HIYA! long time no see huh? well, I've had one of those weeks when you look back on your story and you get obsessed, and I've had lots of brilliant ideas which have persuaded me to write more (and my boyfriend too!).I've thought long and hard, ( It is a task for me, not a reaction) and I've decided I'm gonna update! And I'm so in love with this story. It also seems that quite a lot of you guys are too! BTW! I'D JUST LIKE TO THANK!;

darkshadow36- My gosh! Darkshadow36! Where have you beennnn? How have you been? I hope you're okay! Send me an email sometime! I'd love to hear from you! plus, we've gotta sort out our photobucket! and stick the pics somewhere else? And have you watched TSR! lol! Thanks for the review btw! lol!

The True Queen Of Hell- Lol! I'm glad you like it! and Emerald Snow too!

FlowerLover- You're a great reviewer! thank you! and..Guess wah? I've update for you! lol! The ASAP is a different Subject though! lol!

Pinaygrrl- THANK YOU! thank you for understanding about you should have seen my face when they took it down. I was so cheesed off! IT JUST WASN'T RIGHT! STILL! I've updated again! and i hope you like this chappie! THANKS AGAIN! And I'M IMPROVING TOO!

QueenieKai- QUEENIIIIEEEEEE! HEEEYLOW:D (dips hand in bag of sugar!) lol! Yes loads of dorrs slamming! lol! THATS ME! and you should know that! lol! gotta put in somat to keep the reader awake! lol! Joke! still! I HOPE YOU'RE OKAYYY! Take Care! and thanks for reviewing!

Wouldn't-you-like-to-know- Wow you've read all of my Stories! WOW! thank you :D Lol! I haven't reached the end yet! LMAO! I think the end is pretty far away! So there is plenty more to come! plenty more action to come! But thanks a lot. It means a lot to me, how much you like my work. ENJOY! and Take care!

Shikayo- LOL! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT:D I'm loving it that you love it! Yup, at times I just can't resist sticking in lines that were born to be in my story and add a comic layer to it! But in response to Sakura and Syaoran's relationship, I'm in love with the amount of chemistry you can feel off both of them. (Jumps up and down!) I am really glad that you love the warmness between them:D Thanks for reviewing too! You've always been a great reviewer! I really appriciate it... AND I'M FINE THANK YOU! and you? lol!

Annonymus- Thanks.

Kerostar- LOL! thanks! OH! and don't worry about Annonymus. Shame she couldn't log in to review. STILL! THANKS A ALOT! AND I'VE UPDATED! I hope you enjoy!

tomoyo-sama- Glad you liked it tomoyo-sama! THANKS! I like new people reading my stories! and reviewing! it shows I'm doing welllll! YAY! Take Care!

Caliecookie1991- Another new reader too! Thank you:D

Ra1n DaNc3r- I'm to blame! I'm sorry! But you know Exams! They mash you up! lol! And swallow up your time! Coursework and revision and all! HOWEVER! I get 6 weeks (I've already had 4 weeks off) and THANK BLOODY GOD! But, I'll update between then probably too! Cos I'm obsessed with my own story at the moment! So, i'm gonna write some more! THANKS EVER SO MUCH FOR CARING THOUGH!

And to anyone else who's name I've accidentally /unwittingly missed out, Thank you for Reviewing you guys! I've missed you! ;-D

ANYWAYYYY! ENOUGH OF TALKING! Lets get on with the story:D







Sakura pulled him into tender kiss, absorbing the warmth from their lips into their hearts, and the flame within their hearts grew passionate and bright...

They broke the kiss, to look into each other's eyes...

a light from a car in the street, lit the room for a split second...

"Goodnight Syaoran…" As Sakura walked off into her room...

Syaoran stood there and watched her go into her room...and saw a split second smile before she closed the door...

He listened as she closed the door...

He heard her lean against her door..

He leaned on the banister with one arm... and smiled...

.:Chapter 7:. - Housewives & Deathly Silences

Syaoran stood there, watching through the tiny gap, the escaping light from underneath Sakura's door.

He stood there, reminsing about what had just happened.

