Dream World Chapter 10: Scared yet?

Satou: When you read this chapter, try to think cheesy horror film o.0;

"... What's with you two?" Kisshu/Dren asked. Satou and Sumi were speechless. This wasn't faaaaaaiiiiirrrrrr. It just wasn't. End of story. Blah. Evil. And then, suddenly, from the other room.. They heard a scream.


"Meron-chan!" Satou gasped in horror, putting a hand over her mouth. Now Meron knew too. Poor, Poor Meron. Sumi whimpered quietly, then looked up fearfully at "Dren".

"Y-You still love Ichigo, right?"

"Huh? No. I love Zoey."

Sumi yelped in horror and a single tear rolled down her cheek. Noooo.

"A-And you remember us, right?"

"Of course. I'd never forget you, Mimi. Sammy."

Sumi screamed. Loud. High pitch. SCREAM. Satou stared, her eyes wider then ever and face paling. How could this be? Who was in charage of this chaos?

"Of course. Shugo. He controls Dream World. I bet he's still got his same name."

"Shugo? Who's he? GARY controls Dream World."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Satou screamed, falling over.


Obviously, Meron had heard of the horror because now the sound of her and Amme wailing at the top of the lungs was sinking through the door. "Dren" sighed and then looked down at Satou and Sumi... I mean, Sammy and Mimi.

"Oh. But I almost forgot. Something wonderful is happening."

"Huh? What GOOD can happen when your name is NERD spelt backwards?" Satou shrieked.

"Shugo is losing his position as the controler of Dream World today. Aren't you happy?"

"Eh? Does it mean your name goes back to normal?"

"I'll still be Dren, yes."

"Then this is terrible news. Why is he losing his position? I don't remember getting a ballot. What happened to this country? I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO VOTE!"

"Satou-chan, you're Canadian, you aren't allowed to vote..." Sumi whispered.

"WHO CARES! I never said Shugo could be unelected."

Dren sighed heavily and began patting Satou's head sadly.

"You poor girl. Mistress Emily warnned me."


"That Shugo would probably have brain washed his mews. You see, you guys are living in fantasy. But Mistress Emily is going to overthrow Shugo Yumechikyuu and rule Dream World in his place."

"HOW exactly is she going to overthrow Shugo?"

"She'll just kill him or take all his power."

Satou and Sumi began whimpering. Loudly. Their whole bodies trembling. The two girls hugged and stared up at "Dren". What was going on? Then, suddenly, everything started making sense to Satou and she jumped up.

"OMIGWAD! They're gonna kill Shoey!"

"NOOOOOOO!" Sumi wailed, "We must do something!"

"Yes, we must!"

"Let's go get Meron and Amme!"

"You mean Lessa and Emma?"

"NO! MERON AND AMME!" The girls yelled before running out of their room. This was a complete and total nightmare. The team could no longer turn to the two aliens for help. They needed to fix this problem on their own, without alien help.

"What should we do? We can't get off the spaceship unless an alien teleports us off!" Sumi murmured, this thought now striking her stone hard.

"There's only one thing to do! We've got to go to the only character known to not have an ultra change, besides his voice."

"Ew ew ew! You mean we've gotta go LISTEN to one of these things talk again?"

Satou nodded sadly and stopped quickly at the door to taruto's room, sliding it open.

"Meron! Amme! C'mon, let's get out of here, nya!"

"I've never wanted to leave the spaceship this badly before, na no da! Let's RUN!" Meron whined. As quickly as they'd come, the four Mews dartted off to the most important room on the spaceship...

Deep Blue's room.

"Ok! Here we are!" Satou chirped excitedly, standing in front of the large door to the large room... Yeah...

"Let's take pictures before we go in, you never know if we'll ever get to go into Deep Blue's room again!" Amme exclaimed, treating this like a tourist attraction. Sadly, no camara was present, so the girls just had to enter without taking a pretty picture.

"Deeeeeeeep Bluuuuuue!" Sumi called, "Can we get a ride back to Earth?"

No answer.

"Deeeeeeeeeeeeep Bluuuuuuuue, na no daaaaa!" Meron echoed.

Still no answer.

"I guess he's not home..." Amme said sadly, "We'll just have to... Oh, what's this?"

Amme had come across a note. It was left by Deep Blue.

"What does it say?" Sumi asked quietly.

