.

'Jealous . . .?' Sawyer couldn't help but ask.

'No, I'm not jealous. I just . . . It's not my business what type of men she likes,' Jack said, not meeting Sawyer's eyes.

'You're jealous,' Sawyer confirmed, a smile still plastered on his face.

Jack looked at him, wishing he could wipe that annoying smile off of Sawyer's face.

'I'm going back to the caves to check on Claire,' he finally said, getting up to leave. 'There's a bottle of aspirin on the tray.'

'So long . . . doc . . .' Sawyer managed.

Jack turned back to look at Sawyer and looked like he was going to say something else. He only shook his head though and walked out of the tent.

Sawyer continued to smile. He looked around and noticed that an airplane seat had been moved right beside him. His jacket lay on the seat. He saw it had some dark stains here and there that looked like his blood. He wondered where Kate was and tried to get up. All his injuries protested against him and he put his head back down. He closed his eyes as everything started spinning and throbbing again.

Maybe tomorrow . . . he managed to think.

He slowly opened his eyes again and looked around, trying to see where the tray was. It was right beside his head, but on his right.

Probably left the bottle on my bad side on purpose, he thought.

He hurried and tried to grab the bottle with his other hand as quickly as he could without lying on his hurt arm too much. He grabbed the bottle, but not without another cry of pain. He put the bottle in his right arm and unscrewed the top off with his left hand. He got two capsules out and chewed them, grimacing against the sour taste in his mouth as he swallowed them dry. He then put the cap back on the bottle and threw it with his good arm. He didn't know where it landed and he could care less. He closed his eyes against the dulling aches and pains and tried to go back to sleep.

When Sawyer woke up again, it was near sunset. He opened his eyes and noticed it didn't feel like a huge hangover anymore. He looked around and saw Kate's retreating form as she left the tent. He tried to sit up and he finally managed to this time. His ribs still protested, but they didn't pain him enough to stop him from moving around. His head started spinning slightly, so he sat there and waited for it to stop. It did so in a few minutes and he tried to stand up. His head started spinning again, but he gripped his makeshift bed and the dizziness stopped shortly. He then took a few steps, grimacing from the pain in his side. It was bearable though, so he continued walking, holding onto his makeshift bed until he could walk on his own. He slowly limped out of the tent, looking for Kate. He saw her down on the beach, watching the waves as the sun was slowly setting. He made his way towards her. Halfway there, she heard him coming and looked behind her.

'Sawyer, you shouldn't be up,' she said, starting to walk to him.

'I'm fine . . .' he said as she met up with him and he gripped her arm to steady himself as his side flared up.

'What are you doing down here?' she asked.

'Wanted to see you . . .' he said, smiling down at her.

'You could have waited until I came back,' she said.

'Yeah. You gonna tell me I'm lucky to be alive?' Sawyer asked.

'You are lucky to be alive. You've been out for almost four days,' Kate said, trying to notice his injuries instead of his muscular shoulders and how strong his grip was on her arm.

Sawyer smiled as he saw her eyes wonder. 'Shouldn't worry 'bout me, sweetheart,' he said, letting go of her arm and putting his hand up to her cheek to move a strand of her hair out of her eyes. He noticed that the bump on her head had gone, but it was still bruised.

'Would it kill you if I did?' she asked.

'Might kill Jacko,' Sawyer said, smiling at her and cupping her cheek with his hand.

Kate laughed. 'Yeah, well, Jack can get over it,' she said, surprising him.

He looked at her and then looked down at her lips.

'So, uh . . . how 'bout that kiss?' he asked, looking back up at her.

She looked at him and remembered the first time he had asked her that. It had been right after he had made her read his letter out loud. Things had been very different then than they were now.

'How about it?' she asked, surprising him more.

He looked at her for a few seconds, wondering if this was real. Then he stepped forward, closing the gap between them until he was a few inches away from her. She didn't step back, but remained where she was, feeling the warmth of his hand on her cheek. He closed the last few inches as he bent his head down. Their lips were inches apart. Kate stared into his eyes and then to his busted lower lip before he lunged at her, his lips crashing into hers. She closed her eyes and didn't hold back this time as he dropped his hand from her cheek and placed it on her waist, pulling her closer to him. She gripped his shoulders as their tongues met. A voice in the back of her mind scolded her, telling her she shouldn't be doing this. Sawyer would probably never be a completely changed person, if he even changed at all. She knew she was probably asking for a broken heart down the road and a relationship that would never work out. She pushed that voice out of her head completely though as Sawyer slid his hand under her shirt and sent shivers down her spine. She found that, as their tongues locked together in their heated kiss, she could care less about the voice right now.