Christmas Love

Rated PG-13 (just to be on the safe side) for very bad sucidial thoughts


Tyson's House

Chapter 1

Tyson's POV

Blood flows down my arm.

I have slashes from I cut myself.

I'm sitting on the bathroom floor holding a towel over my arm.

The pain doesn't exist to me.

Oh well it's what I deserved!

I saw that look of sadness on Kai's face

when Hilary told me she loved me.

Of course, I only love her like a sister.

Then, I messed up during practice

and Kai's voice was cold and hard

when he said I must've ran out of my talent.

That hurt deeply.

He doesn't know how much I love him.

Well I better clean up.

Max's mom is having a Christmas party and nobody needs to see me like this.

Especially Kai.

Later That Day

"Where is Tyson? We're going to be late for the party!"

"Knowing Tyson, we'll be here all night."

"Well he better get a move on or I'm going to drag him out by his hair even if he's in his underwear!"

Rei and Kai started laughing at the idea of being dragged by his hair in his underwear.

The only one not laughing was Max.

/It's good to see Kai laughing but if Tyson heard what Rei said and see Kai laughing

he'll be even more depressed than he already is./

Little one, try not to think depressing thoughts. After all, Christmas is coming soon and

maybe Tyson will snap out of his mood.

/Do you think so Draciel?/

Sure I do Max!

But what nobody knew was that not even Tyson's own bitbeast knew what he was doing.

If only they knew.