"It says that Deep Blue ran for his life to avoid being dubbed but was caught and is now being brain washed." Amme started, "He says he loved working with us and hopes to keep memories of his undubbed short appearences forever and ever... What the heck?"

"That doesn't sound like Deep Blue."

"Oh. Scratch that. It's from Kisshu to Ichigo." Amme corrected, "Oh, hey hey! It also says that Kisshu left us a teleportation charm under the carpet. AWESOME! Now we can teleport whenever we want!"

"YAY!" Sumi cheered, "Let's get it!"

Sumi scurried over to a deep blue carpet and pulled a little pink strawberry keychain from under it. The girls crowded around it and stared for a moment.

"Now what, na no da?"

"Read on, Amme, nya!"

"RIGHT! It says that we just need to tell this thing where we wanna go and all hold hands."

The girls nodded and all held eachother's hands, closing their eyes and smiling.

"We want to go to Shugo!" They chirped. There was a bright flash, and the girls were gone.

"So tell me again who you are."

"My name is Zoey, and I'm your totally average high schooler!"

"But you're... Short..."

"Hey, you should see Kekki! She's, like, the middle schooler who lives in a shelter!"

"Whatever you say..."

Shugo's introduction to Zoey had been far from exciting. The only thing he wanted to know was who had given her the name, and personality, change. It wasn't him, and this wasn't the world that Ida had wanted him gaurding.

"Uggg... Whatever happened, I hope that the other four get here soon..."

"Yeah.." Kelly said calmly, though she looked rather disgusted, "Something's very wrong here."

"I'll sa-"


What is fwomp, you ask? It's the sound made when four teenage girls (Sumi, Satou, Meron, and Amme) fall from the sky, after teleporting, and land on a teenage boy who was trying to finish a sentence, but got interupted by the falling four (This boy is Shugo). Kelly watched as the five "fwomped" people began to scramble about until they all about 3 feet apart and looking around for answers.

"KELLY!" Satou chirped, running over to Kelly and giggling, "We found chuu!"

"YAY!" Amme echoed, running in to hug Kelly as well.

Meanwhile, Meron and Sumi were busy sticking now-there band aids on Shugo's throbbing head and back.

After the group had calmed down, they all got together to be serious. Scarey thought, eh?

"Anything to report?" Shugo asked the four girls from the alien spaceship.

"YES!" Sumi said firmly, "Dream World has been dubbed by a little girl named Emily!"

"Emily is going to try and overthrow you, Shugo, na no da! And she's convinced all of the Dream People that you're bad!" Meron added, "So we came to protect you!"

Shugo nodded calmly and then sighed when the explanation was done.

"Then we've got a confused little girl to find and put an end to."

"What do you mean, nya?"

"We've got to find Emily and take away whatever she's using to control Dream World. I'm guessing she has a big Dream Shard."

"OH! What if she won't hand it over, nya?"

"We'll have to fight." Shugo said sadly, "I know it sounds harsh, but there's no other choice."

"Maybe we can ask her kindly to give up, na no da! I'm sure she can be reasoned with! There has to be some reason for her doing this, na no da!" Meron said quickly. All eyes turned to Meron, but Kelly spoke up in objection.

"It's a nice thought, but if we don't take care of this quickly, Emily will kill Shugo. And unlike us, Shugo's true self is here in Dream World. If he dies here, he's gone for good."

Meron sighed and nodded sadly. She didn't want to make this Emily kid sad... But...

"Ok, na no da..."

"Don't worry, Meron-chan! We're a team, and we'll get through this, nya!" Satou chirped, "NOW! Dream Mew Mew! Time to henshin, nya!"

"Mew Mew Melon!" Meron yelled, kissing her mew pendent and holding it close. She had always felt better this way. Transforming could be a scraey process at times, usually before entering a big battle like this one, and holding it close like she bit a plush doll always made her feel better,


"Mew Mew Universe!" Kelly called, "Metamorphosis!"

"Mew Mew Cherry! METAMORPHOSIS!" Sumi squealed excitedly.

"Mew Mew Sugar!" Satou yelled, smiling like the idiot she was, "Metamorphosis!"

"Mew Mew Amme! Metamorphosis!"

In a flash of colorful lights, the five Mews transformed. Weither it was luck or misfortune is up to you, but the instant the girls transformed, Emily found them.