His body slightly shaking. His lips still imagining the moment again..and again. The way her eyes lured his own, her captivating smile making him feel that they were the only two in a deserted world. Her voice echoing in his mind, never failing to stop his heart, to think of how much Sakura really meant to him.

He raised his arm to tap her door again while her light was still on. Syaoran sighed, and released his arm, opened his door and closed it for the night.

.:Next morning:.

Unsurprisingly, Tomoyo woke up first. But then, who could sleep through the burning smell from the kitchen! Until she realised she wasn't the only person up, after she walked into the kitchen.

Rhys turned around and faced Tomoyo, clutching onto a frying pan, with a huge, smile plastered across his face!


Tomoyo dragged her self to the table and sat down "Yeah, kinda except for..."

"GREAT! here! try these!"

Rhys showing off, slid the plate across the table, Tomoyo watched her burnt short stack fly past her at such a high speed, then watching the plate slide off the table and smashing on the floor. She looked at them on the floor, then at a dumbstruck Rhys.

"Yo, this table is sliday!" He rubbed the car as if he was waxing a car passionately whilst making a 'Ooooo' expression with his mouth. "Soz that happened! I'll make you some more!"

"No Rhys it's okay! don't worry! I'll.." Tomoyo pegged it to fridge "Settle for Some (saw that it was labelled with Syaoran's) yoghurt, a banana, some orange juice and.." looks at all the toast he had made, selected a mildly burnt one "some toast! Bye!" and ran upstairs as fast as she could.

Syaoran stepped out of his room and glanced at Sakura's. 'I won't wake her up yet...' Eriol came from his from and yawned and looked at Syaoran. They both thought they smelt smoke fumes, but put it aside, went down the stairs, passing a desperate Tomoyo hiding all the stuff under her top, trying to get to her room!

"What's was that smash?" Eriol halted Tomoyo, pulling on her arm.

"...And that burning smell?" Syaoran said sleepily.

"OH...just..the 'Goodness'...See ya!" Tomoyo resumed her marathon to her room.

Syaoran and Eriol suddenly looked at each other, wide-eyed. "Rhy's!" They ran down the rest of the stairs, and dived into the kitchen. Eriol looked at Rhys with an awkward face.

"What's wrong with you, did you not sleep well? here! have some pancakes...! these will wake you up! You got to have a good start to the day you know? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! " Rhys was now in full-fledge, auto-pilot housewife mode. Everyone stared at him thinking 'Why's he being a freak?'

Eriol frozen. "I've...already got some thanks..."

"Huh..?" Syaoran said with his head in the fridge looking.

"In between my toes-god-damn-it; RHYS!" Syaoran and Rhys looked at his feet to see pancake peeking through the gaps of his toes. Syaoran stuck his head back in the fridge and started laughing, trying to keep it in.

"I don't know how they got there..."Rhys tried to wing himself out of the situation, but auto pilot was directly heading for Eriol's backhand.


Eriol slapped him across the head.

"YO! What was that for?"

"Okay, who took my compot yog...?" Syaoran retracted his head from the fridge, and examined everyones facial expressions, and peeling them to pieces with his eyes.

"Tomoyo took it up stairs I think...Yeah! cos I gave her some pancakes and they fell off...the table...and landed..."Eriol stared right into Rhys, trying to pierce them, "..right..where Eriol...is..standing.."



("OWW! oh man...")

climbed the stairs 2 steps at a time, swung around the banister, and approached Tomoyo's door.

Tomoyo heard him coming and hid everything underneath her covers, and wiped her mouth!

The door swung open. "Yog! Now!" Syaoran held his hand out and eyed her.

Tomoyo smiled, and said "I don't have it." Tomoyo points intelligently towards Syaoran. "I did. But now it's all in my stomach. Sorry!"

Syaoran looked at the pointing finger and smirked, folded his arms and stood there infront of Tomoyo. No one, points there finger at Syaoran.


Rhys shouted from the kitchen. "WHAT IS IT! I'M COOKING!"


"Come here for a second! what ever is on the cooker will be oka...No it won't! take it off the cooker! Tomoyo wants to tell you something!" Tomoyo's eyes widened. Syaoran smirked even more. "OHH! and bring some of your pancakes too"

"Don't you even think about it!" Tomoyo threatened Syaoran.

