
All In Time

Chapter 7:

Sesshomaru's father came into the room and closed the door quietly behind him. "Son, are you awake?" he asked as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Wha-? Yeah I'm awake." Sesshomaru replied sitting straighter in his chair. "Sorry, must have dozed off."

"It was a long day. Thanks for your help too, I believe you made the difference. You know,
they're talking about upping the time table for the feeding tube."

"She ate." Sesshomaru stated simply. He didn't elaborate because he knew that his father wouldn't call a single Life Saver actual food.
"What!" There was genuine surprise in his face. "You got her to eat. Real food?"


"Well. You really are helping you know that. Perhaps you should think about becoming a doctor."

"This is your arena father. I have other interests, at least at the moment. Listen though I wanted to talk to you about something. When she is ready to be discharged where will she go?"

"A foster home probably. We never found out if she had any other family but I doubt it. No one has come to inquire about her here. Why?"

"I was thinking she could come to our house." Sesshomaru was as surprised by the words as his father. He had no clue where that had come from.

"This isn't the place for this conversation. It may be a while before there is any need to concern yourself with where she'll be. This will be her home for a quite some time I'm afraid. Are you coming home tonight or staying here?"

"I told her that I would stay with her. You could however get that pest of a brother to bring me a change of clothes in the morning before school."

"Son you have to go to school your grades will drop." His father stated in surprise. Sesshomaru looked at his father for a brief moment before turning back to the silent figure on the bed.

"There is no need to concern yourself with my grades. They are up as always and they will stay up as always. After all," he added as an afterthought, "what will I miss in one day that I can't pick up on the next?"

His father simply gave him a glance. His eldest son was correct of course. Sesshomaru had never needed to be told to do his homework. He was a smart boy and would turn into a fine young man.
At the moment he would ignore the fact that his son was telling him what he would and would not do and focus on the remarkable occurrences of the day. The real surprise to him however was that in the beginning it had been Inuyasha to suggest their coming here and Sesshomaru who had stayed. Either way he needed to head home. "Very well. This once you have permission to miss school tomorrow but it will not become a habit. I'll bring you a change of clothes in the morning when I come in for my morning rounds. Good night son. I'll tell your mother to send you a lunch too. Maybe Kagome will eat more tomorrow. Sleep well!" And with that Dr. Tashio walked out of the room leaving Sesshomaru to ponder just what he had gotten himself into now.

He woke sometime later to someone moaning and muttering. When Sesshomaru looked up he saw a thrashing Kagome apparently locked in battle with nightmares. He quickly went to her side and shook her gently. She sat up with a start, not comprehending where she was. Then memory flooded back at once and she all but crumpled into a heap under Sesshomaru's hands.

"Hey there. You're alright. You're okay. It was just a dream."

"A horrible nightmare is more like it." Sesshomaru could have sworn he heard it but she didn't say anything else so he questioned whether or not he had heard the comment at all. Sesshomaru gently lifted her up and lay down beside her, pulling her nearer as he did so.

"Look, I said I wouldn't leave you and that everything would be all right. Nothing is going to get you as long as I'm here okay. You can sleep. You can relax, and I give you my word that no harm will come to you." He felt her nod against his chest and to his surprise she wrapped a slender arm around him. What am I getting myself into? He thought to himself. I know I'm not always going to be here for her. I can't skip school forever. Maybe she can be helped by some of my friends though. If I can just get her into school with me. But where are these feelings coming from? No one has ever done this to me before and here is a pathetic shell of life that has me utterly undone.
I just don't know. With thoughts similar to those he fell asleep again.

Sesshomaru was awakened again by the sound of a door opening. "Son, you really shouldn't be there with her. You saw yourself that she has some pretty bad injuries and it won't take much for them to open more with jostling." It was his father. He had some packages with him which he say down in the chair."

"Good morning to you too father. I suppose those bags contain food and clothing?" He raised a questioning eyebrow, not raising his voice above a loud whisper, and not bothering to get up at the moment.

"Yes, and something else for Kagome. I'll be back soon to check her stats and the nurses will be bringing breakfast too." With that he simply walked out, shutting the door behind him.

"Kagome." Sesshomaru whispered gently against her hair. "Kagome, wake up." She mumbled to herself and rolled over. Apparently she wasn't having bad dreams anymore. He smiled to himself and got up anyway. Walking over to the bags his father had brought him he pulled out a fresh pair of dark jeans and a plain whit tee-shirt along with some biscuits his mother had obviously made this morning. He also stumbled across a pack of Life Saver and a note. Son, She ate something and thanks for your help yesterday. Don't ask how I know just know that I appreciate the help with my patient. I had honestly been losing hope with here. Well try to get her to eat more. Your father.

With that Sesshomaru turned to face the now awake girl who was watching him again. He had the strangest feeling that today was going to be an interesting day.

Okay sorry for any mistakes or anything. I promised an update on Monday and it's Monday go figure. :) It's 11:19 but it still makes the deadline I set for myself. I don't promise when the next one will be but I do promise that it won't be too long. Well review please it really keeps me motivated to write more. In fact I'll make a deal with you. If I can get ten reviews then I will promise you a ten page update deal? But remember I don't know when I'm updating next probably next Monday. So have a good night everyone and I'll go see about updating my other neglected storied. LoL