Hey y'all. I'm sorry that I haven't updated lately…for a few months. Things have been…a lot's happened, and most of it has been bad. I mean, some of it's good, but the most is bad as hell. Most recent is that the computer I have all of my files on was all virus-ridden, so I sent it out for repairs to find that I can't save it, and I got all arm-hurt and haven't been able to re-plug it in and salvage all of the files that I have before doing a permanent plug pull on its sorry hide. Once I get that done, it'll still be another few weeks before I can get it all on my new computer, since I just broke my foot Thursday and the new computer's downstairs. Since it's a little bone in the top of my foot, they can't cast me…and I haven't done the doctor thing yet. But I will…and until I can get down the stairs, it's hopeless. Really, stay with me, please. I have the new chapter all written out for both of my fics, and it'll just be a little while until I can get them up. Thanks, and I am sorry in the majorly really sense that I haven't been able to update. And since I'm away from the computer with the reviews, can I just do the responses when I get the situation all figured out? Gratzi so much

Luv yas.
