Little Wolf
Hey! I know I still need to continue my other stories, but I can't stop thinking about this idea. Sorry, I couldn't think of any Christmas story. So I wrote this as a part of a Christmas story.
SUM: Touya got a nice MP3 player and I got a perverted wolf for my Christmas present. It's not a normal wolf I'll warn you. One Christmas Eve the wolf climb over to my bed and the next morning I saw an amber eyes guy lying with me!
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS!
1. No Ordinary Little Wolf
Sakura POV
I looked dead as I stare at the hairy brown little wolf bellow me. Today was Christmas Eve, the day I was waiting for. Touya and I live alone in a nice big house as dad work in America. Dad never came home for Christmas, but I never complain because he always sends us the best presents until now. I looked over to Touya, who held up his MP3 player.
"Wow, this is the best!" I heard him say. I look down at the wolf, which was looking straight at me.
"Touya?" I called.
"What?" he answered.
"Let's switch presents!" I hollered as I held the wolf in front of his face. Touya leaned back as he stepped away from the wolf.
"Yeah right, dad got that for you not me" he stated. I pouted as I set the wolf back down.
"This is not fair! I don't want this for my Christmas present. Why can't I get a MP3 too?" I asked brusquely. Touya ignored me as he listened to music on this MP3 player. I never understand why dad got me a little wolf. He must know that I hate taking care of animals. Suddenly I felt a hairy substance around my leg. I looked down and the little wolf was sniffing all over my feet. Then I felt a wet liquid around my feet. I looked down again and the little wolf was gone and left me a pile of yellow liquid.
"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hollered out loud.
"You better clean that up Sakura" said Touya as he walked away. I noticed the little wolf was trying to hide behind the trash can. I slowly walked over to the wolf.
"Where do you think your going?" I asked, angrily. I held the wolf up.
"You know what, I can send you back if I want to" I said to the wolf. The wolf gave me a sweet look which didn't impress me at all.
"If you don't want to go back then you better behave" I said. The little wolf sighed. I went to my room as I carried the little wolf in my arms. The little wolf snuggled closely to my chest, which was disturbing. I held the wolf away from me.
"Just to warn you, I don't like when animals cuddling around me. So please don't do that" I warned him. The wolf jumped out of my hand and went into my bed.
"Hey! Get away from my bed!" I said, terrified. The little wolf sat proudly on my comfy bed. I grabbed the wolf from my bed and set him on the ground.
"Stay!" I shouted. Surprising, he did. He sat still on the ground looking at me.
"You better not make a mess" I warned him. Today was a long day. Maybe I should take a hot bath. I walked toward the bathroom and stepped into the tub. The water was in perfect temperature. I relax myself.
SPLASH! I noticed the little wolf was in front of me, swimming with his tiny feet.
"How did you get in here?" I asked the wolf. Then I realized the wolf was drooling. Why was he drooling? I wonder……………….
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hollered out loud. I quickly got dressed and held the wolf by his collar. I quickly ran downstairs where I saw Touya making dinner.
"TOUYA!!!!!!" I shouted.
"What is it Sakura? Don't tell me he made a mess again?" he said as he grinned.
"THIS WOLF IS PERVERTED!!!!" I hollered as he held the wolf toward Touya.
"How so?" he asked.
"While I was taking my bath, he sneaked in with me and he was DROOLING AT ME!!!" I yelled out.
"That's a good one Sakura. Maybe he's hungry. You didn't feed him since he got here" said Touya.
"And why would an animal be drooling at you?" he stated. I looked at the little wolf. And it seemed like he was smirking at me.
"Are you smirking at me?" I asked to the wolf.
"Animals can't smirk." stated Touya. I looked at the little wolf again. My eyes are gone weird or this little wolf was smirking at me. Right then I knew that this wasn't an ordinary wolf.
"Sakura, the wolf is not perverted and there is no way it can be. So get ready to eat dinner." said Touya. Touya was right. There was no way this wolf could be perverted. Well this was the first time that I ever taken care of an animal so I guess I'm a little frustrated.
The day went by so fast and Christmas Eve was coming to an end. I picked up the phone and dialed Tomoyo number.
"Hey Tomoyo?" I said as I watch the little wolf walk by me.
"Hi Sakura! So what did you get for the Christmas present from your dad?" asked Tomoyo. I looked at the little wolf dully.
"A wolf" I said simply.
"WOLF?!" I heard Tomoyo hollered out loud.
"It's a baby wolf" I explained. I heard Tomoyo sighed in relief.
"Oh ok, but isn't it dangerous?" she asked. I looked at the wolf, which was cuddling around me.
"Nope, it's harmless" I replied as I push the little wolf away from me.
"Don't forget the Christmas party at my place tomorrow" reminded Tomoyo.
"Ok well see you tomorrow" I said as I hung up the phone. I turned off my light and went into my bed. Then I felt a hairy substance under the blanket. And wouldn't you know, it was the little wolf.
"Didn't I told you that you can't be in my bed?" I said as I pick up the little wolf and place him on the floor. I watched the little wolf walk slowly away. I ignored him and closed my eyes.
End Of Sakura POV
The Next Day
Sakura suddenly felt a wind breezing across her face. Sakura slowly open her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but she noticed a chestnut color hair in front of her.
"Damn little wolf, I told you to stay away from my bed." mumbled Sakura. Sakura slowly rubbed her eyes to get a better sight.
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" hollered Sakura as she realized a guy, with chestnut color hair, lying beside her. The guy slowly opened his eyes and sat up beside Sakura.
"Who are you? And how did you came in here?!" asked Sakura.
"My name is not little wolf. It's Syaoran" corrected the guy as he rubbed his eyes.
"Little wolf?" retorted Sakura as she observed Syaoran closely. Syaoran had the same exact amber eyes as little wolf and also the same exact color hair.
"You're not little wolf. Little wolf is a wolf not a human" stated Sakura.
"Let me explain." said Syaoran
"When I sleep with a pure hearted girl on Christmas Eve, I become a human for a year." explained Syaoran. Syaoran leaned closer to Sakura. Sakura cheeks suddenly bush bright pink.
"Your father was right. You are an Angel." said Syaoran as he grinned. Syaoran got up from the bed and stretched out his arms.
"This is my first time that I actually become a human. Every Christmas I failed because the girl heart weren't pure enough." Syaoran looked back at Sakura again.
"That's odd, I thought I'll surly failed since you were so cruel and evil to me………"
BAM! Sakura throw a pillow directly at Syaoran face.
"OW! THAT HURTS!!!" shouted Syaoran. Sakura tighten her fist and bite her lips.
"So you're saying that you were the little wolf all along." said Sakura as she breathe heavily.
"Yep!" said Syaoran proudly.
BAM!BAM!BAM! This time Sakura throw her alarm clock, books, and her phone.
"Gee! What did I do?!" hollered Syaoran.
"Don't tell me you don't remember!" said Sakura angrily. Syaoran thought for a moment.
"Nope sorry, I don't remember" said Syaoran dully.
BAM! This time it was her hard fist.
"Now, I hope you remember" said Sakura.
"If you're talking about the bathroom incident then I didn't saw anything" claimed Syaoran.
KABAM! Sakura throw a pile of trash on Syaoran.
"LIAR!" shouted Sakura as she walked abruptly out of the room.
"Gee, like there was anything to see" admitted Syaoran quietly.
"I heard that" Sakura voice appeared behind Syaoran.
"SHIT! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!!!" hollered Syaoran as he get ready to run off, but it was too late. Sakura knocked Syaoran on the head with Touya baseball bat.
So, how was it? Interested for another chapter??? Thanks for reading it anyway!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!