The clouds of Dream World darkened a bit, and then a beautiful rainbow sprung from the largest, most detailed cloud and formed a slide that touched ground. Sliding down the rainbow slide was a young girl. Her eyes were bright and grey-brown and she had reddish-brown hair, styled just like Ichigo's. She even wore a Daiken Jr. High school uniform, and had cat ears and a tail.

"Mew Mew Style, Mew Mew Grace! Mew Mew POWER, In yer FACE!" The little girl rapped, striking Zoey's crazy rap pose and giggling, "I'm Mew Zoey, and I'm here to rid the world of evil!"

"Funny, we were about to do the same." Shugo said coldly, glaring at the young girl. He needed to locate her Dream Shard fast so they could get rid of it.

"SHUT UP! Yer just like da Sin-a-clooones!"

"Cyniclons?" Mew Sumi said quietly, trying to correct "Mew Zoey".

"You actually know that?" Mew Universe hissed.

"Sorry, it was on the website..."

"You visited the website?"

"Waaah! I'm sorry!"

"Shud oop!" Emily snapped, her tail swaying with angry, "Yer da bad guys, n' Mew Zoey ish here to save da day!"

"Sure am!" Echoed a voice. Suddenly, the five original Mews appeared, fully transformed and dubbed.

"Mew Zoey!"

"Mew Corina!"

"Mew Bridgette!"

"Mew Kekki!"

"... Mew Renae.."

"Mew Mew Power is here to save the day!" They said proudly together. Emily giggled and then pointed at the Dream Mews.

"M-Mew Zoey! Please help me!"

"RIGHT! Let's get busy, girls!"

"Right behind ya!" Mew Corina said cheerfully, "Heart Bow and Arrow!"

Mew Corina spun around and shot an arrow at Mew Amme, who gasped and quickly moved out of the way. The pink arrow hit the ground and exploded, blowing the other Dream Mews off their feet.

"S-S-Sorry guys!"

"Don't worry, Mew Amme!" Mew Sumi said quietly, trying to recover from the shock.

"I'll take care of Corina for you!" Mew Amme said firmly, "Amme Umbrella! Ribbon Amme STOCK MARKET CRASH!"

"Oh no you don't! I'll never elt the stock market crash! I WON'T BE POOR!" Mew Corina snapped, "Take this!"

Another nameless flying arrow was shot at Mew Amme, but this time, Mew Amme opened her umbrella and used it as a shield from the attack.


"Mew Corina's working hard, so I will too!" Mew Bridgette said firmly, now turning to face Mew Sumi, "Deep Sea---"

"Cherry SLING!" Mew Sumi said quickly, jumping to her feet and rushing forward to attack Mew Bridgette, "Cherry Pit-Pit ATTACK!"

"Aaah!" Mew Bridgette screamed, trying to block the attack but failing, "D-Deep Sea--"

"CHERRY KICK!" Mew Sumi kicked Mew Bridgette and the green Mew fell to the ground.

"Go! Mew Universe!"

"Right!" Mew Universe yelled, running over to Mew Renae, "Universal BLADE!"

"Purple dagger!

Mew Renae and Mew Universe were now deep in battle, just like Mew Amme and Mew Sumi were. This left only Mew Meron and Mew Satou to take care of the remaining two Mew Mews, which was going to be a problem. Someone had to go get Emily's Dream Shard.

"Shugo! Do you know where the shard is yet, nya!" Mew Satou called to Shugo.

"No! I can't sense it! There's too much magic flying around for me to tell where it is!" Shugo called, "Just keep the dubs busy and I'll find it!"

"Right! Mew Meron, nya!"

"Gotcha, na no da! MELON CYMBOLS!"

"Sugar CHIME!"

"Strawberry Bell!"

"Golden Tamberine!"

Mew Meron and Mew Satou summoned their weapons and stood back to back, grinning at the two remaining Dub Mews.

"To Protect Dream World..." Mew Meron started.

".. And to protect peoples' dreams!" Mew Satou added.

"We shall put an end to you! Ribbon..."

"Sugar Wind Ring!"

"Melon BANG!"

"Strawberry Bell FULL POWER!"

"Tamberine TRNECH!"

The attacks met eachother half way, and were quickly followed by a second wave of attacks. Nothing the girls tried seemed to be hitting them though. No damaged was being done in any of the battles, except for damage done in favor of the Dream Mews.

"Darnit." Emily murmured, "This is no good. I didn't want meanies like you in my happy world, but I've got no choice! MEW EMMA!"

