CH: 16 Rescue
"OK men lets go go." Commander Jeffrey yelled as they piled off of the helicopter.
"Sir they have entered the vents" LT. Higgson said.
"Good." Jeffrey replied.
"Why did they have to send us into to air ducts." O'Neill complained to his team.
"Well probably because we are small." Daniel replied to O'Neill's rantings.
"I HATE BEING SMALL!!!" O'Neill replied at the top of his small lungs.
"Sir we can't help that at the moment." Carter replied.
"Did you here that" a guard asked wondering what the sound he heard was.
"It was nothing" the other guard said as SG-1 climbed out of the air vents behind them.
"Ok were are here now what Carter" O'Neill asked impatiently as carter started to hack the computer before her.
"It will only take a moment sir" Carter replied to O'Neill as she worked toward there first objective getting the main force of the team into the base.
"We don't have much time before this guy wakes up guys" Daniel said nervously.
"Ok" Carter stated "Done."
"They in" Daniel asked Carter.
"Yes, and I found Mac." Carter replied as she inserted a virus into the computer.
Mac who was still stuck in the cell was getting board so he resorted to counting the tiles on the ceiling there were 44,967.666 tiles on that ceiling after that he heard a knock on the door. It was in a sequence he then realized that it was Morse coded and subsequently realized that he could only understand S.O.S. Suddenly the door blew out of place and landed on the ground next to were Mac was siting. O'Neill steeped into the room looked a Mac and said "you can understand Morse code right."
"No" Mac replied.
O'Neill turned around and said "lets
get a move on now shall we." Mac followed O'Neill out of the
cell as He motioned his team into formation and radioed Carter
After meeting up SG-1 and Mac proceeded to meet up with Commander Jeffrey's team and get out of the base. Unfortunately Commander Jeffrey's team were all ready dead when they got there.
"Carter?" O'Neill started to ask.
"I don't know sir." Carter replied not knowing what had happened.
"Then lets get out of here." O'Neill said as he lead his team out.
To be continued.