Wow, the storys almost finished. Im sorry if it doesnt turn out too well. I dont really know how to end it.

"So beautiful..." Mayu said, staring up at the sky, then looking down at the large light shooting up at the sky. In order to save the village, she would have to enter it and be consumed by its light. Using her self as a sacrifice.

"You know" a voice from behind her called out, causing Mayu to turn. "Were not that different." It was Sae. She walked towards Mayu and stood beside her, joining her in looking at the lights.

"How is that?"

Sae looked at Mayu, holding one of her hands. "The two of us...were...are...both willing to sacrifice ourselves. Please, this time let me."

"No, I cant do that. I made a promise to-"

Mayu didnt get to finish her sentence, as Sae had already approached the beam that was shooting out to the sky, moving her hand into it.

"The light...its warm." She shut her eyes. "You know what this warmth is, dont you?"

"Yes, I do. Very much. It is the same warmth I get when I see Mio happy. She feels the same warmth when Im happy."

"Please allow me to take your place. I...have not felt this warmth for a long time. You have the rest of your life..."

Mayu understood. Sae had used herself as a sacrifice. A failed sacrifice. Sae had carried the hate and anger she was harboring on herself because of that for longer than Mayu could ever imagine. "I think I understand now."

Sae gave Mayu a genuine smile and a nod. "Thank you for understanding...for letting me free of this anger...this hate." Sae stepped into the light, her kimono ruffling around her as the wind inside slowly carried her up.

"Mayu...go now. Before its too late. Ill do my best to hold the beam off." Sae stretched out her hands, her eyes shut with concentration.

And like that, Mayu went off. Down the tunnel, through the village, to the exit. And, just behind her, the entire village was engulfed in the light. Sae could not hold it off as long as she had thought.

"Mio...Mio..." Mayu called out weakly, tripping and hitting the ground. She was close to the lake Mio had sat at when she killed Mayu. And she could hear her sisters sobs close.

Mayu got up, her breathing heavy. Her lungs hurt, her legs hurt, her entire body hurt with fatigue and fear. Had Mio left her behind? She shook her head. Her sobs were so close. Mio was still here.

Mayu looked back at the time she spent in the village. She and Itsuki were the only ones who had remained in the village with the exception of Sae. She didnt know how. Mayu just...woke up, and there was Itsuki, kneeling beside her.

Itsuki...over time she had developed feelings for Itsuki. Not romantic feelings but a feelings that she could trust him. He resonated a sort of friendly atmosphere. That was what Mayu liked most about him.

Mayu had stopped to catch her breath. She was right. Mio was still here. Leaning down. Crying into her hands.

She composed herself, standing up straight and slowed her breathing. She slowly moved towards the bench and slipped her hands over Mios shoulders.

At first Mio jumped from the surprised contact, turning her head cautiously to see who was behind her. She jumped again the sight of her sister, falling off of the bench as a result. Mayu went around the bench and sat beside her sister.

"Mio...Im sorry if I scared you."

"Its fine, Mayu." She leaned up and gave her sister a hug and smiling when she felt her sister return it. "Lets...go home."

The two of them got up and began walking. Mio was happy. She had gotten to see her sister...return home.

She slipped her hand into Mayus. "I love you, Mayu."

"I love you, too."

Both of them continued to walk. They had all the time in the world now...

Yes, I know the ending sucked. But it was the best I could do. Im very sorry if the ending was not up to your expectations. I did my best. I would like to thank all the people who reviewed this story. Expect my next story to be up soon.