Seto walked into the mansion annoyed with himself. He hadn't seen Kari since she ran off, which was in the morning. He walked up the stairs and saw Kari's blazer outside her door. He walked over and picked it up then slowly opened the door and peered in. The curtains were shut and it was dark. Seto entered seeing more clothing on the floor- her shirt, skirt, bobble and her shoes, but where was she? He looked over to the bathroom and seeing the light on he walked over.

"Kari?" He looked in. She wasn't there. The room was steamy so she was there recently. He looked and found a note on the mirror.

I remember everything, I have to go to sort something out, but I'll be back…someday.

Love Kari


That was Kari's unmistakable handwriting. But where did she go? What did she have to do? And when will she back? Seto rolled his hand into a fist and hit the mirror.

First a few days passed, Seto stopped working at home. Then a few weeks passed, Seto stopped going to work and Mokuba had to care for the company. Then a few months passed, Seto lost all hope of Kari ever coming back and locked himself in his room. He stopped eating and sleeping, he just laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling.

It had almost been a year since Kari's accident. Mokuba eventually made Seto get out of his room and eat. Soon Seto was back to his cold self and was back at work. He didn't bother to hire another assistant, he figured she'd be sweet and innocent like Kari was, pestering him every five minutes to see if he wanted something…god he loved how she did that…He looked at the calendar on his laptop. It was their one year anniversary in a week. Would she come back in time for it? Or had she forgotten about him and Mokuba? He sighed and closed his laptop. He sat back staring into nothing. The door flew open and Mokuba raced in.


"I'm busy…" He mumbled

"You're staring into space…" Mokuba raised a brow "Anyway check this out!" He turned the TV onto the news. Seto turned and watched.

"50 scientist were arrested in the early hours of this morning when an anonymous tipster called the FBI" The reporter started "It seems the scientist once worked for Gozoburo Kaiba, the original owner of Kaiba Corp. Records show that Gozoburo Kaiba hired these scientist-that are professionals in DNA reconstruction-to experimented on a young girl but the experiment was cancelled, the whereabouts of the girl-who would be a teenager now-is unknown"

"So?" Seto grunted

"Who else knows besides you about that?"


"C'mon Seto put the pieces together!"

"So she's alive, who's to say she's coming back?"

"Seto…" Mokuba looked disappointed

"Sorry little brother, but we can't keep our hopes up anymore"

Mokuba slowly nodded and looked back at the TV. A police officer was being interviewed.

"Well it seems the tipster left a calling card" He held it up "Apparently they're called 'The Black Hawks'"

Seto turned off the TV.

"There it wasn't her"

"But it might have been!" Mokuba argued "We didn't know anything about her"

"Enough on this now Mokuba" He snapped at his younger sibling

"Ok Seto…"

A week passed and it was the day of their anniversary. Mokuba sat on the stairs looking at the door hoping that Kari would walk in and greet him with that warm smile of hers and a hug. Seto looked at his brother from the kitchen and sighed. He didn't think Kari would return and knew Mokuba would be upset. His trail of thought was interrupted by a screech of tires coming from the bottom of the drive. He and Mokuba ran outside in time to see a black van pull up. A man got out and walked up to Seto.

"I represent The Black Hawks" He started "And want to apologize for the danger we put Mokuba in one year ago today"

"About time" He grunted "Why did you do it?"

"We needed to get some information from you, but when that failed our back up plan was our secret agent, Kari"

"What!?" Seto's eyes widened

"But when that accident happened it all went 'flop' as it were"

Seto was shocked for a moment but found his voice again.

"Is that it?"

"No, we came to return something to you" He snapped his fingers and the side door slid open. A girl with black hair dressed in a black halter top, black pants, black army boots, black trench coat and black shades stepped out. (a lot of black huh?) She walked over to Seto.

"Remember me?" She smirked

"No I don't" He snapped coldly

"Seto that anyway to treat and old friend?" She took off her shades reveling her blue eyes

"Kari!?" Seto's jaw dropped

"Kari!!" Mokuba hugged her

"Hey Moki" She hugged him back "Miss me?"

Mokuba nodded and let go so she could walk closer to Seto.

"Did you miss me?" She tilted her head cheekily

"No" He frowned

"Oh…well…this visit was pointless then…" She put her shades back on and walked back to the van, playfully messing up Mokuba's hair as she walked past. "Take care of him Moki…"

"Kari why are you going?" Mokuba grabbed her hand

"Seto doesn't want me here…the deal I made with these guys was that if Seto didn't want me back I'd leave for good…I'm sorry…" She pulled her hand from his

"Seto stop her!"

Seto clenched his fist not knowing what to do.

"Seto please!" Mokuba shook him

"Wait!" He finally said

"Hm?" Kari looked back at him, she already had one foot in the van

"I…She…" He couldn't get the words out. He walked over to her, pulled her shades off and kissed her. When he eventually pulled back he looked deep into her eyes. "You're staying here whether you like it or not" He grinned and kissed her again.

Yea the story finishes suddenly buti was running out of idea'! Review pretty please!