Mew Amme suddenly stoped dead in her tracks, eyes wide and face paling a bit. Thoughts were running through her mind... Thoughta that weren't her own.

This is wrong... I shouldn't be fighting. The dub is good... It's awesome... It makes me feel special. I can become like Zoey too! Wait, no! Stop thinking this! Amme! Wait... Who's... Amme? My name's Emma, isn't it?

Mew Amme had now stopped fighting completely. Mew Corina stumbled to her feet and smiled faintly, walking over to Mew Amme and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Mew Emma... Do you remember us now?"

"Y-Yes... I do... Now, let's really protect people's dreams! Beautiful Umbrella!"

Mew Sumi and Universe stopped in heir tracks and stared. What had just happened to Mew Amme? Their fellow Dream Mew turned to face Shugo, pointing her unbrella at him and glaring.

"YOU! You've crushed the dreams of thousands of kids! You've corrupted this wonderful world of Mew Mew Power and, worse yet, you've made it so no one but a choosen few can enter! Mew Mew Power will NOT allow such a terrible thing! GOLDEN RAIN!"

It started raining, thanks to "Mew Emma" having an attack that wasn't going to change, and the rain hurt. Mew Sumi winced, feeling the pain of this new attack sink into her skin. Since her outfit was so similar to Mew Zakuro's, and so much skin showed, the rain was effecting her faster then the others.

"Ow ow ow... It hurts.." She whimpered, "Make it stop!"

"Mew Mimi, please try to remember!" Mew Bridgette begged, "PLEASE!"

"I am NOT MEW Mimi!" Mew Sumi screamed, holding her head and trying to shoo the thoughts out of her head. Shugo was bad. He was terrible he had to be stopped... She was slowly becoming unsure of who she really was Which was the illusion? Mew Sumi, or Mew Mimi?

"C-CATCH!" She screamed, throwing the teleportation key in the air. Mew Meron quickly caught it and watched Mew Sumi, hoping that her friend was going to be strong enough.

Don't be dubbed too, Sumi-chan, na no da... Please...

Too late for that, though. Mew Sumi stood up and shook her head, pointing her former-Cherry sling at Shugo.

"With the powers of my Violet Sling, Mew Mimi will punish you!"

"Mew Emma's" rain had stopped and she ran over to greet the newest member of the Mew Mew Power team, while Mew Universe, Mew Satou, and Mew Meron just stared in disbelief.

"Shugo, what should we do, nya!" Mew Satou asked, tears in her eyes, "Everyone's being dubbed! SHUGO!"

Shugo sighed and looked over at the two dubbed Mews, then back at Mew Satou.

"Don't worry. We're a team, Mew Satou. We're going to get them back." Mew Universe said quietly, deciding to just say what Shugo wanted to say for him.

"That's right..." Shugo said quietly, trying to be of some time of "comfort" to Mew Satou, "I promise, ok? We'll finish this up really fast and go out for ice cream."

"Right, na no da! Let's get going! I'll stun 'em, Shugo-oniichan! You focus on finding the Dream Shard! Ribbon Melon---"

"Oh not you don't!" Mew Mimi yelled, tossing a "rock", aka cherry-pit-that-is-pretending-to-be-a-rock-and-no-one-knows-cause-no-one's-told, at Mew Meron to knock her out of her concentration.

"Strawberry Bell, full POWER!" Mew Zoey yelled, aimming an attack at the group. Since the four remaining members of the team had gotten together to talk, they were now easy targets.

"Mew Meron!" Mew Universe yelled, running over to Mew Meron and standing in front of her, hoping to protect her friend. She didn't want to see Mew Meron dubbed, and knew for fact Shugo wouldn't let "his" Mew Satou get dubbed.

"Mew Satou!" Right on cue, jsut as Mew Universe had thought he would, Shugo moved in front of Mew Satou. Mew Zoey's attack lasted only a couple seconds more after that, but for the remaining Dream Mews, it felt like hours. While Mew Satou and Mew Meron were concerned after the well being of the two girls who were taking the attack for them, Mew Universe and Shugo wee going through the same pain and confusion as the two Mews before them.

Names were being mixed up like toss salad, concepts and ideas being warpped, goals being changed... Mew Universe was starting to feel like a cold loner, which was rather out of character for her, and she felt like the Mew Mew Power team was all she had for friends. Shugo was opening up a bit more to his actual feelings, becoming less afraid to admit them, which is very far out of character.