"Why?...it's 'goodness'!" Syaoran retorted, cheekily. Rhys entered the room with a jig in his step, and a plate in his hand, wearing checked shorts and a grey tank top.

"Tomoyo just told me that she as really sad that the pancakes dropped on the floor, that could she have some, but she was too tired to come down to the kitchen, you know how we like to take care of guests..." Syaoran said in a humble attitude. Tomoyo smiled whilst gritting her teeth and looking at Rhys, trying to make everything he was saying look true.

"Yeah!..I'd..(snarled at Syaoran) love...(Smiled at Rhys) some.." Rhys handed her a plate and they both stood there watching her. Tomoyo stared at the plate and took a pancake, compared to a crisp, there wasn't much difference except for this was also pretty black/brown. She gleefully put it in her mouth, but then felt the force of the cruch nearly forcing her teeth to feel like installing airbags in themselves.

She continued to chew. She did an 'Okay' gesture to Rhys. He was happy! He turned to Syaoran and looked at him.

"Want one?"

Tomoyo couldn't chew fast enough, she finished. "Yeah Syaoran! you should have one!" Cheesy smile, "Yeah! they taste like, real creamy yoghurt...!" Cheesy smile wasn't moving, she was waiting for this!

Syaoran looked at Tomoyo, took a pancake and put it into his mouth without any hesitation.

"Nice! Thanks Rhys." Tomoyo stared at him. Syaoran walked over to Tomoyo, pulled the covers back and knocked some orange juice back and took the yoghurt and smiled at a gawking Tomoyo, "I think they taste pretty nice actually Rhys." Syaoran left the room and walked along the corridor. He noticed that Sakura hadn't woken up yet. He knocked on the door. The mental images of last night flooding through his mind again.

He heard nothing and opened the door slowly just incase she was indecent.

"Sakura?...Are you awake?"

Syaoran looked at her bed. The covers were messy. 'I wonder if she had a bad nights sleep?'

He opened the door and walked into the room and closed the door behind. Tried to walk really quietly...


The hump of cotton duvets stirred. Syaoran's tensed at the sound. 'Today, you sort that plank of wood out' He continued to walk towards her bed, until he saw her head slightly peeping from the duvet covers.

He noticed her clothes were on the chair, and on the floor was her purse open. He leaned down as quietly as he could, and gathered everything together, again, but stood out was a laminated contact card. Syaoran wasn't the type to rummage through someone's personals, but he had to look at it to place it back in the purse. It was her and Tomoyo's photo taken by a pool in a back garden on a sunny day. Syaoran smiled and placed it back in, but fumbled as Sakura stirred slightly and dropped it. The card now lay flat on the floor, flipped over, revealing another picture. It was a picture taken in a forest, of a slightly younger Sakura and Tomoyo in camouflage in the army, smiling, holding M16 guns above their heads. Syaoran looked at Sakura's bed and put the thought to one side and slid the card back in, and the purse in her pocket. Syaoran approached Sakura's bed.

He leaned forward over her, and reached out to tap her on the shoulder, when


Rhys pumping his power into Chrissy's door next door. Sakura shot up in a fright, her face inches away from Syaoran's. Syaoran was trying to resist her wide beautiful eyes but he couldn't, he was being pulled in by her beauty and, her wild hair!

"HOEEE!" Sakura realised that she was half naked and covered herself up to her neck, Syaoran swung himself back.

"Oh sorry, I wanted to see if you were awake!" By this time, Syaoran was too red to style it out.

"Hmmm..It's okay! Just! don't scare me like that!"

"I wouldn't have, unless..." Chrissy was throwing Swear words, piercing through the walls. Syaoran looked at Sakura. "Back in a second..." He strolled out of the room.

Sakura was sitting up in her bed, listening to the mumble and volume of swear words rising. She heard a door open, the swear words stop, the door slamming and saw Chrissy walk past Sakura's room laughing and wiping her eyes with laughter. Making Sakura's mouth twitch too! Rhys followed after, and went back down stairs looking in Chrissy's direction with anger. Syaoran walked back into Sakura's room, to find her climbing out of bed and heading the direction for the shower in her underwear about to go in the shower. She turned around in Surprise.


