The Mistakes We Make

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed.

Summary: The new future that Chris had strived to create is now here, except for one thing. The new Chris doesn't know anything about magic. It's all hidden from him, but yet he knows something is going on. When something happens, will the Halliwells regret not letting Chris know about magic?

A/N: Please note that this story has nothing to do with my other one, This Changes Everything. It's completely different. Please forgive me for bad spelling and grammar errors.... I hope that you enjoy it!


"Are you sure that you want to do this Piper?"Leo Wyatt asked his wife, Piper Halliwell. The two were in their room, talking quietly.

Piper nodded. "I want what's best for him. After all, Chris did die to give a better life for us all."

"But he'll find out,"Leo said, looking towards the door.

"That's why we will bind his powers,"Piper responded. She was really set on this. "He's only a year and a half so he won't remember these things."

Leo sighed. "Alright. But I think that this is a bad idea. What if a demon attacks him?"

Piper shook her head. "They won't. I've thought about this a lot Leo. I want my baby boy to have a normal life. Wyatt will never have one because he is twice-blessed. Chris isn't as powerful as he is, so he can actually have a normal life. After all that's happened lately, I want him to grow up as normally as he can."

"Then tell me how everything is going to work." Leo was starting to be convinced, Piper knew, but she still had to talk to him. To tell him all of her plan.

"Right now, I'm making three potions. One to bind his powers. The second to unbind them when I feel the time is right. And the third to block his presence from demons. He should be safe. From now on, everything magical will be done in the attic. I'll use a Power of Three spell to have demons only go in there. Chris won't be allowed up in the attic so it will be perfectly safe. Whenever we have to go vanquish demons, Dad will come over. I'll fill him in. Wyatt will know about magic and help us as well as Paige and Phoebe and their kids, if they want that. I know that it will work out."

Leo sat there for a few minutes, weighing all that Piper had said into his mind. He then smiled and nodded. "Alright. This is for Chris. He'll have a better life."

Piper smiled as tears formed in her eyes. She hugged Leo. "Thank you,"she whispered. "At least one of them can live like they should."

So, with the plan finally being decided, it had to be put into motion. Piper, Paige, and Phoebe quickly created the potions, gave the first and third to Chris, and put protective spells on the Manor. Everything that had to do with magic was moved up into the attic, which was soon locked. Victor had been told about the plan. Although he did not agree with what they were doing, saying that this wasn't what the other Chris would have wanted, he agreed to watch Chris.

Piper felt that she was making the right choice. After all, the Chris that had come back from the future to stop Wyatt from becoming evil, wanted a better future. And with Chris not knowing a thing about magic, Piper just knew that her son would have loved this future.

Little did Piper or her family know that demons still knew of Chris. Even though they couldn't attack the boy right now, they were waiting for the day that he would become open for their evil purposes, whatever they were.

A/N: Short, I know, but it'll get longer. Please review!