This is an AU–fic! It is supposed to be a you-fic, but since it is not allowed, it has turned into an I-fic. Just pretend that you are talking… Oh, and your name is Yufina Loxelanne (weird name, is it?)

Disclaimer: Shaman King is not mine!!! (I wish it is…)

"The reflection of Light & Darkness"

---Chapter I---

Sudden Notice

In this world, there are only three clans: Light Elne, Dark Lore, and Ze Lumar. The Lighe Elne and the Dark Lore are always in disagreement and hate each other. On the other hand, the Ze Lumar is neutral.

Marriage between the Light Elne and Dark Lore are forbidden, except arranged marriage of a boy and a girl from each of those two clans. There are only two inter-clan marriages per generation. Often, they will not stay together because of the environment they are in and of the disagreements of view.

Of course, there is still the human clan who is unaware of all those tensions. Some kids from the clan will go to the human world to study because they lack in power, or they are slacked from the family or clan.


"Yufina chan!"

Someone calls me with a loud yet sweet voice. I really don't like this name, but it is the ONLY thing that my mother and father agree on.

"Hey, Katia chan."

"Why are you running? The course only starts in ten minutes. You have plenty of time to walk there!"

"I just want to get there in advance. I have a report to hand in to the teacher."

"You are always in a hurry and busy. Miss perfect A-student, Miss model student, Miss student body president…."

"You don't have the right to say that to me! You are also a straight A student and vice president!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

That is Katia, my best friend. We have been going to the same school for years. She is a little bit lazy but is the best friend one can ever get.

"Have you heard from your parents yet? There is a meet the parents day tomorrow."

"Katia, since when did my parents come? Besides, I wish that they don't." They will scare away everybody.

"But EVERYONE wants to see the parents that raise you so well!"

"We are going to be late if we continue on talking."

"Huh? Oh yeah! Hey! Don't change the subject! Yufina chan!!!"


It is not that I hate my parents. I love them very much. It is just that I really hate to stand out with all their weirdness. They are not really weird but are just not adapted to the normal life that I am having right now. Besides, my mother and father never talk to each other. They are both remarried.

Well, they are from the Dark Lore and Light Elne clans. They are one of the two couples that are forced to marry the one in the other clan, and I am their kid. I heard that the other couple that has to marry has twin brothers. However, one of them has purely the power of Light Elne, and the other has purely the power Dark Lore. They are raised separately and have never seen each other, or so I heard.

Me? I am from neither the clans. Technically, I can be either in the Light Elne clan or in the Dark Lore clan. Nevertheless, I have never shown ANY of my power to put in either clan. My mother is the one who raised me. My stepfather doesn't really know that I am my father's daughter. In fact, no one else than my mother, my father, and I know. My stepfather doesn't like me much, so I have been going to the human world for quite a while. My mother and father send me monthly messages to ask for my health and to give me money, but that is all they do.

People think that I have a sad life, but I live alone and happy. I have friends, fame, and everything that I want. I don't need anything else.


"Yufina chan, do you want to go for an ice cream?"

"Sure, just wait until I finish the report that the teacher gives me today."

"Oh come on! You only have half an hour before your part-time job! We won't have enough time for both!"

"We will! I'll just have to finish this paragraph…"

"Yeah, right. You… Wow! There is something flying in the sky! No! Two things… Are they birds? A white one and a dark one…"

As soon as I hear that, I know that my mother and father have sent me their spirits to give me their monthly messages. It is quite weird that Katia can see spirits.

"Katia chan, why don't you wait for me in the ice cream parlor? I'll join you there!"

"But those birds…"

"You can see them anytime! Come on, let's go buy some ice cream."

"Two balls: tuff chocolate and praline with cream?"

"You read my mind. Come on, go go!"

After Katia is gone, I open the window to let those spirits in. As usual, they give me the parchments and fly away without saying hi.

I open the message from my mom and read it.


your fiancée: Asakura Hao, Dark Lore.

Marry in a year.


WHAT? Fiancée? I am only 16! I am not old enough! I still have a future in front of me! I am still young!!!

I quickly open the one from my father. I wish, no, hope, no… beg that it is not something alike…

"Yufina! My cute-adorable-honeybee-sweet-baby girl!

I am sure that you have waited a long time for my message!

I know that you are! Isn't that right? My little-darling-pumkin….

(I skip half the parchment roll to get to the main point)

You know that I really love you, and that I never ever want to let you go, but…

You are old now!

You will have to go away from my warm-passionate embrace one day…


Surprisingly, his message is not this long… It is rather short this time. Short?

I take out a loop and search for a hidden message. At the bottom of the message, in a minuscule handwriting, there is another message:

"P.S.:I hope that you won't see this…

But I still have to tell you or you will never talk to me again!

Remember that I am your dad who loves and cares for you more than anyone in the world!

Well… The thing is that… I got you a fiancée!

He is from Light Elne… His name is Asakura Yoh.

Please! Don't kill me! You have to get marry in a year!"



"Yufina chan! You are late! Your ice cream is starting to melt. Are you ok? You seem to be distressed."

"My idiot parents!"

"What did they do this time? They forgot to give you money?"


"They forced you to exchange school?"


"They ask you for giving them a full-set of pictures for each second of your life? Oh no, that's only from your dad."

"They got me a fiancée."

"This is not that bad. You can still refuse him if he is not cute enough."

"But they BOTH give me ONE!"

"What? You have two fiancées? That is so hot!"

"Yeah, if you are not the one actually have two!"

"It's only fiancée. It is not like one of them is your husband."

"They both told me to get marry in a YEAR!"

"Wow, that's new. What do you plan to do?"

"I don't know…"

"Well, I have a proposition."


"If you can't refuse the marriage, make THEM refuse it."


"Disguise into something else, pretend to be the most disgusting person ever, something like that."

"That's a good idea! But… I will have to change school then…"

"I will go with you, so don't worry."


"My parents won't be mad or sad. They think that you are the reason why I am the me of right now."

"No… It is just that you are not allowed to go to there…"


"It is a school for the… hum… rich people."


"So you can't go…"

"That's fine. We'll just e-mail each other. I'll be your secret advisor!"

"Thanks, Katia."

"You are welcome!"


Having Katia's words, I already feel much more comfortable. When I am back home, I wash my black long hair. The tainted color goes away and reveals my red hair. I take off my black colored lenses… I stare at myself in the mirror. One green and one red. My eyes are not in the same color.

My mother has red hair and green eyes, and my father has black hair and red eyes. My red eye is the only thing I get from my father. My stepfather always complains about that eye. He hates it. He has no clue why I have a red eye. He usually asks me to disguise myself or not to look at him. I just hope that this will scare away my two soon-not-to-be fiancées, Asakura Hao and Asakura Yoh.

Asakura? Both of them? Wait… if Hao is Dark Lore, and Yoh is Light Elne… It means that… they are the twins that their parents have inter-clan marriage too! So… They will not mind that I'm a half-breed!

This is not good at all… Really not good…


Here it is, a first chappie! Review to tell me what you think of it!