Mew Zoey's attack finally ended.

Mew Universe took a step back and then looked at Mew Meron, a sad look in her eyes.

"Mew Lessa... I'm sad to see the results of this evil spell that's been cast on you. I, Mew Kelly, will be sure you're returned to your normal state."

Mew Meron just stared, then backed away.

"Not you too, Kelly-oneechan, na no da! Mew Universe-oneechan! This is all a great big nightmare, na no da!"

"Kelly-chan!" Mew Satou echoed, her voice cracking like Mew Meron's was. She could remember so well how sad she'd been when her favorite anime was dubbed, but she'd never even imagined how it'd feel to have her friends dubbed. They didn't remember the real her at all. They had become nothing more than lies to her. She didn't know if she should be hating this dubbed creation, or loving it like she did her pre-dubbed friends.

"Are you ok?" Shugo asked, standing back from Mew Satou and smiling faintly. This caught Mew Satou off gaurd, and she stumbled back a bit. Why was Shugo smiling? He rarely smiled like that. And it didn't seem like a fact smile either.

"Y-Yeah. D-Don't worry! Mew Satou will save everyone, nya!" She chirped happily, "And then we'll go out for ice cream like you promised!"

Shugo stared, looking a bit hurt by what the little neko had just said, then walked a couple steps closer and hugged her. All the Mews, Dubbed or not, looked a bit shocked and slightly pleased with Shugo. Mew Satou, on the other hand, was turning red and was gettng a bit alarmed. It was only when Satou's tail started swaying nervously that Mew Meron realized that something was wrong. Since when did Shugo hug Satou?

"N-Nya?" Mew Satou murmured, turning so red that it totally clashed with her outfit. At least, that's what Mew Zoey and Mew Corina were thinking.

"Sammy, I know you'll come back to us." Shugo murmured, the whole idea of his sentence making the colour drain from Mew Satou's face, as well as Mew Meron's.

"I love you, Sammy. I'll wait forever, just please become your normal self soon."

The color was back in Mew Satou's cheeks and her second cat tail, the brown one that only showed when she was embarassed, was now swaying. What was going on? They'd dubbed Shugo too, and now the dub Shugo had a crush on her!

"Shugo... Please tell me you're joking..." Mew Satou said quietly, her dull grey eyes watering a bit. For some reason, having Shugo dubbed was making her very said, "You can't... You haven't... What about our promise! What about that! WHAT ABOUT THE ICE CREAM NYA? GARY!"

"No! Mew Satou, snap out of it! He's Shu-go! Say it with me now, na no da! Shuuuuuuuuuuuu-gooooooo!" Mew Meron yelled, "Mew Satou!"

Mew Satou's shook her head, crying out of confusion now.

"Mew Meron, RUN!"

"But! Mew Satou... SATOU-CHAN! You're going to be dubbed! I've got to help you--"

"NO! Mew Meron, GET OUT OF HERE!"


"RUN! You've got the teleportation charm! Just get out of here! I know you can fix this one your own, but right now, we're all in one place! You need to run, how this creepy dub team split up, and then get to Emily when she's alone! The Dream Shard is her Mew Pendent!"



Mew Meron stared, backing up a bit as Mew Satou fell to her knees and hugged Shugo/Gary.

"I love you too!"

"Sammy... You're back!"

"Of course I am! I'd never leave you, Gary..."

Mew Meron stared, feeling like she was ready to puke (And I'm sure you are too. I suck at fluff, and my attempts are very disgusting.). She quickly turned around and held the teleportation charm closed, just like she did her Mew Pendent. Everyone's hopes were now resting on her... It was up to her now.

"PLEASE!" She screamed, or rather begged, at the charm, "Take me to someone who can help me! PLEASE!"

And then, in a burst of light, Mew Meron left the "happy" get together of the "Mew Mew Power" Team. She'd get her friends help, even if it was the last thing she did.She wasn' going to let them down!

Satou: OH YAY! I'm sure you're all disgusted now. Fluff isn't my strong point. Sorry if Dream World's starting to turn into a Soap Opera XD; I promise, the Soap Opera-ness is going to crash very soon, I can't write seriousness for long. oo" Next chapter should be up soon! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR DUB NAME IDEAS!

As another note...

Pretty soon in the story, there will be a few new Dream Mews. I've already picked one out, I just need to know if anyone's interested in having their OC co-star. oo; In very very VERY later chapters.