Syaoran jolted and reacted by running into her room and closing the door, for some weird reason thinking he was safe! and then realised by opening the door and running out again, closing the door slightly behind him.

'WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO?' Syaoran's mind screamed, he turned around and whispered through the crack... "Sorry about that..." And proceeded to mount and walk down the stairs with a hung head. He walked slowly towards the kitchen and raised his head to mask what had just happened.

"Is she still asleep?" Eriol asked in the passing front room watching T.v.

"What? you mean Sakura...?" Grabbing a glass, and filling it with unneeded water, trying to style himself out. "Oh! yeah, I just heard her get up, yeah…"

Syaoran dazed off into a daydream again, thinking of what happened with him and Sakura last night and this morning.

"Yo wolf? You still there?"

" Am I here...? OF COURSE I'M HERE! I'M ALWAYS HERE!" Syaoran slammed the glass down, clutched his keys, climbed into his car and drove off in a temper.

Eriol shot out of his chair in shock and ran to the kitchen, to find a crack in the glass of the glass he was holding. He looked at the door.

"AAHHH! I 'IT 'Y 'ONGUE!" Sakura came running down the stairs with Chrissy

'WHAT THE HELL! What's gotten into him..?' Eriol Contemplated.

"' hat' 'he hell 'ust 'appened?" Sakura attempted to speak whilst putting pressure onto her tongue. "I just heard a slam and a door slam too?'

"Where's Syaoran!" Chrissy urgently said, opening the door he slammed to look out onto the drive.

Tomoyo, doing her desperate housewife act, watering plants at the front of the house, suspiciously looking down the street, walked to the door, "Syaoran just drove off right down the road! Like why!"

"He probably just needs some air, come on guys, lets go to your guys house and we'll leave Syaoran for a while…" Eriol suggested, locking up the house, and getting into his car.


The glass was still on the sideboard, the crack silent and frozen, yet water crept through the crack, and oozed down the glasses body...

Syaoran's mind kept drifting to Sakura's figure… how perfect she is… How beautiful she is..


Reaching the end of the path, the water trickled, slowly down towards the end of the sideboard…

'Why am I acting like this! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! AGH!' Syaoran screamed in his mind. He remembered yesterday, 'Last night…'

The stream of water edged over the side of the sideboard, Its hanging water droplet suspended above the floor, the droplet grew bigger as more water flowed into it. Syaoran's temper grew with it.

'Last night…she kissed me, STOP! I can't like her! She's not worth liking!'

The water droplet, grew bigger and started to break away from the edge. Along with Syaorans temper.


'Isn't that Syaoran's car?' Chrissy thought. She quickly phoned Eriol

"Is that Syaoran's car in front?" Chrissy asked Eriol, trying to remember if that was his car.

"Yeah, I'll try and phone him." Eriol tried to phone Syaoran, but he wasn't picking up. 'Why's he not picking up?' Eriol sped up and the others followed in order to catch up with him.


The drop had now broken away from the edge and started slicing the air on the way to the cold kitchen floor tiles.

'No, I didn't mean that...she's, I...' Syaoran couldn't decipher how he felt. He stared into the road, his mind in complete confusion.

"Do I..."

Eriol watched him continue driving. He couldn't understand why he wasn't picking up his phone.

The drop invaded the tiles, with nothing but an innocent dripping sound...

"Do I...Love..."

"SYAORAN! WATCH OUT!" Rhys screamed!

Syaoran's eyes widened as he saw the car come a second too late!

The sound of screeching was unbearable, An other car smashed into the side of Syaoran's car at full speed! His car flipped in mid air, parts flung off the car, and there was a deathly silence as everyone in their cars watched Syaoran's car turn over before smashing into the ground again and stop moving, broken and mangled.

His car suddenly caught fire.


"NOOOOOO!" Everyone screamed and drove immediately to his car, driving around all the halted cars.

Sakura was the first to arrive there. She threw open the car door, climbed out of the car and ran round to his car. On her knees, crying and pleading, desperately trying to find Syaoran.


The flame ignited even more, all the others arrived there but they couldn't see much as the flame ignited even more and more...

