The bed creaked as I opened my eyes slightly, trying to focus in the darkness. It was King. He was getting into my bed again. I can feel him sliding under the covers behind me. He's been doing this since Drake massacred our friends here in the Honeycomb. I guess it's a sense of security, maybe knowing that he's right here if anything should happen. I felt a hand around my waist pulling me closer to his warmth. He whispered in the darkness softly enough to not wake me, but I was.

"You and me, Kid…you and me…"

I felt a soft kiss pressed to my shoulder. I wasn't expecting this open display of affection, but it was comforting. Soon after that my eyelids became heavy, and even though I knew King was not yet asleep I fell into unconsciousness.

The next morning I woke up early to find the space next to me empty again. Yet, the imprint of him was faintly there. It was strange to actually get some rest during the night considering I was used to fighting during those hours. Not that I could sleep when we'd have a rare night off anyway, but I found that sleep came easier when he was there.

Getting up was not an easy task. My body protested the very idea of moving. The pain of the few hits I took two nights ago were finally making themselves known and I felt sore all over. I smelled the aroma of coffee coming from the bunker kitchen downstairs and decided to follow it. Zoë was there watching a ballet production of The Nutcracker. I walked by and bent down beside her. She glanced at me and offered a smile.

"Morning Abby…"

"Good Mornin,' Zoë."

I continued watching the television with interest as I fixed a cup of coffee. Taking a seat on the counter, I sipped the brackish liquid and closed my eyes as it warmed my body pleasantly. I felt King enter the room but I didn't acknowledge his presence. Something told me he didn't want me to know he was there. Instead I made small conversation with Zoë.

"Did you know I used to dance like that?"

She looked at me wide-eyed

"Really!? Wow… I bet you were good at it huh?"

I laughed softly at her amazement and nodded.

"Yes, I was."

"Can you show me?"

I thought about it. What the Hell? I nodded. I'm sure King's going to enjoy this. I probably won't hear the end of it. But, in spite of that I began to dance as Zoë watched, and King too, although secretly. Despite my injured body, the moves came easy and fluid to me like they always had. I was surprised at how much the body memorizes and remembers routine from so long ago. The particular dance I was doing was quite beautiful and required a lot of strength and agility. I could see the admiration in Zoë's eyes. In my peripheral vision I saw the well-hidden adoration in King's eyes. I loved catching him like that. It was rare, but endearing and sweet. That is until 2 minutes later when he decided to open his mouth.

"Well, well…Good Morning Twinkle Toes…"

I stopped mid-stretch and put my leg down glaring at him. Zoë piped up in my defense.

"I thought it was pretty, King. She was doing awesome."

He gave her a gentle smile but she continued to frown at him.

"Now say you're sorry."

King pouted and Zoë looked at him sternly. He walked over to me and apologized. Zoë looked satisfied with his apology and went back to focusing on the TV screen. King stood in front of me as I sat on the counter again, drinking my coffee. I raised the mug slightly in silent gratitude that he'd made a pot. He looked at me with sincere eyes hiding behind sarcasm. He curled a strand of my hair gently and tugged at it playfully.

"Not bad, Bright Eyes."

He walked over to Zoë and ruffled her already sleep-matted hair.

"Be good for Abbigail, okay Runt? And eat some breakfast…"

She waved off his hand dismissively which made me smile. With that he left the kitchen and went to the command center to play footage from his kills two days previous. I don't know where he comes up with his nicknames but I think it was even too early for him to crack jokes, but he was warming up so I suspected he'll be in full form by the end of the half hour.

I washed out my mug and proceeded to fix Zoë some oatmeal with a lot of cinnamon, like she preferred. As she ate, I sat across from her and thought about how scared and sad she still must be although she hardly showed it. My heart went out to her and admired how strong she was. I'd lost friends but she'd lost her mother and people she had considered friends. They looked out for her, played with her, and cared for her. I knew what it was like to lose a parent, but not at her age. Although the pain of everything was still fresh to all of us, I hope she knew that King and I both would make sure she was alright. Suddenly I had an idea.

"Hey, how about you read a little bit of that Wizard of Oz story to me tonight? Want to do that?"

She nodded her head excited and grinned with cheeks full of oatmeal. I tried hard not to start laughing.

"Maybe you can even teach me a Braille word or two."

She, again, happily agreed to this and shoveled more oatmeal into her mouth and added,

"And even King too…"

"Oh I don't know… he doesn't even know how to read."

"Hey! I heard that!"

King entered the room and both Zoë and I laughed at the indignant expression on his face.

"I can too read…I watched Reading Rainbow all the time…"

He said it more as an afterthought than anything else but still pouted nonetheless. I giggled and put Zoë's dish in the sink. He was still in what I guess were his pajamas. A powder blue long sleeve thermal shirt and some grey track pants that hung low on his hips. His hair was slightly rumpled and it made him look like a grumpy, overgrown child.

"Whistler, get dressed. I want to run some weapons tests and I need your help."

I got up but said nothing as I walked past him I looked him up and down, leaned close, and tugged at the hem of his shirt.

"Et tu, King."

Then I walked away only to hear him yell after me.

"You know, the sexual tension between you and I is getting to be a bit much for me. We may have to do something about that. Soon."

He turned his head to see Zoë looking at him.

"You didn't hear any of that."

Zoë sat there and responded to him with a warning.

"She gonna beat you up."