I was sort of reluctant to put this up, I'm not sure if this is any good or not. I just got this idea one day & it's been bugging me ever since, so here it is! Please tell me what you think!


Everyone down in Station Square liked Christmas a lot.

But Shadow, who lived just north of Station Square, did not.

Shadow hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now please don't ask why, I don't quite know the reason.

It could be perhaps that his air-shoes were too tight,

Or it could be his quills weren't put on just right.

But I think that the most likely reason of all

May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.

But whatever the reason, his heart or air-shoes,

He stood there on Christmas Eve… hating "those fools".

Staring out from his lair with a sour, shady frown

At the bright Christmas lights hung up throughout town.

For he knew Sonic and friends down in Station Square

Were busy now, decorating their trees with care.

"And they're hanging up stockings." He snarled with a sneer.

"Tomorrow is Christmas. It's practically here!"

Then he growled with his gloved fingers nervously drumming.

"I must find a way to keep Christmas from coming!

For tomorrow I know…

All those Station Square girls and boys

Will wake bright and early to rush for their toys.

And then, oh the noise! Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!!

Then Sonic and his friends will sit down to a feast.

And they'll feast. And they'll feast, and they'll feast, feast, feast!

They'll feast on chocolate pudding, and fresh hot roast beast!

And roast beast is a feast I can't stand in the least!"

And the more Shadow thought of this Christmas-ing

The more he thought, "I must stop this whole thing!

Why, for year after year I've put up with it now!

I must stop Christmas from coming! But how?"

Then Shadow got an idea, an awful idea.

Shadow got a wonderful, awful idea!

"I know just what to do!" Shadow laughed in his throat.

And he made a quick Santa Claus hat and a coat.

He snickered and laughed at this Shadowy trick.

"With this coat and this hat I'll look just like St. Nick!"

A reindeer was all that Shadow did need,

In order for his dastardly plan to succeed.

Shadow looked around

But since reindeer are scarce there were none to be found.

Did that stop Shadow? Ha! He simply said,

"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead!"

He took a Chao named Snax, and he took some black thread,

And he tied a big antler on top of its head.

Then he loaded some bags and some old empty sacks

On a quickly built sleigh. Then he whistled for Snax.

Snax pulled and struggled as best he could

To pull shadow and the sleigh from the spot where they stood.

Until they finally came to the edge of town

And poor little Snax, from exhaustion fell down.

All the windows were dark; no one knew he was there.

Sonic and the others were dreaming sweet dreams without care,

When he came to the first little house in Station Square.

"This is stop number one." Shadow Claus hissed,

As he jumped onto the roof, empty bags in his fist.

Then he went down the chimney, a tight place to go,

But if Santa could do it, then so could Shadow.

He got stuck only once, for a second or two,

Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace-flu

Where a little pink stocking was hung all alone.

"This stocking," He said. "Is the first thing to go."

Then Shadow continued, each movement was swift,

He went 'round the whole room & took every gift.

Then he went to the fridge & eyed the large feast.

He took the chocolate pudding, and even the roast beast!

Then he cleaned out the cupboards in his usual calm mood,

And Shadow even took the last can of Chao food!

Then he stuffed gifts and food up the chimney with glee.

"And now" Shadow grinned. "I will stuff up the tree!"

Shadow grabbed the tree, but as he started to shove

He heard a soft sound like the coo of a dove.

He turned around fast to see a familiar sight.

It was Amy Rose, who had come downstairs in the middle of the night.

"Shadow?" She said. "Why?

Why are you taking my Christmas tree? Why?"

But you know, that Shadow is so smart and so slick,

He thought up a lie and he thought it up quick.

"Why my dear Amy Rose," Shadow Claus lied.

"There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side.

So I'm taking it down to the work-shop my dear.

They'll fix it down there, and I'll bring it back here."

Amy trusted Shadow with all her heart,

She hadn't suspected him even from the start.

So she just nodded her head

And she told him goodnight and went back up to bed.

And when Shadow was sure she was no longer up,

He went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up!

Then he went up himself, the old liar!

And the last thing he took was the log for her fire.

On her walls he left nothing but hooks and some wire.

And the one speck of food that was left behind now,

Was a crumb that was even too small for a Chao.

He continued his mission from house to house,

Faster than a jet, but as quiet as a mouse.

Until he'd taken it all, and for as far as the eye could see,

There wasn't a single stocking, light, or Christmas tree.

It was a quarter till dawn, Sonic and friends were still snoozing in peace.

When Shadow loaded up the last puzzle-piece.

Then he got into the sleigh and gave poor Snax a whip

And they began their long and devious Christmas trip.

Slowly he ascended the side of Mt. Jump-it.

He rode with his load to the tiptop… to dump it!

They made their way all the way up to the top,

Where Snax was grateful he could finally stop!

"Mission accomplished!" Shadow was humming.

"Those fools will know now that no Christmas is coming.

They'll be waking up now and I know just what they'll do.

Sonic and his friends down in Station Square will all cry, 'boo hoo'."

"And that is a noise" Shadow said. "That I really must hear!"

So he paused, & he put a hand to his ear.

And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.

It started out low… but started to grow.

But this sound wasn't sad.

Why, this sound… sounded glad!

Everyone down in station Square, the tall and the small,

Was singing… without any presents at all!

He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming. It came.

Somehow or other… it came… just the same.

Shadow stood with his air-shoes ice-cold in the snow.

He puzzled and wondered, "How could it be so?

It came without gift-cards… it came without tags…

It came without packages, boxes, or bags!"

Shadow wondered and puzzled till his puzzler was sore.

Then Shadow thought of something… he hadn't before.

"Maybe Christmas…" he thought. "Doesn't come form a store.

Maybe Christmas… perhaps… means a little bit more."

And what happened then? Well, in Station Square they say,

That Shadow's small heart grew three sizes that day!

He remembered Amy, and the immense trust that she had.

As though she didn't think he could do anything bad!

Shadow felt pain, like his heart would break.

He knew it was guilt that caused this ache.

He knew he must repay Amy for the trust she gave him,

And repay her he would! By returning what he'd taken!

And now with the true meaning of Christmas shining thru,

He pulled the sleigh and Snax with the speed of ten hedgehogs… plus two!

With a smile in his heart he returned to Station Square

And found Amy and all the others waiting right there.

He brought back the gold rings, and shovel-claws, and books,

He brought back the new shoes, and jewelry, and crannies and nooks.

He brought everything back. All the food for the feast,

And he… he himself, Shadow, carved the roast beast!

We hope your Christmasis never blue.

Happy Holidays… from us to you.


There you have it! I know it wasnt the best piece of literature out there, for instance, I know that "shoes" & "fools" don't rhyme & neither do "gave him" & "taken", but it was apretty hard thing to do. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it despite its many flaws, please review & tell me what you think!

Merry Christmas!