"GASSS!" Rhys shouted!

Sakura realised her time was limited, she found Syaoran lying across the passenger seat.

"Syaoran, if you can hear me, keep your eyes closed!" She elbowed the glass, unlocked the door and opened the door without trying to harm him. The flames had now grown wider, blocking the other guys sight of the car out!.

"SAKURAAA!" Tomoyo Screamed!

The car which ran into Syaoran's took a fast turn and drove off, Rhys looked at Eriol. Eriol looked back, angry, out of breath, and despair. Rhy's sprinted to his car, Chrissy after him and got in.

"What are you doing? I haven't got the time to piss around with you Chrissy!" Rhy's said starting the engine and putting his seatbelt on.

"I'm gonna help you sort this bastard out! HURRY UP!"

Syaoran lay there lifeless Sakura quickly glanced at his wounds, and grabbed his hand, "If you can hear me, Syaoran, squeeze my hand..."


"Syaoran! please! squeeze my hand!" Sakura asked him desperately, crying and fustrated. She felt a little wrap around her little finger. With a slight sigh of relief, she grabbed Syaoran's body read. "I'm gonna take care of you! okay!"

The grip tightened a little she smiled a little and then began to drag him out quickly to a side bank.

She wanted to keep his spirits up, "Ermm..., so I guess that Rhys' pancakes, really did suck huh, they did smell quite nice up to a certain poi..."


"NOOO! SAKURA! SYAORAN!" Tomoyo screamed and ran towards the car in despair! Eriol and held her back! Eriol lost grip of Tomoyo as she ran around to the side grassy bank and saw 2 pairs of legs. Eriol ran to his car, grabbed his phone and called 911.

Tomoyo dodging the flames ran down part of the bank and back up to where Sakura was sprawled across Syaoran's chest as lifeless as Syaoran. Tomoyo crying, dragged them both as far away from the car as possible. She kneeled crying at their feet as she climbed over them to feel both of their pulses.

Eriol came running round to see if they were alive.

"I think they're still alive, Pass me your shirt!" Tomoyo demanded, holding her hand out.

Eriol took off his top, despite all the other drivers on that road looking at him.

Tomoyo ripped it up and tied it around Syaoran's wounds to slow down the bleeding. Eriol kneeled down and looked at Sakura. She'd been knocked out and only had a few cuts and grazes just as Syaoran had too. His arms had been minorly slashed with glass but a shard of glass penetrated his bicep on his left right arm.

The fire brigade and ambulances arrived, and brought out 2 stretchers. The firemen told the Tomoyo and Eriol to move back as they put out the fire on the car. One of the paramedics starting asking for details. Eriol stepped urgently,

"Ermm..Yeah, the girl is called Samantha Grove and the bloke is called David Frylaw, Is Samantha allergic to anything Tina?"

Tomoyo stood frozen. "No she's not..."

The paramedic examined them both for any injuries and asked about the incident. Luckily they had non and their description was brief, the paramedic jumped into the back of the ambulance. Tomoyo and Eriol stood there looking at the ambulance doors closing and Sakura and Syaoran's bodies lying there.

Eriol went back to his car, Tomoyo running after him and they both sat in the car for a second.

"What was that about! what are they going to do when they find out they don't exist?" Tomoyo started interrogating Eriol. Eriol was inputing a number into his phone..

"Josh, I'm gonna need Syaoran's fake health record and another one for Sakura, as soon as fuc..."

"Why what's happened?"

"Syaoran's been in a car crash and Sakura got injured badly too! LOOK! I need them to be in the hospital computer system in the next 10 minutes, and the paper work in 20 can you get that done? we'll sort you out after. Yeah, the names Samantha Grove and David Frylaw, alright Bye." He put the phone down. "We've gotta get out of here as soon as possible. Follow me, we'll drive back to mine..."


"So we can change cars, this one would ask for more questions from authorities! So we'll just go in a basic car we have just in case."

Tomoyo shot into her car and followed Eriol. They arrived back at the house, locked up their cars and both went in the basic silver peugeot 307 and drove extremely quickly to the hospital. Tomoyo phoned Chrissy

"Where are you Chrissy!"

