What If- Good Charlotte came to the Island. (This fan fiction is really just for those Good Charlotte fans out there. I personally love em but if you don't, please don't do a bad review because of that. Please don't read it if you'll put flames just because you're not fans of Good Charlotte.) Thank you!

Charlie sat in a chair by the ocean, thinking about everything. He really felt it was his fault he couldn't save Claire. He really liked her, and wished he could save her.

"Hey, Charlie." Said someone from beside him.

Charlie looked over, it was Kate.

"Oh, hey, Kate," Charlie said, turning back to the sea.

"How you doing?"

"Bad question."

Kate nodded her head, she knew he was doing terrible.

"So," Kate started, "You in a band are ya?"

"Yes, Driveshaft."

"Awesome. So do you have any band you like instead of yours?" Kate asked, smiling a bit.

Charlie laughed. "I'm not that full of myself. But, I am a huge fan of Good Charlotte."

Right then, girls coming from everywhere ran down the beach, screaming, and shouting something that sounded like 'Joel.' Charlie and Kate looked at each other, not sure what was going on, they thought maybe it was the monster again, but they heard no trees falling. And the monster didn't go by the name of Joel.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked while looking up to the running girls.

"I don't know, but let's go see. They seem pretty excited."

Kate and Charlie hopped up from their chairs and ran with the girls. They all leaded them to this little nook in the cliff. Charlie and Kate pushed through all the crying and smiling girls and saw what was in there.

It was Good Charlotte. Charlie's eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped. Kate just stared at Joel. "Are you Joel?" she asked. He nodded and gave her wink; Kate blushed.

"G-g-g-good- c-c-har—chat-lotte," Charlie managed to spit out. They all nodded.

Later that night, Charlie was jamming with some of the boys, and Joel was sitting with Kate. Talking for a while. But that was ruint when Charlie came over.

"I FREAKIN WORSHIP YOU!" Charlie yelled while getting to his knees as if Joel was an emperor.

"Wow," Joel said.

"I WOULD SUCK YOUR FREAKIN TOES!" Charlie yelled again.

Joel made a disgusted face then rose his feet to the leg him and Kate were sitting on. Kate giggled.

"Is he always this weird?" Joel asked Kate.

"Well, considering we've never had anyone famous here, I don't know. Well, of course, except for him."

"What?" Joel asked while looking down at Charlie in amazement, "He is famous himself and he is offering to suck my toes?"

"Yeah, he is the bass in the band called Driveshaft."

"Bloody hell," Joel said. He bend down and picked up Charlie's head and looked at him, "I freaking worship you!"

Charlie and Joel got up and held each other's hands and bounced around like girls. All night they talked.

"Oh, Britney Spears is hot," Charlie said.

"What about Pamela Anderson?" Joel asked.

Charlie and Joel looked at each other and let a squeal out. "Oh my gosh, she is so sexy!"

All night the everyone listened to Joel and Charlie talk about girls and giggle.


(I know it sucked and wasn't funny, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed!)