Author's Note: This is a new idea for a fan fiction that I've been working on (at two a.m.) so we'll see how you like it. I realize that Remus is not in the Prologue, but he will appear in the first chapter.

Summary: Hermione travels back in time using a time-turner, but what happens when she accidentally switches a highly important setting? Who /is/ that boy who looks uncannily like Remus Lupin?!

Changing the Course of Destiny


"I'm glad all of you could make it here for the first D.A. meeting of the year," Harry said to the members of 'Dumbledore's Army'. He paused, feeling uncomfortable. Public speaking had never been his favourite pastime. "I thought that it might be useful to review the past spells we've done; seeing as over the summer we couldn't practice." Everyone nodded, save for Zacharias Smith who rolled his eyes. "Right then. So I guess you lot should pair off and work on 'Stupefy'."

There was the general commotion as everyone paired off and spread out, then started to practice the stunning spell. Harry found himself paired up with Neville, as always. After being stunned several times in quick succession, it was blatant that Neville had not lost his talent over the summer. If anyone, it was Ron who had gotten worse; his target (Hermione) was often missed, sending numerous volumes of 'Defense for Dummies' to the floor.

"Good Lord, Ron! Do I have to run into your spell for you to succeed?!" Hermione cried exasperatedly. Ron scowled at her and continued shouting the spell, sending 'Incantations for Idiots' to the pile of books. After several more futile attempts to stun Hermione, he hit her.

"I did it! Yes! Harry, I stunned Hermio-" Ron stopped mid-word, his head whipping in the general direction of the door. The half of the secret organization that weren't currently stunned did the same. The door's knob had turned and the door creaked open.

"Look what we've got here," The sneering voice that belonged to none-other-than Draco Malfoy said. "Potty, Weasel, and Mudblood with company." A hand appeared on Draco's shoulder. The hand that belonged to-

"Well done, Draco." Lucius Malfoy said quietly, though no one in the room had to strain to hear his voice. "I told you, Mr. Fudge that there was a group of rebel students. No doubt they were practicing in hopes to overthrow your Ministry." He addressed the Minister, silkily.

"Thank you, Lucius, Draco. Umbridge, Ibotson. Round these students up." The Minister ordered with triumph ringing in his voice. "Be careful, though. We don't want any 'accidents', do we?"

Dolores Umbridge and Ian Ibotson both stepped into the Room of Requirement; their wands up, ready to attack. All of the D.A. tensed at seeing Dolores Umbridge again. They were all under the impression that she had been so traumatized she could not return to work. Several minutes of silence passed along with several glances at Harry, as if questioning what to do. Umbridge and Ibotson advanced, opening their mouths to cast a spell.



"Stupefy!" Neville shouted, the spell shooting out of his wand and hitting Ibotson squarely between the eyes. The adult wizard's eyes rolled up in his head and he crumpled like a piece of newspaper burning in the fire.

"Ian!" Umbridge shouted, her concentration broken as she gave a quick glance in his direction; though she was not feeling compassion for her fellow man, she was afraid that she might get hit without anyone to back her up.

"Petrificus To-" Hermione started to say, but was cut off as Draco silenced her using 'Silencio', then stupefying her.

By then, assorted spells were being rapidly cast by both sides. Hermione watched helplessly as her friends fought against the enemies. Hopelessness enveloped her heart as several more Aurors appeared and more and more of her friends were hit. Finally, only Harry and Neville remained, but both were obviously lacking energy. Neville was hit from behind with 'Imobulus' and fell – face flat – on the ground. Harry, outnumbered by six-to-one, fell next. But before he did, he uttered one last thing,

"Time turn-"

Feeling rushed back into Hermione ('Stupefy' was only temporary), but she didn't move until the Ministry Officials, Draco, and Malfoy Senior had started hauling bodies off to an unknown destination. When Hermione was certain that she was alone, she pulled out the time turner and began turning it.

"And what do you think you're doing, Granger?!" Draco shouted, dashing over to Hermione. Her fingers slipped and she let out a little cry, but she finished turning the device and disappeared.

Little did she know that she had accidentally switched a highly important setting… A setting that could change the course of destiny.

Author's Note: Reviews are appreciated greatly, flames are also welcome.