"We've been following the bastard, he keeps taking lots of different turns, all leading to the same place...WOAH! Tomoyo, gotta go, we'll be at the hospital in about 25! bye".

Tomoyo put the phone down, and both of them got out of the car once they had reached the hospital, locked it and ran as fast as they could to the hospital.

"They're still chasing after the guy, WHY THE HELL WOULD THAT GUY WANNA DO THAT! you got anyone who hates you?"

Eriol looked at Tomoyo "Lots of people, the people we've beaten in races are the people who hate us!"

Tomoyo smiled slightly. And continued running to the front desk.

"Hiya, which ward is Samantha Grove and David Frylaw in please?" Tomoyo said tapping on the desk and Eriol sweating waiting for the receptionist to say they were in a ward.

"Ermm..Just give me a second.."

Tomoyo's tapping became harder and Eriol became shifty.

"Ermm... there doesn't appear to..."

Eriols eyes widened, and Tomoyo started slapping the desk at this point, and sweating too.

"AH! David Frylaw is in Ward 3C and it appears that Samantha Grove...is...also there" The receptionist said with a smile.

"Thanks!" and they both ran off to the ward. Getting lost and confused with the wards, "Here!" Tomoyo pointed and opened the door to a dimly lit room and both Sakura and Syaoran lying there, attached to wires and machines, lifeless and scratched and bruised. Tomoyo held onto Eriol and brought him into the room...

The silence was eery, as if it wasn't Sakura and Syaoran in this room. Tomoyo and Eriol were both expecting them to start being cheeky and funny... But the room was filled with a relaxed silence.

The doctor opened the door and shook both Tomoyo and Eriols hands. "I appear to have a problem, we cannot find the file records for these two people, are you friends of these two?"

Eriol in shock, Tomoyo spoke out "Yes we are, these are definitely Samantha and David, but we've never really had to come here for treatment, so maybe you've misplaced them?"

A guy down the corridor walked into the room.." Excuse me, I think you dropped these, they were on the this ledge." He saw Syaoran, then looked at Eriol "HOLY! I mean that Looks.Pretty.bad...They'll both be fine if they know you're here..."

"Ah thank you! Here they are, Our mistake sorry, let me just have a look then..."

Eriol and Tomoyo's eyes were transfixed on the male leaving the room looking at them.

'Thanks Josh' Eriol thought, their attention was drawn to if it was a successful fake.

"I see no problem and they have no allergic reactions to anything, that's fine... Could you perhaps wait outside...?"

Tomoyo and Eriol got up "Sure no problem..." went outside, got a coffee and sat down.

"I can't believe that this has all happened...They should be fine right?" Tomoyo pleaded to Eirol.

"They're both extremely strong, we'll just find the guy who did this...They'll be back up in no time."

Tomoyo looked at Eriol, then her vision altered to two figures coming up the corridor, It was Rhys and Chrissy.

"Hey guys..." Glumly, Eriol shifted so they could have a seat. "They're in there...They're alive, just waiting now, what did you find?"

"Well...We followed him and he was being shifty, we followed him to this house and took pictures" Rhys went into his pocket to get them out. "He went to here..."

Tomoyo gasped and Eriol's eyes widened.


All of a sudden, their heads alerted to the continuous beep coming from Ward 3C.

..."Excuse me! WE'VE GOT AN ARREST IN WARD 3C!" EXCUSE ME!" Doctors and crash teams rushing with equipment down the coridoors into the room Sakura and Syaoran were in, they shut the blinds and closed the door.


Chrissy, Eriol Tomoyo and Rhys stood in a line, looking at the blinds. Listening to the attempts to revive someone.

Listening to the second time...

Listening...to the third time,... a few muffled words were said and then a different doctor open the door looking sorrowful...looked at the 4 standing.

He approached them... all shaking. All in disbelief, denying it could be them. Rhys started to cry and the Tomoyo fell to the floor, Eriol sat with his head in hands and Chrissy stunned, crying.

"I'm sorry..."

Well, I hope you enjoyed it. The next chappie will be very soon... :)

I thought I'd start on again as I've got time off now, Still, please review and let me know what you thought :D


Zeeky Boogy Doog!