By ArkMage

BookishObsessed: Thanks for the comments!

AuroraAbbie Snape: Wow! It's such an honor to be replying to your reviews for one of my fics, instead of the other way around! Thank you so much for both your reviews, and I hope to see an update from you soon.

Jadite: I know, I am evil, but some things have been going on, (see end authors note, Welcome to my Life) and this is getting a little hard to write. Things should be back on track until finals start up again, so watch for an update soon.

Lady Jillyan Malfoy-Potter: Thanks for the review.

Harry Potter was dead on a bed across the room, was Riley Lucius Malfoy as alive as he supposed?

There's a light at the End of the Tunnel

"Harry! Is it really you?" Lucius Malfoy was completely and utterly baffled. Harry was dead, how could he be here now? Hermione fainted, and Draco screamed in sheer delight and disbelief.

"No silly," the blue phoenix trilled, "Harry Potter is dead. My name is Riley Lucius Malfoy." Draco jumped up and hugged the bird. Hermione sat up.

"Harry, oh Harry, it's you!"

"Obliviate!" Lucius looked at Hermione down his wand. "Sorry. Draco, will you take care of Miss Granger.?" Draco nodded and picked up Hermione. He placed her outside of the Transfiguration classroom, set off some fireworks and ran.

Dumbledore's office

Lucius and Riley talked with Albus and decided to announce Riley as Draco's twin brother, the one who had supposedly been living at home with Lucius for sixteen years, while in reality had died four years ago. So Riley was admitted to Hogwarts under this pretence.

Footsteps were heard on the staircase, and Dumbledore made a point of loudly saying, "All right Lucius, Riley, you can be introduced tomorrow at breakfast. We'll sort you than as well." He was cut off abruptly when Professor McGonagall burst in the room, carrying Hermione in her arms. Dumbledore scowled. "Lucius, why don't you take Riley to your rooms? I'm sure Draco would like to join you as well? Severus will fetch him for you."

Great Hall, Breakfast the next morning

Lucius was sitting at the head table with Riley next to him. Black streamers hung from the ceiling and a banner with Harry's picture hung behind the head table. Hermione and Draco were in tears. The other oddity was the sorting hat sitting in front of Professor McGonagall.

Professor Dumbledore stood. "My fellow residents of Hogwarts, today I address you on two matters. The first is very serious, as some of you are aware. Yesterday Harry Potter was found dead in the Library." There was several gasps, it was apparent that not many people knew this, and a hundred sympathetic eyes turned to Draco and Hermione at the Slytherin Table.

"There is an unknown curse in his blood stream, and we will be questioning each student and teacher at Hogwarts, and if any one is found to have any part in this matter, he or she will be expelled.

"On a brighter note, I am pleased to introduce you to Riley Malfoy, who has been on the school waiting list since his mother died a month ago. Your teachers and I have come the conclusion that the sorting hat made a mistake while sorting Hermione Granger. Miss Granger, if you will please come to the front." Hermione walked up and Riley stood as well.

"Mr. Malfoy, you first please." Dumbledore placed the hat on his head, and after a moment if declared him Slytherin. He went to sit down next to his 'twin' brother. Hermione sat on the stool and the hat called Slytherin before it touched her head. The Slytherins clapped, happy that their adopted house mate was part of their house, and the Gryfindors sneered.

That concludes, There's a light at the end of the tunnel, next episode, Let's pray it's not a Train!

Vote for what you want

-Draco and Harry fight

-Hermione finds out

-Ron calls Hermione a name

-Someone falls in the lake (Specify who)

Vote please!

Sorry for the wait, I won the Geography bee at my school and am studying for state. So

Review Please
